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Mainline Association for Continuing Education Penn State Great Valley September 22, 2016 Troy Knott Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker with the John.

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Presentation on theme: "Mainline Association for Continuing Education Penn State Great Valley September 22, 2016 Troy Knott Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker with the John."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mainline Association for Continuing Education Penn State Great Valley September 22, 2016 Troy Knott Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker with the John Maxwell Team Growing Leadership Potential

2 Introduction No matter where you are in the leadership process, know this: you can learn to become a better leader. “The one thing you need to know about leadership is that there is more than one thing you need to know about leadership!” – John C. Maxwell While times change and technology marches forward, the principles of leadership are constant and stand the test of time.

3 Introduction 4 ideas to keep in mind about these leadership principles: 1.They can be learned Some are easier to understand and apply than others, but every one of them can be mastered 2.They can stand alone Each principle complements all the others, but you don’t need one in order to learn another 3.They carry consequences If you ignore them, you will be unable to lead well. If you implement them, people will follow you 4.They are the foundation of leadership Once you learn the principles, you have to apply them to your life to achieve your full potential as a leader


5 “Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The lower an individual’s ability to lead, the lower the lid on his potential. The higher the leadership, the greater the effectiveness. Your leadership ability—for better or for worse—always determines your effectiveness and the potential impact of your organization…To reach the highest level of effectiveness, you have to raise the lid on your own leadership ability.” – John C. Maxwell The Law of the Lid leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness

6 “The higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership. The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be. Whatever you will accomplish is restricted by your ability to lead others.” The Law of the Lid leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness Effective, competent or productive person without leadership or influence Person with same skills with the added ability to influence others – 600% increase in effectiveness

7 What is the lid number on your leadership? Character Charisma Commitment Communication Competence Courage Discernment Relationships Responsibility Security Self-Discipline Servanthood Teachability Vision Focus Generosity Initiative Listening Passion Positive Attitude Problem Solving Total ______ ÷ 21 = ______ The Law of the Lid leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness

8  Mentorship / Coaching  Mastermind Groups  Do something beyond yourself  Reflect on who has been a lid-lifter in your life What characteristics make them a lid-lifter?  Make a “stop doing” list Things you can do today to raise your lid  Value experience with reflection  Invest in training  Ask those closest to you to grade you on your lid  Review the 21 qualities and find where you can make the greatest impact by growing – work to your strengths


10 The Law of Influence the true measure of leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less Myths of Leadership 1. Management Myth 2. Entrepreneur Myth 3. Knowledge Myth 4. Pioneer Myth 5. Position Myth

11 The Law of Influence the true measure of leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less Why some people have greater Influence Character – Who you are – people can sense truth, integrity Relationships – Who you know – surround yourself with the right people Knowledge – What you know – study, learn, do your homework Intuition – What you feel – energy, morale, timing, momentum Experience – Where you’ve been – What challenges have you had in the past? Past Success – What you’ve done – have you taken risks and succeeded? Ability – What you can do – what are you capable of?

12 The Law of Influence the true measure of leadership is influence; nothing more, nothing less Living the Law of Influence Leadership is not title, position, power nor stature. 3 Questions Followers ask Leaders: 1.Do you care for me? 2.Can you help me? 3.Can I trust you? It’s all about relationships and adding value to others Lead from a “no leverage” position: Volunteer organizations (United Way, Salvation Army, Rescue Mission, Church, etc.) Lead your peers


14 The Law of Process leadership develops daily, not is a day  Leadership is like investing, it compounds What matters most is what you do day-by-day over the long haul  Leaders are Learners It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from their followers AN EVENTA PROCESS Encourages decisionsEncourages development Motivates peopleMatures people Is a calendar issueIs a culture issue Challenges peopleChanges people Is easyIs difficult

15 The Law of Process leadership develops daily, not is a day Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know I Know That I Need To Know I Know What I Don’t Know I Know and Grow and It Starts to Show I Simply Go Because of What I Know Leadership Growth

16 The Law of Process leadership develops daily, not is a day  Even a person with natural talent has to prepare and train to become successful.  What is your plan for growth? What steps will you take daily?  Plan and reflect daily. Look back over each day – who did you add value to? Did you miss opportunities?  What will you commit to daily? How do you eat an elephant?  Develop yourself inside-out first.  The secret of your success is discovered in your daily agenda. If you want to be a leader, the good news is that you can do it!!! Living the Law of Process


18 The Law of Addition leaders add value by serving others “The bottom line in leadership isn’t how far we advance ourselves, but how far we advance others.” “The best place for a leader isn’t always the top position. It’s the place where he or she can serve the best and add the most value to other people.”

