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SIGNS IN MATTHEW MATT Signs in Matthew Signs are indicator of something else Signs in Matt. 8-9 are to show God’s spiritual solution for spiritual.

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2 Signs in Matthew Signs are indicator of something else Signs in Matt. 8-9 are to show God’s spiritual solution for spiritual sickness in fulfillment of Isaiah 53 (8:17 and 9:36) Structured arrangement of 3 groups with 3 signs and a figurative statement in each 8:1-22 8:23-9:17 9:19-38

3 Matthew 8:1-22 Cleansing of the leper “I am willing” Jesus touched him Healing of the centurion’s servant “just say the word and my servant will be healed” Healing of Peter’s mother-in-law He touched her, and she served Him V.16-17 “with a word” quoted Is. 53:5 V. 18-22“Let the dead bury their own dead”

4 Matthew 8:23-9:17 Jesus calms the storm “obey Him” Jesus exorcises the demons “Go” Jesus heals the paralytic “authority to forgive sins” Matt 9:12 “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.” V.15 “The bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.”

5 Matthew 9:18-38 Jesus raises the girl from the dead Jesus heals the blind men Jesus exorcises the demon from the mute V.36 Isaiah 53:6 our spiritual need The Lord was moved with compassion Matt 9:37 “The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Jesus suffered to heal us spiritually

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