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Language for Learning Making Marking Meaningful High Expectations Teaching Learning & Assessment ‘GOOD IN ALL CATEGORIES’ OFSTED 2016 Parents’ Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Language for Learning Making Marking Meaningful High Expectations Teaching Learning & Assessment ‘GOOD IN ALL CATEGORIES’ OFSTED 2016 Parents’ Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language for Learning Making Marking Meaningful High Expectations Teaching Learning & Assessment ‘GOOD IN ALL CATEGORIES’ OFSTED 2016 Parents’ Information Evening 27 th June 2016 Mr Daniels – Head of Year

2 Language for Learning Making Marking Meaningful High Expectations Teaching Learning & Assessment ‘GOOD IN ALL CATEGORIES’ OFSTED 2016 Sims Learning Gateway

3 Password must meet complexity requirements Settings Not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters Be at least six characters in length Contain characters from three of the following four categories: – English uppercase characters (A through Z) – English lowercase characters (a through z) – Base 10 digits (0 through 9) – Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %) Complexity requirements are enforced when passwords are changed or created.

4 Parent User Guide

5 User Guide

6 Head of Year Overview of 2015/16 Attendance – Currently 96.26% Punctuality – Currently 1.67% Anti-Bullying team/School Council/Green Team Sport Teams Performing Arts Clubs UK Maths Challenge Sports Relief Fundraising Event

7 The Golden Rule We expect all students to follow our GOLDEN RULE: Shirley High School students are expected to show consideration and respect to all members of the school and local community at all times. So that we have a Safe, Happy and Successful school


9 The ABC to Success Our school ethos is based on the ABC to Success Quite simply ……. Our students will be successful if they focus on the following areas: – Attendance – Behaviour – Commitment


11 Attendance and Punctuality The biggest barrier to achievement at school is non- attendance and poor punctuality. Students are expected to achieve 96% attendance in an academic year. (This means no more than 8 days off in the whole year.) Students are expected to have less than 3% lates in an academic year. (This means no more than 6 late arrivals to school in the whole year.)

12 Attendance and Punctuality Students should aim to be in school by 8.15am but by 8.25am at the very latest. They will be marked late if they arrive to their form room after the 8.30am bell and their names are recorded by the SLT member of staff on duty at the gate. You will receive texts from school if your child is not registered during morning registration.

13 Attendance and Punctuality Communication is key in ensuring that the school is aware of any absence for your child. The attendance office should be contacted on the first day of absence and then every subsequent day. On return to school an absence slip (available to cut out from your child’s student planner) should be completed and handed in to their form tutor or direct to the attendance office.


15 Behaviour Good behaviour in and out of school is important please support your child in this area. Your child will be rewarded for good behaviour in school via our rewards system. You can see what rewards your child is receiving via the student planner and letters home. Poor behaviour disrupts teaching and learning as well as students’ social time out of the classroom. Sanctions in line with our behaviour policy will be used to address behaviour breaches. Our behaviour policy is on the website and behaviour rules and procedures are in the student planner.

16 Behaviour Behaviour out of school is equally as important. We expect our students to conduct themselves appropriately and not engage in anti social behaviour that may bring our school into disrepute. Sanctions will be applied to any student involved in anti social behaviour out of school. We have been asked by the Police to remind parents that children should not be in Croydon Town Centre after school unless they have a valid reason to be there or they are are accompanied by a responsible adult, as there are dispersal orders in place which they will enforce.

17 Bullying We take bullying VERY seriously however we can only address it when we know about it. Bullying should ALWAYS be reported (to the form tutor in the first instance). Cyber bullying is a serious issue! Legally, students should not have Facebook, Twitter etc accounts until they are 13. We ask you to enforce this for their own safety, check what your children are accessing and use parental controls as appropriate for their age.

18 Mobile Phones We do not allow mobile phones in school. This rule has not changed. If seen they will be confiscated. Students may use the office phone if they need to contact home urgently. If there are exceptional circumstances for having a mobile phone, then a letter outlining this must be written to the Headteacher.

19 Uniform – main points Our uniform is supplied by Hewitts of Croydon. We ask you to follow the school uniform policy to ensure uniform is consistent throughout the school. If there are any changes you will be officially informed. Our skirts and trousers colour is mid grey. This will be strictly enforced from September. Please ensure your child’s skirt / trousers is the correct colour and style to avoid the unnecessary expense of replacing incorrect items. Plimsolls and trainers are not part of the school uniform and are not permitted. This will be strictly enforced from September. Hair accessories should be plain navy, black, grey or white only. We do not allow excessive makeup, coloured nail polish, extreme hairstyles or jewellery. Please note: We do not allow piercings at all, even if covered with plasters. Students will be asked to remove piercings, irrespective of when they have had them done.

20 NAMING YOUR CHILD’S POSSESSIONS PLEASE NAME / LABEL YOUR CHILD’S PE KIT UNIFORM, AND ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT!! Our students lose stuff and if it is named it can be found and identified more quickly. Sew in name tags, iron on name tags, permanent marker - whatever you wish. Lost property items are usually handed into reception or the medical room. PE kit may be handed into the PE office.


22 Are your children ready to learn? Students are expected to have their planner with them at all times. They must be produced immediately if requested by any member of staff. The planner is the simplest form of home/school communication. Please check and sign it weekly and contact your son/daughter's form tutor if you have any concerns. Students are expected to have a school bag that is of reasonable size to fit in their planner, pencil case, personal reading book, other school books as required and any other equipment that they may need for school. Being unprepared for lessons wastes valuable learning time for everyone. Students must get into the habit of having good personal organisation.

23 Pencil cases are compulsory not optional! All students must have a pencil case containing: Pens (at the very least - 2 x black, 2 x green, 2 x red) Pencils x 2 (minimum) Rubber Pencil sharpener Ruler Glue stick

24 Homework Please support your child in completing their homework to the best of their ability and on time. Details of homework / hand in dates / overdue items etc can be checked on SLG. All students have the option of completing their homework at Homework Club which runs daily from 3.00 – 4.30pm and is staffed by Student Support Assistants, on hand to help where required. Computer facilities and printers are available also. The homework schedule is on the website.

25 Particular events to be aware of as your child transitions from Year 9 to Year 10 Some actual GCSE exams – Science Work Experience - July Acting prefects – Summer Term

26 Expectations We expect ALL our students to be successful and achieve their potential by the time they leave Shirley High School at 18 years. This can only be achieved if we all (students, staff and parents/carers) work together. Please do email me on daniels@shirley if you have any questions, queries or concerns.

27 Thank You Nothing Less Than Good

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