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The visit of Reunion island National Park The visit of Reunion island National Park Greetings from Reunion Island. We are in the second year of High School,

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Presentation on theme: "The visit of Reunion island National Park The visit of Reunion island National Park Greetings from Reunion Island. We are in the second year of High School,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The visit of Reunion island National Park The visit of Reunion island National Park Greetings from Reunion Island. We are in the second year of High School, Literature section. We are 28 in the class. We decided to visit the “National Park” and went to “Notre Dame de la Paix” at La Plaine des Cafres with 3 teachers and two guides in order to learn a bit more about our natural heritage. They explained to us the evolution of the island from its birth until today. 1. The Natural Park protects the landscaped heritage 2. The Natural Park promotes the unique and fragile biodiversity 3. Reunion national park is nominated for UNESCO World heritage

2 Point of view and botanical track

3 The Natural Park protects the landscaped heritage From the point of view of « Notre Dame de la Paix », we could see the « Rivière des Remparts » which is a long and deep canyon. After a huge collapse, erosion has continued to work. The river is one 60 000 years old.

4 Reunion Island is a young volcanic island, only 3 millions years old,composed of lava flow. The crater has moved and nowadays it’s located on the “Piton de la Fournaise”. There was a collapse in 1965 due to erosion which threatened the population in Roche Plate village, but also upstream waters and deep rivers. In the foreground, we can see the village and in the background the “Bras de Mahavel”. It counts few inhabitants in “Roche Plate” they were 600 in the 19 th century.In Reunion island the relief is very chaotic and in constant evolution. The Natural Park protects the landscaped heritage West rempart The bottom of the Rivière des Remparts and Commerson's flow. Caron's Canyon

5 The Natural Park promotes the unique and fragile biodiversity The National Park of Notre Dame de la Paix was created on 5 th March 2007 to value and protect the natural patrimony of our island. It measures 10 500 acres. It is located between 1300 and 1700 meters of altitude and it is a protected example of the forest of “bois de couleurs des hauts”. Botanical track

6 It’s a beautiful and big park that emphasizes the unique and fragile biodiversity. The species we have seen in the park are not all endemic, the first ones came from Africa or Madagascar, by sea or with the rare birds, they germinated and grew on the island. Some of them transformed into particular ways, they call “Endemic Plants”. That’s why the protection of the island’s heritage is so important. For example the “Tamarin des Hauts” is an endemic plant The Natural Park promotes the unique and fragile biodiversity Tamarin des hauts, Acacia heterophylla

7 Despite the fact that they are protected by the National park, they are endangered. For example, in 2009, the staff of the National Park healed 2000 birds. In order to protect the park some rules were set up.The rules in the park are: no throwing wastes, no taking, plants, no poaching. The atmosphere in the botanical track is particular because many truncks are winding and lying. The Natural Park promotes the unique and fragile biodiversity Fleur jauneBois de Laurent Martin

8 Reunion national park is nominated for UNESCO World heritage The Reunion National Park is nominated for UNESCO World Heritage. The National Park was created in 2007. There are 9 of them in France and one in Guyana. It represents 44% of the total surface and most of it is located in the island center. It aims to protect the fauna and flora threatened by poaching and pollution. Invasion species and fires are also responsible for the damage done to the primary forest. Night-time lights draw the birds away from their nests as a result they get lost and die. It's an original island constructed by volcanoes and formed by collapses and erosion. Many landscapes such as « Le Mont St-Michel », « La Muraille de Chine », « The Niagara Falls » belong to this organization. Reunion Island was chosen for its exceptional beauty, it can be a way to develop tourism. It is an important recognition and it is a quality label.

9 We enjoyed this visit since we discovered new things about our island. We understand how important the nature is and that we need to protect it. Besides now we have a better understanding of how the landscape was formed.

10 We would like to thank the animators and the teachers. Parc natural's animators : - Miss Payet - Mr Leveneur Teachers : - Miss Bourdis (English) - Miss Grondin (history and geography) _ Mr Marsoudet (Sport) Photographers are two pupils Fish Constance and Vitalis Kevin and a teacher Miss Grondin Patricia. Map extract from the Regional Reunion Council Report laid out by Grondin patricia Written by the 1ière L Saint-Charles High School. 2009/2010

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