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Welcome to Sidney Middle School This is how SMS teachers feel!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sidney Middle School This is how SMS teachers feel!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sidney Middle School 2016-17 This is how SMS teachers feel!

2 Office and School Matters Student Planner: Make-up slip, hall pass, homework organizer. One free, new one is $5 Parent Phone Calls, calls home must always be done in the office Lunch Money, Notes and planners stamped before school…yellow slip if we have to call! Do not come in school building in the morning until teacher is on duty… and then only in the 6 th grade door Band instruments to the band building. Period 1 band put stuff in lockers and then go to band. Lines entering building…at lunch today only, then closest door. Tylenol only between classes Cell phones off and in back pack

3 Sidney Public Schools Tech help 1. SMS Facebook page 2. IC to check grades 3 Schoolwires for lesson plans

4 Pop, Gum, Cell Phones, Skate Boards

5 No student in Sidney Middle School will knowingly possess, handle, carry, or transmit any weapon or dangerous instrument in any school building, on school grounds, in any school vehicle, or at any school sponsored activity. Such weapons include, but are not limited to, a firearm, a pellet or BB gun, a knife with a blade, or a belted sheath knife, a straight razor, ice pick, explosive smoke bomb, incendiary device, slingshot, blowgun, artificial knuckles, or any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon or dangerous instrument whether by threatened or actual use.

6 Student in Good Standing Good Standing Students must not have D’s or F’s, must have no more than 2 yellow “ behavior” slips per month, and must have good attendance each month. If you have good standing you might be able to do the following: Shooting hoops during study hall or at lunch Walking with a friend during study hall Board games or puzzles during study hall Drawing or crafts during study hall Computer time, movie Field trips E readers assemblies Off campus snack/lunch privilege


8 Assignment Purple Slips We use purple slips when students have missing work or have done their work poorly. Students must get the work taken care of within a certain amount of days or will be placed on the TTC list. (Time To Care). Students on this list will temporarily lose good standing…if they have it, and cannot attend sports practices, assemblies etc. Students will be in noon and after school study hall until work is taken care of.

9 Attendance Rules You must notify the office when you KNOW you ahead of time that you are going to miss school. (gymnastics, hockey, trips, etc.) Your parents MUST notify the office when you miss school unexpectedly by 9 a.m. in the morning. (safety concern!) Failure to do either of those may result in absence being unexcused and must be made up at Friday night, Saturday or Summer School. Better Attendance….Last year we missed 3171 days total! Goal for 16-17 Less Than 2,500

10 3or 4 MINUTES BETWEEN CLASSES TARDY=Lunch or AFTERSCHOOL DETENTION 2 per quarter—no coupons this year— we will keep track in office. Once you use your “two free passes” you will make up the time.

11 Always Unexcused Include but aren’t limited to: Hair, Nail Appointments during school time Sleeping In/Oversleeping Babysitting a family member Missing the bus Going shopping Saying you are sick but are seen around town by staff member on the same day.  Staying home to do homework THESE ABSENCES WILL BE MADE UP AFTERSCHOOL, Summer School or Friday night/Saturday School

12 After School Tutoring: Began Tonight Monday -Thursday Students who have French or Tech Ed…when we don’t have classes at the high school, go to French students go to Mrs. Averett’s room (your history teacher.) Tech Ed students go to Mrs. Nevins Room (level 3 math teacher). First class is tomorrow. Ask a teacher or student to help you find the class.

13 Other Reminders: Sports-Physicals Cross Country---boys and girls Volleyball Football Cheerleading

14 Student Council Builders Club Noteworthy Jazz Band CLASH STAND Others….

15 Staff Introductions

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