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Year 6. To share important information about KS2 SATs. To answer any questions about KS2 SATs. Discuss / share ideas about how you can help your child.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6. To share important information about KS2 SATs. To answer any questions about KS2 SATs. Discuss / share ideas about how you can help your child."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6

2 To share important information about KS2 SATs. To answer any questions about KS2 SATs. Discuss / share ideas about how you can help your child at home. Aims of the Session

3 Standard Assessment Tests Provide assessment information for ourselves, the Local Authority and Ofsted Assign National Curriculum levels to children before they leave primary school – sets expectations for future progress and achievement SATs

4 Level 2 – these children will not be entered for the tests Level 3 – below age related expectation Level 4 – age related expectation Level 5 – above age related expectation Level 6 – Gifted and Talented (Most Able) National Curriculum Levels at Year 6

5 Last Year’s Results 100% achieved level 4+ in Writing (National 78% ) 100% achieved level 4+ in Maths (National 85%) 100% achieved level 4+ in reading (National 86%) 97% achieved level 4+ in Grammar & Punctuation (National 76%) 30% achieved level 5 in writing (National 30%) 60% achieved level 5 in maths (National 41%) 3% achieved level 6 in maths (no national figures) 67% achieved level 5 in reading (National 52% ) 38% achieved level 5 in Grammar & punctuation ( National 47%) Children making at least 2 levels progress in Reading, Writing and Maths through Key Stage 2: 97%

6 A timetable is issued to school, telling us on which days/sessions tests must be administered. All children must sit the tests at the same time. Test papers can only be opened 1 hour before the tests begin. Tests are completed in classrooms, with any displays that may help covered over. Some children will have special arrangements in order to access the test. SATs Week

7 SATs Timetable

8 Reading test Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test Teacher assessment of a variety of writing English

9 New last year: Pupils have an hour to read a variety of texts and answer a set of questions following each text. There will not be a link between the texts. The test is one hour long. Children are allowed to refer to the reading booklet during this time. There are a variety of different questions to be answered in different ways Children cannot have any adult help in this test. Reading

10 A number of pieces of writing from throughout the year are assessed to inform the final level. One third of schools are moderated by the Local Authority. Writing

11 Skills in four key areas in Year 6:  spelling  vocabulary  punctuation  grammar The test will takes one hour to complete. This year the results of this test will be combined with the reading and writing to provide an overall English level. Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

12 This is an orally delivered, taped assessment. The mental mathematics test has a subject weighting of 20%. A mental mathematics test. Two written test papers - Test 1 and Test 2 New last year: both maths papers are to be completed without the use of a calculator. There is an hour to complete each test paper. Maths

13 Completing the Maths Test Some questions are worth one mark and therefore accuracy is important. Other questions are worth two marks and even if the answer is wrong, a mark may be given for correct working. Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked.

14 Now your turn!

15 What Are We Doing? Focussed lessons Differentiated booster groups for maths and literacy every Wednesday Additional booster groups for target level 4 and target level 5 to start after term Booster/pre teaching group before school 1:1 intervention with Mr Hirst Small group work with Mrs Mars Homework/study books Extra support/help where needed Teaching assistant support Test preparation/experience Keeping things in perspective!

16 Special Arrangements Additional Time Reader Scribe Support for remaining on task Time out

17 Receiving the SATS results Results come back to school at the end of June/beginning of July. At this time your child’s class teacher will meet with your child to tell them how they have done. Results will also be sent home in the annual school report. Teacher assessments will be provided in the annual report.

18 Supporting with homework, completing SATs study guides. Making sure all homework is handed in on time. Encourage practising timestables, multiplying and dividing by 10/100/1000, reading for pleasure and accessing the many fun revision games on the internet. (bbc bitesize, sumdog etc) Good communication between the school and home. Ensure your child is well rested. Provide your child with bottled water for the test. How Can Parents Help?

19 Useful Websites w Username: F12289_27 Password: CFF13

20 English SATs papers and mark schemes: Maths SATs papers and mark schemes: Links to Test Papers and Mark Schemes

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