19 The Law of Addition leaders add value by serving others We Add Value To Others When We... Truly Value Others  Effective leaders must value people and demonstrate that they care in such a way that their followers know it  Servant leaders should: be open, trustworthy, caring, offering their help, and willing to be vulnerable serve others before being served.

20 The Law of Addition leaders add value by serving others We Add Value To Others When We... Make Ourselves More Valuable To Others  What do you have to give others? Skills – you gained them through study and practice Opportunities – you acquired them through hard work Wisdom – you gained it by intentionally evaluating the experiences you've had  The more intentional you have been in growing personally, the more you have to offer.

21 The Law of Addition leaders add value by serving others We Add Value To Others When We... Know And Relate To What Others Value  Mature leaders value others by: listening to their stories learning about their hopes and dreams becoming acquainted with their aspirations paying attention to their emotions

22 The Law of Addition leaders add value by serving others We Add Value To Others When We... Do Things That God Values  God desires us not only to treat people with respect, but also to actively reach out to them and serve them. "The handshake of the host affects the taste of the roast." - Ben Franklin.

23 The Law of Addition leaders add value by serving others Living the Law of Addition  Adding value to others requires you to step outside your comfort zone  Add enough value to enough people and your effort multiplies  When you add value to people: you lift them up help them advance make them part of something bigger than themselves assist them in becoming who they were made to be.

24 The Law of Addition leaders add value by serving others Living the Law of Addition  Adding value to others through service allows the leader to experience the following: fulfillment in leading others leading with the right motives the ability to perform significant acts the development of a leadership team an attitude of service on a team.


26 The Law of Solid Ground trust is the foundation of leadership

27 Trust is like change in a leader's pocket Each time you make good leadership decisions, you earn more change Each time you make poor decisions, you pay out some of your change to the people

28 The Law of Solid Ground trust is the foundation of leadership To build trust, a leader must exhibit: “Character matters; leadership descends from character” Rush Limbaugh connection

29 The Law of Solid Ground trust is the foundation of leadership Character Communicates Consistency "You can't get too much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good." NBA star Jerry West Potential "No one can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character." British writer John Morley Respect “Leaders earn respect by making sound decisions, by admitting their mistakes, and by putting what’s best for their followers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas.” – John C. Maxwell Character makes trust possible Trust makes leadership possible


31 The Law of Respect people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves Ways to Gain Others’ Respect 1. Natural Leadership Ability  some people are born with greater skills and ability to lead than others  if you possess natural leadership ability, people will want to: follow you be around you listen to you become excited when you communicate vision.

32 The Law of Respect people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves Ways to Gain Others’ Respect 2. Respect For Others  when people respect you as a person, they admire you  when they respect you as a friend, they love you  when they respect you as a leader, they follow you 3. Courage  leaders are willing to stand alone  leaders are willing to do what's right  leaders are willing to risk failure, danger, and criticism

33 The Law of Respect people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves Ways to Gain Others’ Respect 4. Success  success is an attracter  people are drawn to accomplishments 5. Loyalty  followers respect leaders when leaders: stick with the team until the job is done (steadfastness) remain loyal to the organization when the going gets rough look out for followers even when it hurts them

34 The Law of Respect people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves Ways to Gain Others’ Respect 6. Value Added to Others  followers value leaders who add value to them  treat others as more important than yourself

