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Published byGavin Golden Modified over 8 years ago
www. pdst. ie Welcome to the Teachers New to Leaving Certificate Applied Development Day
www. pdst. ie 9.30 – 9.40 Welcome & Introductions “What you want out of the day” “Questions on post-its (to be referred to in the plenary if not dealt with throughout the day 9.40 – 10.10 Overview of LCA “Walk through” LCA Teacher’s Handbook – pages 1 to 17 10.10 – 11:00 Overview of Module Descriptors etc And other subject specific details to be filled in here 11:00– 11.15 Break 11.15– 11.45 LCA Chief Examiners Report 2014 and LCA inspections (hard copy of summary only provided) Overview of the SSE Teaching & Learning Framework (summary provided) 11.45 – 12:45 Active Learning in LCA “Walk through” LCA Teachers Handbook – pages 18 to 42 1.00 – 2.00 Lunch 2.00 – 3.00 Active Learning in LCA Practical applications of PDSTs Active Learning Toolkit for LCA teachers 3.30 – 4.00 Reflection/Q & A Administration Draft Programme
www. pdst. ie LCA Administration Base Clare Education Centre, Government Buildings, Kilrush Road, Ennis, Co. Clare. Phone: 065-6845504 Fax: 065-6842930 E-mail: Website:
School-Self Evaluation Teaching & Learning Framework; 6 Step SSE Process; gathering, collating & analysing relevant data; implementing the SIP for literacy, numeracy and any other area of teaching & learning. Integrating ICT eAssessments & ePortfolios – Mahara, Google Apps for Education... ePlanning & Collaboration – Google Apps for Education..... Tablet Technology Integration – Effective use, pedagogy...... Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) – Google Classroom, Edmodo SSE – On-line tools for gathering, collating & analysing relevant data Visual - Visualisers, Animoto, Wordle, Tagxedo, Photo-story.... Auditory – Audacity, Vocaroo, Audioboo...... Reading comprehension – Freerice, Studystack, Quizlet...... Kinaesthetic – Tarzia, Cube Creator...... Subjects /Programmes & Generic Support Health & Wellbeing – PE, SPHE, mental health, anti- bullying and promoting the welfare & protection of students Junior & Leaving Certificate subject support & planning JCSP, TY, LCA & LCVP programme support School planning (policies) Co-operative learning ICT for teaching & learning Differentiation/mixed ability teaching PDST Websites (portal for resources) (on-line courses) (ITE student awards) PDST Leadership Programmes Misneach.....New Principals Tánaiste.......New Deputy Principals Tóraíocht.....Aspiring Leaders accredited by Maynooth University Forbairt.......Experienced Principals & ALNs Spreagadh...NAPD & PDST collaboration Overview of PDST Post-Primary Supports for Leading Learning in the 21 st Century Models of support: whole staff days (circular 002/2014), Croke Park hours, subject departments/groups of teachers/co-ordinators (circular 0043/2014) It is essential to fill out the on-line application form @ www.pdst/schoolsupport in order for your application to be considered Numeracy SSE & strategies for implementing problem solving, estimation, a common approach to maths language and a numeracy rich environment across the curriculum. Assessment for Learning (AfL) Learning outcomes/context of learning/success criteria; effective feedback; questioning; Bloom’s Taxonomy; self and peer- assessment strategies e.g. rubrics. Gaeilge Tacaíocht do mhúineadh & foghlaim na Gaeilge, Féinmheastóireacht Scoile chomh maith le tacaíocht lán Gaeilge a sholáthar do scoileanna san airneál lán ghaelach agus Ghaeltachta. Literacy SSE & strategies for improving oral language, writing, reading comprehension, and the use of broadcast /digital media across the curriculum. Just give handout for reference back at school
www. pdst. ie Just give handout for reference back at school
www. pdst. ie PDST Support for LCA teachers Face-to-Face One full day seminar for teachers new to LCA course modules One full day seminar for teachers new to LCA student tasks Two full day seminars for new LCA co-ordinators (Sept & Jan) School Visits (on request) - Network groups/clusters Workshops at the PDST/LCANA National Event Other elective workshops e.g. embedding ICT in LCA are being developed in 2015/16 PDST will collaborate with SESS to support teaching and learning with special needs in the LCA context
www. pdst. ie PDST Support for LCA teachers Online E-mail – Newsletter – monthly updates Website – - resources & Scoilnet Portal – sharing resources/ideas Being developed in 2015/16 Video demonstrations and vignettes of good practice LCA Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) e.g. Edmodo Courses on – e.g. e-portfolios and active learning methods
www. pdst. ie Overview Leaving Certificate Applied
www. pdst. ie LCA Programme statement and Outline of Student Tasks LCA Chief Examiners Report 2014 Module Descriptors Module Codes and Allocation of Credits SEC Timetable Circulars LCA Curriculum Framework Overview/Summary LCA Leaflets – Overview & PRT PDST Active Learning Toolkit NCCA Assessment Toolkit Key Documents & Resources available @
www. pdst. ie YEAR ONEYEAR TWO Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4 Sept – JanFeb - JuneSept - JanFeb - June SEC Calendar of Events & Co-ordinator Folder will be sent to schools in the Autumn
www. pdst. ie
It is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing learners for adult and working life. It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past. It offers learners specific opportunity to prepare for and progress to further education and training. What is the Leaving Certificate Applied?
