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North England Conference Rebuilding the Walls, Rebuilding People, Restoring Relationships, Inspiring Excellence. (Ephesians 4:1-13)

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Presentation on theme: "North England Conference Rebuilding the Walls, Rebuilding People, Restoring Relationships, Inspiring Excellence. (Ephesians 4:1-13)"— Presentation transcript:

1 North England Conference Rebuilding the Walls, Rebuilding People, Restoring Relationships, Inspiring Excellence. (Ephesians 4:1-13)

2 Sun, 15 Dec 2013 2

3 How to Choose & Interpret a Text


5 Question & Answers How can we develop our speaking voice? How can we develop our speaking voice? How important is breathing for preachers? How important is breathing for preachers? What do we mean by using “good language”? What do we mean by using “good language”? What is the first step in preparing a sermon? What is the first step in preparing a sermon? How many parts does a sermon outline have, and what are they? How many parts does a sermon outline have, and what are they?

6 The Bible is the Inspired Word of God. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God. God has revealed Himself to humanity. God has revealed Himself to humanity. God has used various means to communicate. God has used various means to communicate. God has breathed into human, inspired them. God has breathed into human, inspired them. God also selected and preserved that truth. God also selected and preserved that truth. The same Spirit of God is necessary to interpret. The same Spirit of God is necessary to interpret. There is safety in Scriptura sui ipsius interpres. There is safety in Scriptura sui ipsius interpres. There is need for consistency and integrity. There is need for consistency and integrity. 6

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21  Study the way the Bible itself interprets symbols.  When studying natural objects, note their natural qualities.  Study the context.  Avoid speculation or arbitrary meanings that come from your own head and not from Scripture. 21

22  Think first of the story’s natural meaning.  Note the occasion of the parable if the occasion is given.  Find the main teaching, the central point.  Check the meaning with the direct teaching of Scripture.  If there are any problems in understanding the story, get what light you can from the cultural and historical background. 22

23  Note the details, or features, of the allegory.  Note the interpretation given for any of the features.  Consider other features, seeing if a likely meaning can be derived from other passages.  Do not try to identify all the features. 23

24 What did we learn today? 5 Rules for Selecting a Biblical Text 5 Rules for Selecting a Biblical Text 8 Rules for Interpreting a Biblical Text 8 Rules for Interpreting a Biblical Text What is Hermeneutics What is Hermeneutics 6 Basic Principles how to do Biblical Interpretation 6 Basic Principles how to do Biblical Interpretation 4 Stages of Biblical Interpretation 4 Stages of Biblical Interpretation Special Problems Special Problems

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