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 Setting for Maths and English is used throughout the juniors as it enables teachers to effectively meet the needs of different ability groups.  Next.

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3  Setting for Maths and English is used throughout the juniors as it enables teachers to effectively meet the needs of different ability groups.  Next week, in year 3 children will be placed in Maths and English sets.  Placement in sets will initially be decided upon by the year 2 teachers. This is based on continuous assessment results from year 2 and teacher’s knowledge of the children.  Placement in sets is very flexible.We continually assess the children and if we feel their requirements would be better met in another set then they may be moved during the year. All children will receive teaching appropriate to their needs through differentiation. This means that each and every child is able to reach their full potential whichever set they may be placed in.

4 Number Club and Table Squares The children will be sent how a number club test on an alternate Friday to complete at home. They will then be tested on the same test in school on the following week. Table squares are completed in sets and it is important for the children to learn their times tables.

5 Spanish Extreme Survival Analysing Data Moving monsters Rocks and Soils Materials Patterns WWI New beginnings Videoing Performances Animal Magic Islam

6 Homework Homework is sent home every Friday. It must be completed and returned to school by the following Wednesday.  Children will receive Maths and English homework each week. Maths will be Number Club on alternating weeks and related to lessons on the other weeks. English may be work focused on grammar and punctuation or related to the topic they have studied in class that week.  Spellings will be given every week or two weeks- Spelling tests will be on a Thursday. The children will learn spelling patterns such as how to add ‘ing’ to a word. They will not be tested on the words they have been sent home, but other words with the same spelling pattern. However, some children may be sent home exact words to learn. Children will be sent home with a book and their Red Reading Record each week, and sometimes with a follow-up task which should be completed.  Children will also receive some homework linked to art, science, history etc.

7 Homework continued…  You will be sent home a sheet summarising the homework for each set and class.  The children will have a homework book in which to complete written homework. Sheets do not need to be stuck in, unless indicated by the teacher.  If your child loses their homework we keep spare copies in the cloakroom –please do help yourself.

8 Reading books Guided reading  Your child will bring home a guided reading book once a week.  The teacher or teaching assistant will write a short comment in their diary about their reading and any follow up work they may need to do. Please listen to your child read at home and let us know how they got on by writing a comment in their reading diary. This doesn’t have to be done every time but please sign and date when you’ve heard your child read.  Books must be kept in the children’s bag on a daily basis. We would encourage you to read as often as you can with your child at home- including reading at bed time. As well as fun, it is a nice calming activity. Free Choice book In addition children will bring home a free choice book on Fridays.This is entirely the child’s choice of book so may be significantly harder or easier than their reading book! Please return each week.

9 Bookworm challenge Bookworms is a reading challenge for the Juniors. The children can achieve their bronze, silver, gold and platinum award. The children have to read a book and complete a book review. They have to read and write a review for a set number of books for each award. There are certain authors children need to read in each year group in order to progress. Certificates and awards given in the celebration assembly on Fridays.

10 Pencil cases Children are not allowed to bring pencil cases to school. Everything they will need is provided by school. Pencil cases are required in Year 5 and 6.

11 Positive rewards system:  Raffle tickets  House points  Certificates  Stickers  Praise pads home  Show work to HT/DHT  Verbal +written comments  Golden tokens –class rewards Sanctions: Verbal warning Football pitch Name in behaviour book Referral/ Room for thought Communication with Parents

12 Uniform Please ensure all uniform is named particularly jumpers/cardigans, coats, pumps and shoes. (Also name water bottles please) The children move classes throughout the day and items often get left behind! We always seem to have mountains of lost property and most of it is not named. We have an area in the cloakroom for lost property so please do take a look if you have lost something. We are currently short of art aprons –if possible please provide an old shirt for art/DT activities (named)

13 P.E. kits Indoor wear White T-shirts Red shorts Black pumps Outdoor wear Sweatshirt Tracksuit bottoms and a zip-up top or hoody Trainers Please ensure all P.E. kits are named (bags too!) and that children have their full P.E. kits in school everyday! The children use their trainers for playing on the field and on the trim trail during the day.Please provide trainers with Velcro or teach your child to tie laces if necessary! Year 3 swimming

14  Once in the juniors, children are no longer provided with free fruit.  However, they can bring a piece of fruit or a healthy snack for break time if you wish.  Milk and juice is provided to those who have pre- paid. Again,you can provide children with some juice if you wish.  Toast is available to purchase by the children each day, to be eaten at break time. The cost is 25p. Please provide the correct amount as we have no access to change.  Children can also purchase fruit pots and milkshakes for 30p

15 Extra Curricular clubs Clubs may take place before school, after school or during lunch time. Karate /French /instrument lessons (payment required). Chess (Fridays after school) Football, table tennis, netball Gardening Choir Art + craft clubs Some clubs may have limited places. In this case places will be allocated on a first come basis. Further details will be given by the teacher in charge.

16 Before and After School We are trying to develop the children's independence and would like them to organise their own coats and bags at the beginning and end of the day. Any messages please pass on to TAs on the door in the morning and these will be passed on to class teachers immediately. If you would like to see the class teacher please arrange a meeting with the TA on the door.

17 Last but not least.... We are here to ensure your child has a successful and happy year. Please do come and see us if you have any concerns and we will always do our best to solve any problems you or your child may have.

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