www. pdst. ie Learners who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Certificate programmes. Learners who choose not to opt for those programmes. Who would benefit most from the Leaving Certificate Applied?
www. pdst. ie 1.Prepares learners for the demanding transition to adult and working life. 2.Recognises talents of all learners - programme responsive to aptitudes, abilities, needs and interests. 3.Provides opportunity to develop in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge. 4.Develops communication and decision making skills. 5.Helps learners achieve a more independent and enterprising approach to learning and to life. Rationale for LCA
www. pdst. ie student centred curriculum personal and social development integration and cross curricular links team work literacy & numeracy development active teaching/learning methodologies reflectioncommunity links Key Underlying Principles
www. pdst. ie School Management LCA Co-ordinator Learning Support Career Guidance HSCL Co-ordinator Tutor/ Year Head
www. pdst. ie StrengthsChallenges OpportunitiesRisks Internal/External Teaching the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme in our school…
www. pdst. ie (Exam = 10 Credits
www. pdst. ie LCA Curriculum Vocational Preparation Vocational Preparation & Guidance English & Communications Vocational Education Mathematical Applications Vocational Specialisms* (Choose 2 from 11 options) Information Communication Technology General Education Arts Education (Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts) Social Education Languages (Gaeilge and French/Italian/German/Spanish) Leisure & Recreation (including Physical Education) Religious Education Science
www. pdst. ie 1.Engineering 2.Technology 3.Childcare/Community Care 4.Graphics and Construction Studies 5.Craft and Design 6.Agriculture/Horticulture 7.Hotel Catering and Tourism 8.Hair and Beauty 9.Office Administration and Customer Care 10.Active Leisure Studies 11.Information and Communications Technology Vocational Specialisms Choose 2 From 11 Options
www. pdst. ie The two vocational specialisms outlined below are follow-on courses to the introductory courses shown in brackets and may only commence once these introductory courses have been completed. Information and Communication Technology (Introduction to Information and Communication Technology) Active Leisure Studies (Leisure and Recreation) Note:
Course Name Modules availableMust be takenPossible electives Vocational Prep & Guidance 1183 English & Communication 440 Mathematical Applications 440 Vocational Specialism Students may take up to 4 elective modules in any of the vocational specialisms that they are not being examined in. Introduction to IT220 Arts Education927 Social Education660 Modern Languages22 Students may take elective modules in other languages. An Ghaeilge220 Sign Language All four modules may be taken by deaf students instead of Modern Languages and Gaeilge. Modules 1 & 2 may be taken as electives by hearing students. Leisure & Recreation321 Religious Education44 Science44 Elective modules may be selected as follows:
www. pdst. ie Certificate awarded at 3 levels Pass120 - 139 credits60-69% Merit140 - 169 credits70-84% Distinction170 - 200 credits85-100% LCA Certification Students who acquire less than 120 credits or who leave the programme early will receive a “Record of Experience”.
www. pdst. ie LCA Modes of Assessment Satisfactory completion of modules + 90% attendance Evidence of completion of 4 key assignments for each module One credit per course module in which there is a final exam Two credits per course module in which there is NO final exam 62 credits 31% 7 Student tasks @ 10 credits each70 credits 35% Final examinations68 credits 34% Total200 credits 100% Vocational PreparationVocational Education (x2)General Education Contemporary IssuePersonal ReflectionPractical Achievement English & Communication Vocational Specialisms (x2) Languages (x2) Social Education Mathematical Applications 12 credits12 credits each6 credits each10 credits
www. pdst. ie Layout of Module Descriptors Cross-curricular Links Rationale Number and sequence of modules Description of Modules General Recommendations Modules Purpose Prerequisites Aims Units o Learning Outcomes o Teacher Guidelines Key Assignments
www. pdst. ie Key Assignment
www. pdst. ie are a number of learning experiences that have been selected from the module as being of key importance; they are printed at the end of each module in the module descriptors; you CANNOT make up your own; ALL four must be “satisfactorily completed” at the end of EACH module but are not judged in terms of marks or grades. Key Assignments:
www. pdst. ie Evidence of key assignments can be presented in a variety of forms e.g. written, visual, artefact, photograph, video, audio etc. All key assignments need to be stored until the appeals process for the relevant session is over, however: o evidence of key assignments may be required during inspections; o LCA students may use their key assignments to revise for the final exams. Therefore it is advisable to store all key assignments until all appeals and exams are over. Evidence & Storage of Key Assignments
www. pdst. ie Each session credits are given for modules which have been satisfactorily completed on both 90% attendance and evidence of 4 key assignments for the specific module. Two credits Per course module in which there is no a final exam One credit Per course module in which there is a final exam Accreditation of Key Assignments
www. pdst. ie Credit Records It is essential to keep a record of attendance for EACH MODULE New LCA co- ordinators will receive training on the on-line SEC tool for submitting results and a video will go on website also
