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Systems Chapter 6 By: Ryan and Wobi. Allergic Reactions Occurs when the body’s immune system reacts to a harmless allergen (pollen, food, or animal dander)

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Presentation on theme: "Systems Chapter 6 By: Ryan and Wobi. Allergic Reactions Occurs when the body’s immune system reacts to a harmless allergen (pollen, food, or animal dander)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems Chapter 6 By: Ryan and Wobi

2 Allergic Reactions Occurs when the body’s immune system reacts to a harmless allergen (pollen, food, or animal dander) An allergy, is an over-reaction by the body to a particular antigen An allergen is a substance that produces an allergic reaction in an individual

3 Autoimmune Disorders An autoimmune disorder, is any of a large group of diseases characterized by a condition in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissues For example it mistakes healthy cells, tissues, or organs for antigens Appears to be genetically transmitted or occurs in women during childbearing years Is estimated 3% of Americans have an autoimmune disorder with women having been affected 2.7 more often than men


5 Viral Infection Viruses are very small infectious agents that live only by invading other cells After it reproduces Breaks wall of infected cell to release the newly formed viruses Virus spreads to other cells Process repeats


7 Viral Infection Cont. Types of viral infections include Influenza (flu) Measles rabies

8 Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Occurs when antibiotics fail to kill the bacteria they target When this happens the surviving bacteria become resistant to the particular drug So they mutate and become harder to kill This causes the illness to last longer thus, risks and complications, death increase

9 Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Cont. Originally when this happened you were hospitalized Has increasingly more common Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as MRSA, is one of the most common bacteria resistant to bacteria First symptoms look like small, red bumps with a black tops These bumps can become abscesses that require immediate care

10 Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Cont. MRSA infections are serious, difficult to treat, can be fatal, and often occur repeatedly as breaks in the skin allow the bacteria entry Have become increasingly present in the general population


12 Fungus and Yeast Infections A fungus is a simple parasitic organism Some of these fungi are harmless Others are pathogenic Tinea pedis or athletes foot, is a fungal infection

13 Fungus and Yeast Infections Cont. Yeast is a type of fungus An example of candidiasis, also known as yeast infection These infections occur on the skin or mucous membranes In warm, moist areas such as the mouth or genital area

14 Parasites A plant or animal that lives on or within another living organism at the expense of that organism Examples include: Malaria and Lyme disease Malaria: caused by a parasite that lives in mosquitos and is transferred to humans when bitten Lyme disease: caused by a parasite in a blacklegged tick


16 Study Question 1 How many Americans have autoimmune disorder? 3% of Americans suffer from an autoimmune disorder

17 Study Question 2 Name a type of viral infection Flue Measles Rabies

18 Study Question 3 True or False? Malaria is a type fungus False. Malaria is a type of parasite because it is transmitted by an animal/insect

19 Study Question 4 How many more times are women affected by an autoimmune disorder? 2.7 more times

20 Study Question 5 True or False? Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria has become increasingly more common among the general population? True

21 Lymphatic and immune system Ryan and wobi

22 Septic shock Condition that occurs when a bacterial infection overwhelms the body Pathogens are released by pathogens could produce tissue damage Mostly occurs to very young and old people

23 Question 1 Who usually gets Septic Shock? Very young and old people

24 Immunoglobulins Bind with specific antigens from antigen antibody response. Five primary immunoglobins are secreted by plasma cells a.k.a antibodies

25 Question 2 What's another name for the five primary immunoglobulins secreted by plasma cells? Antibodies

26 Antigen – Antibody reaction Antigen – substance that body sees as foreign. Examples – viruses, bacteria toxin, transplant tissue Antigen antibody reaction – a.k.a immune reaction. Binds antigens to antibodies. Labels potentially dangerous antigen so it can be destroyed

27 Question 3 What are some examples of antigens? Virus, bacteria toxin, transplant tissue

28 Antibody therapy Synthetic Immunoglobulins A.k.a. immune serum Used as post exposure prevention to viruses like rabies Synthetic interferon Used in treatment for multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C, and some cancers Monoclonal antibodies Any class of antibodies produced in lab Artificial produced antibodies used to enhance a patients immune system

29 Question 4 What are monoclonal antibodies? Any class of antibodies made in a laboratory

30 Immunosuppression A treatment that interferes with the immune systems ability to respond to stimulants by the antigen Immunosuppressant Substance that prevents/ reduces the body’s normal immune response Corticosteroid drug A hormone preparation used an anti – inflammatory and immunosuppressant Cytotoxic drug medication that kills or damages cells used as immunosuppressant or antineoplastic

31 Question 5 What is the job of the cytotoxic drug? damages or kills cells that are used as an immunosuppressant

32 Stages of breast cancer Stage 0 Cancer cells are found in one location Stage 1 Cancer cells have moved beyond the ducts and have not reached the lymph nodes Stage 2 Cancer has increased in size or has reached axillary lymph nodes Stage 3 Cancer has spread to cervical lymph nodes or tissues surrounding the breast, such as chest or skin Stage 4 Cancer has spread to other organs. Most commonly brain, lungs, liver, or bones. This is also known as invasive cancer

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