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THE MONTAGUES: 1.Lord Montague—wealthy nobleman of Verona and enemy to Lord Capulet 2.Lady Montague—his wife 3.Romeo—their son 4.Benvolio—Lord Montague’s.

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Presentation on theme: "THE MONTAGUES: 1.Lord Montague—wealthy nobleman of Verona and enemy to Lord Capulet 2.Lady Montague—his wife 3.Romeo—their son 4.Benvolio—Lord Montague’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE MONTAGUES: 1.Lord Montague—wealthy nobleman of Verona and enemy to Lord Capulet 2.Lady Montague—his wife 3.Romeo—their son 4.Benvolio—Lord Montague’s nephew, Romeo’s cousin and friend 5.Balthasar—Romeo’s servant 6.Abram—a servant Setting: Italy—the cities of Verona and Mantua. The 14 th century.

2 THE CAPULETS: 1.Lord Capulet—wealthy nobleman of Verona and enemy to Lord Montague 2.Lady Capulet—his wife 3.Juliet—their daughter, who is thirteen years old 4.Tybalt—Lady Capulet’s nephew, Juliet’s cousin 5.Old Man—elderly relative of the family 6.Nurse—servant who has cared for Juliet since infancy 7.Peter—the Nurse’s servant 8.Sampson—servant 9.Gregory—servant

3 OTHERS: 1.Chorus—actor who speaks directly to the audience to introduce the play 2.Prince Escalus—ruler of Verona 3.Count Paris—relative of the Prince and suitor to Juliet 4.Mercutio—relative of the Prince and Romeo’s friend 5.Friar Lawrence—Catholic priest of the order of Franciscans and a pharmacist 6.Apothecary—pharmacist in Mantua 7.Friar John—Franciscan priest 8.Page—servant to Paris 9.Officers and citizens of Verona, relatives of both families, maskers, officers, guards, watchmen, servants, and attendants

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