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The Korean Educational System Korea Society, New York August 7, 2013.

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1 The Korean Educational System Korea Society, New York August 7, 2013

2 The Confucian underpinnings Korea adopted the Chinese style Confucian examination system in the early Koryo (Goryeo) dynasty, tenth century. The system became perfected in the Choson (Joseon) dynasty (1392-1910). The exam became the single most important route to power, prestige, and wealth – a government position.

3 Thus entered the age of the scholar-official. Passing the exam was the sole objective of every yangban man, and The sole objective of the educational system was passing the exam.

4 High officials


6 Traditional education The texts were the Confucian classics. The exam was drawn from the classics. There were village schools County schools Private academies And the National Academy and Shrine





11 School and shrine

12 Sunggyun’gwan

13 Temple layout, too

14 At the village schools Education would begin in the village. The best scholar in the village would teach the beginnings of the classics, “The 1000 Character Poem” “The Little Scholastics” “The Great Scholastics” “Mencius” “The Analects” Brighter students would go on to either the county school (hyanggyo) or the private academy (sowon)

15 The National Academy The Seonggyungwan (on the site of today’s Sungkyunkwan University) A school (“university level” – state sponsored) And a shrine (wherein the spirit tablet to Confucius, his four disciples (Mencius and 3 others), the 16 Chinese sages, and the 18 Korean sages.

16 The Scholar Official The goal was to be a scholar-official Examples: Yi Hwang (Master Toegye) Yi I (Master Yulgok)




20 Traditional to Modern In the modern education system, the emphasis on the exam is still supreme. The college placement exam is the most important – it will determine your fate for the rest of your life Therefore...

21 High school is serious business… Three keys to success Study

22 The “cram schools” The second and third year of high school become very intense. Cram school in the morning before school School Cram school after school No Friday night basketball or football game No prom, no dates, no nothing

23 Third-year high school mothers The mother is responsible to see that the high school student studies Gets up early to pack three lunches – Eats one after morning cram school, before school – Eats one for lunch – Eats one after school before evening cram school

24 Student leaves home before 6 am; gets home after 11 pm. Mom gets up at 4:30 or 5:00 to pack the three lunches.

25 Results One of the best educational systems in the world. Near 100% literacy High school graduation rate 97% “The education miracle preceded the economic miracle.”

26 Problems The system is criticized from both sides – for being too western, modern, on the one hand; And for being too traditional, on the other. Expensive Demanding Not balanced

27 Which leads to a large number of students leaving Korea to study in the U.S., England, Australia, New Zealand, (the English-speaking world), but also China, Japan, Germany etc.

28 Future More of the same Somewhat uncertain – Reforms? – Tradition?

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