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NOTES Sunday, Oct 9, 2016 Rejoicing while Suffering (PHIL. 1:12-18) Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and by walking with Him we can experience joy even during.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTES Sunday, Oct 9, 2016 Rejoicing while Suffering (PHIL. 1:12-18) Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and by walking with Him we can experience joy even during."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTES Sunday, Oct 9, 2016 Rejoicing while Suffering (PHIL. 1:12-18) Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and by walking with Him we can experience joy even during times of suffering and trials. Paul shows us that life in the Spirit during terrible circumstances does not have to result in your joy being stolen but in fact your joy can be increased. NOTES Sunday, Oct 9, 2016 Rejoicing while Suffering (PHIL. 1:12-18) Joy is a fruit of the Spirit and by walking with Him we can experience joy even during times of suffering and trials. Paul shows us that life in the Spirit during terrible circumstances does not have to result in your joy being stolen but in fact your joy can be increased. Paul being in prison has served to advance the Gospel (vs.12) This advance is seen in 3 ways: 1)Through the imperial guard (vs.13) 2)Through the local church (vs.14, 16) 3)Through envious preachers who were preaching out of rivalry (vs. 15, 17) If Christ is proclaimed, than we can rejoice (Vs. 18) a)Rejoice in the advancement of the Gospel during suffering b)Rejoice in the advancement of the Gospel over self c)Rejoice in the advancement of the Gospel because of God’s powerful Word Paul being in prison has served to advance the Gospel (vs.12) This advance is seen in 3 ways: 1)Through the imperial guard (vs.13) 2)Through the local church (vs.14, 16) 3)Through envious preachers who were preaching out of rivalry (vs. 15, 17) If Christ is proclaimed, than we can rejoice (Vs. 18) a)Rejoice in the advancement of the Gospel during suffering b)Rejoice in the advancement of the Gospel over self c)Rejoice in the advancement of the Gospel because of God’s powerful Word

2 REFLECT, PRAY, APPLY Questions for Personal Reflection & Home Group Study REFLECT / DISCUSS 1)Why are there obstacles in the advancement of the Gospel? Have you experienced any? 2)As much as possible, put yourself in the shoes of one of the imperial guard soldiers who was chained to Paul. What would have stood out to you about Paul? 3)What if a deacon/pastor/missionary was thrown into prison for preaching the gospel. How would that change you? Your small group? Our church? 4)What does it say about Paul’s attitude in regards to those preaching the gospel out of rivalry and envy towards him? (Philippians 2:1-11) 5)Reflect on Galatians 5:16-26. What does walking in the Spirit have to do with joy? APPLY 1)Bring up the gospel in a normal conversation this week. (1:14) 2)Rejoice in the proclamation/advancement of the Gospel. 3)Remind ourselves that we need to have the mind of Christ. Do nothing out of selfishness or envy, but live lives of humility as Christ humbly came. Memorize Philippians 2:1-18 PRAY 1.Thank God for the Holy Spirit with whom we can have joy in any circumstance (Galatians 5:22, 23) 2.Pray for those in our church who are going through trials. Pray for not only deliverance, but also for a joy to proclaim Christ. 3.Pray for boldness to preach the word without fear REFLECT, PRAY, APPLY Questions for Personal Reflection & Home Group Study REFLECT / DISCUSS 1)Why are there obstacles in the advancement of the Gospel? Have you experienced any? 2)As much as possible, put yourself in the shoes of one of the imperial guard soldiers who was chained to Paul. What would have stood out to you about Paul? 3)What if a deacon/pastor/missionary was thrown into prison for preaching the gospel. How would that change you? Your small group? Our church? 4)What does it say about Paul’s attitude in regards to those preaching the gospel out of rivalry and envy towards him? (Philippians 2:1-11) 5)Reflect on Galatians 5:16-26. What does walking in the Spirit have to do with joy? APPLY 1)Bring up the gospel in a normal conversation this week. (1:14) 2)Rejoice in the proclamation/advancement of the Gospel. 3)Remind ourselves that we need to have the mind of Christ. Do nothing out of selfishness or envy, but live lives of humility as Christ humbly came. Memorize Philippians 2:1-18 PRAY 1.Thank God for the Holy Spirit with whom we can have joy in any circumstance (Galatians 5:22, 23) 2.Pray for those in our church who are going through trials. Pray for not only deliverance, but also for a joy to proclaim Christ. 3.Pray for boldness to preach the word without fear

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