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CH. 5 EUROPE’S LATE MIDDLE AGES. KNIGHTHOOD AND CHIVALRY  Chivalry - knights code of honor  Not all knights were chivalrous  Practiced by hunting and.

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Presentation on theme: "CH. 5 EUROPE’S LATE MIDDLE AGES. KNIGHTHOOD AND CHIVALRY  Chivalry - knights code of honor  Not all knights were chivalrous  Practiced by hunting and."— Presentation transcript:


2 KNIGHTHOOD AND CHIVALRY  Chivalry - knights code of honor  Not all knights were chivalrous  Practiced by hunting and jousting  The better the knight, the better his social status.  The long bow made the knight obsolete.  Pledge of allegiance  God/Lord/Master  EDUCATION  Page => Squire => Knight  Dubbing


4 COAT OF ARMS  Heraldry  Teams / uniforms  Family lineage FEUDALISM - a system in which a free man binds himself personally to a lord, offering him loyalty and military service In return for protection and the use of property.

5 HUNDRED YEARS WAR 1338-1453  France vs. England  Who should be King of France?  England invaded France.  English King Edward = Nephew of French ruler.  LONG WAR - Long truces, winter, harvests.  ARCHERS gave England the advantage.

6 BATTLE OF AGINCOURT 1415 - French vs. English Last important English victory  French  Four times the size  Rested and fed  Battled for best ransom position  Disorganized English - Use of archers - Use of stakes - Organized and defeated a much larger army

7 JOAN OF ARC 17 YR. OLD PEASANT GIRL  Led by angelic voices.  Led France to several victories.  Helped to crown Charles VII the King of France.  Captured and burned at the stake.  Heresy and witchcraft.  Charles refused to pay ransom.  MARTYR - Became more powerful dead than alive.  United the French people together as a “nation” rather than fiefdoms.

8 TRADE AND TOWN  During the Crusades many new trade items were discovered.  Silk, spices, tapestries, sugar, etc.  Ships and traders brought goods back for profit.  allowed commoners an escape from serfdom.  Started as trade fairs => later evolved into towns.  Towns helped overcome winters and outlaws.

9 THE CRAFT GUILDS  People became specialized  (i.e.. Bakers, tailors, blacksmiths, tanners, tavern keepers, etc.)  Guilds were formed to:  Set standards.  Control prices.  Eliminate competition.  Look after members  Illness, trade.  Apprentice => Journeyman => Master Blacksmith Carpenter Shoe maker


11  Became the center for farmers.  London - Today >8 million -Then 50 000.  Castle & walls for protection.  Unplanned, crowded no plumbing, garbage, and sewage dumped.  Attractions - pageants, plays, bear baiting, and other ‘blood sports’. Bear Baiting

12 SOCIAL CHANGES  Money became as important as land.  The rise of the Middle Class would end feudalism. NEW FREEDOMS - do as they wish - marry who they please - serfs = freedom if live in city for 1 yr. plus a day. - Charters - allowed towns to govern themselves - usually run by the wealthy. NEW POWERS - the merchant guild became the most powerful. ($ from ships & trade) - Hanseatic League - protected trade routes and pressured leaders.

13 MEDIEVAL WOMEN  Lower status than men.  Even the church approved of this.  Had many children, worked fields, household chores, and died young.  Town women better off as earned money.  Wealthy women still inferior but with education and money their status would eventually increase slowly.

14 THE CHURCH IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES Still had great influence on the people.  RUMBLINGS IN THE FLOC  JOHN WYCLIFFE  Questioned the church.  Had no right to tell people what to believe  Translated the Bible  Criticized the Church’s wealth.  John Hus also criticized & was burned at the stake  CHURCH ARCHITECTURE RomanArchGothic Arch Flying Buttress

15 THE BLACK DEATH (BUBONIC PLAGUE)  1/3 of Europe would die from the disease.  Thousands of ghost towns.  Many felt a punishment by God.  Left a shortage of workers.  Spread from victim to victim through fleas on rats.  Symptoms.  Swollen lymph glands.  Dark blotches on skin.  High fever  Vomiting blood.  Hallucinations.  Die within one to three days.  Brought out the best & worst in people. Rats& crew on ships spread disease. Protection ?? Medieval towns were decimated.

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