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Mrs. Boleman’s English Carmel Middle School 300 S. Guilford Avenue Carmel, IN

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Boleman’s English Carmel Middle School 300 S. Guilford Avenue Carmel, IN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Boleman’s English classes bboleman Carmel Middle School 300 S. Guilford Avenue Carmel, IN 46033 846-7331

2 ASSESSMENTS/GRADES Common Reading Assessment = 30% Writer’s Workshop Paper = 30% Focus Standards & Other Work = 30% Word Within a Word Vocabulary = 10% Late work accepted without penalty within reason! Please help your child stay on top of work by using the Cougar Caper and homework websites. Homework is posted in each classroom.

3 Reading (30%) One common assessment for the district per quarter Skills taught through a core text  Several weeks spent practicing standards while working with the core text before final assessment Utilize both fiction and nonfiction texts to rigorously cover all Indiana Common Core standards Each core title per quarter is consumable  Students keep and should write in these texts

4 Writer’s Workshop (30%) Lucy Calkins’ Writer’s Workshop (K-8 program in CCS) Skills taught through mini-lessons and multiple pieces of writing (in class and some writing at home) Not all pieces are polished. Students will revise many times and take one final piece through the writing process  Several weeks spent practicing standards while working with the standards & writer’s craft before the final assessment  Standardized common rubric used for grading Students will write expository, narrative, and argument

5 Other (30%) A few common standards expected to be covered each quarter per district  Designed by individual teacher Any homework, quizzes, etc. teacher designs for learning  Number of grades in this category will vary anywhere from 4-10 assignments per quarter Complete list of 6 th grade Indiana Common Core Standards

6 Word Within a Word (10%) Greek & Latin stem program 25 stems per quarter Honor’s class 100 stems per quarter Any homework, quizzes, or test(s) the teacher designs for learning  Number of grades in this category will vary anywhere from 3-6 assignments per quarter

7 CMS Grading Scale A 93-100 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 F 0-59 We do NOT round up on the report cards! 89.9 = B+ Extra Credit is NOT given at Carmel Middle School!

8 CLASSROOM RULES EACH STUDENT WILL: 1. SHOW RESPECT! Use the CMS life skills to be a respectful citizen towards others (students and teachers) and other people’s property 2. BE RESPONSIBLE! Do all homework on time Bring all materials to class Arrive to class on time Ask for help when needed 3. WORK HARD! Put the best effort possible into being an excellent student Try his/her best towards any challenge that arises  Gum will be allowed in this classroom unless it becomes a problem!

9 CLASSROOM CONSEQUENCES 1. Verbal Warning from the teacher 2. Lose an EX-Buck 3. Parent Notification (from either teacher or child!) 4. Buddy room to cool down/paperwork Students who cause severe disruptions and/or break a school rule may be LOGGED according to the CMS Cougar Code and/or suspended from class and sent to the office immediately. Logs are records kept in our CMS computer discipline system for teachers/administrators to review WHAT’S An EX-BUCK???? Ask your child to explain how he or she can earn and lose EX-Bucks & PLEASE DONATE!

10 AWARDS & INCENTIVES Raffle using Ex-Bucks Starts fresh each quarter Donations needed! Candy Gum Cougar Respect Cards CMS Positive Behavior Recognition Program

11 Communication 1.Grades will be updated weekly – please get in the habit of sitting with your child and checking your child’s progress on MyCCS (CMS does not send out progress reports!) 2. Homework is posted for the week on my website as a reference – students should use their Cougar Caper regularly to record homework assignments

12 BYOD All of Carmel Clay Schools are a B ring Y our O wn D evice district  With parent permission  Students held accountable

13 Tardy to School & Absences All students tardy to school must be signed in at the office Report absences to the front office by 8:00 am (571-4072) Check the teacher websites for work missed to catch-up from home If your child is absent for 2 or more days: - Contact us in the morning to have work left in the office Prearranged absences: send a note or call front office

14 Drop Off & Pick Up Any students dropped off before school should enter the main entrance (7:15 am or later)  Students WILL NOT be allowed inside the school until the bus bell rings (7:30 am)  If your child is late to school – check in at front office The parent pick-up line is also in front of the main entrance You can drop off items for students during the day at the front office

15 After-School Study Hall Media Center is open after school (Monday-Thursday) until 4:05 Two Teachers for supervision Computer lab available Late Bus leaves at 4:10 or parents can pick up from the front entrance No pass needed to stay

16 After-School Clubs Many clubs are offered after school for students to become involved in at CMS Listen for dates on the morning announcements or find list online

17 I’m looking forward to a fantastic year with your child!

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