www. pdst. ie Task Credit%Completed in session Assessed 1.General Education Originating in Arts Education, Leisure & Recreation, Language or Social Education 1051Jan/Yr 1 2. Vocational Preparation Originating in either Vocational Preparation & Guidance or English & Communication 1052May/Yr 1 3. Vocational Education - 1 st specialism Originating in one Vocational Specialism 1052May/Yr 1 4. Vocational Education - 2 nd specialism Originating in the second Vocational Specialism 1053Jan/Yr 2 5. Contemporary Issues Anchored in Social Education 1053Jan/Yr 2 6. Practical Achievement Generally out of school/centre 1053Jan/Yr 2 7. Personal Reflection Statement 1 from year one will be stored and returned to SEC when statement two is complete 105on-goingMay/Yr 2 Summary of Tasks
www. pdst. ie Definition A practical activity by which learning is applied to… Types of Tasks The development of a product The investigation of an issue The provision of a service The staging of an event Purpose Vehicle for curriculum integration of as many courses as possible Student Task
www. pdst. ie Substantial piece of work 10 hours activity per student excluding the report Individual task or group task - Individual report on each task - Relevant - Achievable within the time frame Task Criteria
www. pdst. ie 1.Title 2.Statement of Aim 3.Action Plan 4.Research Activity Undertaken 5.Execution of the Task 6.Presentation and Analysis of Findings 7.Statement of Learning Outcomes 8.Evaluation of the Student’s own contribution 9.Integration Across the Curriculum Assessment Criteria for Task Report
www. pdst. ie Requirements Evidence of task completion Individual task report Individual presentation of task at interview with external examiner appointed by the SEC NB – ALL teachers play a role in preparing students for their interview through effective and differentiated oral questioning in class throughout the entire year. Assessment of Tasks
www. pdst. ie AreaCredits English & Communication Oral and written incorporating audio visual 12 Vocational Specialisms (x2) Practical and written – practical briefs issued in advance (see next slide for details) 12 each Languages (x2) Oral and written incorporating aural 6 each Social Education Written incorporating audio 10 Mathematical Applications Written – research topic (Q. 2. issued in advance) 10 Total68 Final Examinations
www. pdst. ie 1.Information and Communications Technology 2.Engineering* 3.Technology* 4.Childcare/Community Care* 5.Graphics and Construction Studies* 6.Craft and Design* 7.Agriculture/Horticulture* 8.Hotel Catering and Tourism* 9.Hair and Beauty* 10.Active Leisure Studies* 11.Office Administration and Customer Care* Vocational Specialisms *Practical performance assignment briefs circulated to schools/centres in March *Design briefs circulated to schools/centres in Jan
www. pdst. ie Opening up New Options The Leaving Certificate Applied Route Map Leaving Certificate Applied (QQI Level 4) Vocational Preparation Vocational Education General Education Further Education Post Leaving Certificate Course (QQI Level 5 & 6) SOLAS Apprenticeships Further & Higher Education (QQI Level 7 & 10) Careers
www. pdst. ie Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
www. pdst. ie LCA Chief Examiners Report 2014 Hard copy of introduction and summary provided for perusal on the day, for full details go to LCA Inspectors Recommendations PDF available @ RECOMMNEDATIONS
www. pdst. ie The PDST is funded by the Teacher Education Section (TES) of the Department of Education and Skills (DES) and is managed by Dublin West Education Centre Fís Foghlaim Forbairt This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence. © PDST 2014 SSE – Teaching & Learning Framework
PDSTs Active Learning Toolkit Active Learning Boards Role Cards “Graphic Organisers and other Literacy, Numeracy and AfL Strategies in Teaching & Learning”
www. pdst. ie BeforeAfter Anticipation Guide Pre-reading comprehension strategy AfL strategy – evidence of learning Page 19
www. pdst. ie Reflect on page 23
www. pdst. ie Formative Assessment is when students are actively involved in their own learning Emphasise page 25/26 Balance between formative and summative Activities that support on-going assessment are Active Learning Strategies NCCA Assessment Toolkit assessment assessment Assessment
www. pdst. ie Assessment for Learning: Key Elements 1.Learning Intention and Success Criteria 2.Effective Feedback 3.Effective Questioning 4.Self-assessment - students as owners of their own learning 5.Peer-assessment - students as instructional resources for each other Assessment for learning strategies need to be phased into practice over time. AfL Assessment for Learning – A Practical Guide 2010 p38
www. pdst. ie Literacy – key points Page 28 - 30
www. pdst. ie Resources – Definition – page 33 Reflection on how you can support the development of numeracy skills in your subject area – page 35 Problem solving and other strategies – page 37 and Graphic Organiser Book Numeracy – key points
www. pdst. ie Facilitator to choose relevant pre, during and after reading comprehension strategies to model and discuss................. Adapting generic methods to subject specific areas
www. pdst. ie Module Descriptors Cross-curricular Links Rationale Number and sequence of modules Description of Modules General Recommendations Modules Purpose Prerequisites Aims Units o Learning Outcomes o Teacher Guidelines Key Assignments
www. pdst. ie Subject specific sessions……
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