35 The Law of Respect people naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves Treat others as more important than yourself. Six Qualities that help a leader gain respect: 1. Natural Leadership Ability leaders cannot rely on talent alone 2. Respect For Others true leadership is voluntary 3. Courage leaders are willing to stand alone. leaders are willing to do what's right. leaders are willing to risk failure, danger, and criticism 4. Success success is an attracter people are drawn to accomplishments 5. Loyalty most of us want instant gratification loyalty requires steadfastness 6. Value Added To Others this is the greatest source of respect Living the Law of Respect


37 The Law of Connection leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. "People can't go along with you until they get along with you" – John C. Maxwell Good leaders work at connecting with others all the time You develop credibility with people when you show them you genuinely care and want to help them. You can't move people to action unless you first move them with emotion – the heart comes before the head.

38 The Law of Connection leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand How do you connect with others? 1. CONNECT WITH YOURSELF Know who you are and have confidence in yourself Believe in yourself that you are a capable leader and trust yourself to make right decisions "Aspire" – Kevin Hall – a book that highlights 4 beliefs that help you connect with yourself: 1.I am worthy 2.I am capable 3.I am deserving 4.I trust myself

39 The Law of Connection leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand How do you connect with others? 2.COMMUNCIATE WITH OPENNESS AND SINCERITY Be authentic all the time 3.KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Speak to what other people care about, not just what you care about 4.LIVE YOUR MESSAGE Practice what you preach 5.GO TO WHERE THEY ARE Be attuned to others' culture, background, education, home situation, etc. Adapt to others; don't expect them to adapt to you

40 The Law of Connection leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand How do you connect with others? 6.FOCUS ON THEM, NOT YOURSELF You will always connect faster when your focus is not on yourself 7.BELIEVE IN THEM People's opinion of us has less to do with what they see in us than it does with what we can help them see in themselves 8.OFFER DIRECTION AND HOPE Help people get where they want to go and offer genuine hope along the way.

41 The Law of Connection leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand Food for Thought Leaders are initiators – they always take the first step Find times to make yourself available to people; learn their names; tell them how much you appreciate them The Result of Connection People exhibit loyalty and a strong work ethic The vision of the leader becomes the aspiration of the people

42 The Law of Connection leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand Living the Law of Connection  The first heart you have to touch is your own  You cannot lead others to places you've never been to yourself  Know your giftedness (purpose – God-given DNA) list your greatest successes list your disappointments or setbacks  Know your enthusiasm (passion) What are the things you do or would do regardless of pay? What makes you laugh, cry, and sing?  Live through your giftedness (purpose) and enthusiasm (passion): develop your plan – the executed combination of purpose and passion  True success is living your purpose with passion through a plan


44 The Law of the Inner Circle a leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him “Nobody does anything great alone. Leaders do not succeed alone. A leader's potential is determined by those closest to him. What makes the difference is the leader's inner circle.” – John C. Maxwell In 1885, the world series of Mule Team Competition was held in Chicago. The winning team of mules pulled 9,000 lbs The second place team of mules pulled slightly less They hitched the two teams of mules together How many pounds were they able to pull? 30,000 lbs

45 The Law of the Inner Circle a leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him 1.Do they have high influence with others? 2.Do they bring a complementary gift to the table? 3.Do they hold a strategic position in the organization? 4.Do they add value to me and to the organization? 5.Do they positively impact other inner circle members? Intentionally choosing your Inner Circle Why do we need a team?Nobody does everything well "You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things.“ – Mother Teresa

46 The Law of the Inner Circle a leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him  Always recruit with these traits in mind: Competence Character Chemistry  Never stop improving your inner circle  Everyone around you needs to be on a journey of growth  Be prepared to be an inner circle member for someone else Living the Law of the Inner Circle


48 The Law of Empowerment only secure leaders give power to others “Great things happen when you don’t are who gets the credit.” – Mark Twain Empowering leaders build others up, give them the right resources, authority, and responsibility; and then turn them loose to achieve their potential.

49 The Law of Empowerment only secure leaders give power to others Barrier #1: Desire for Job Security The fear of losing what you have Barrier #2: Resistance to Change Change is the price of progress Barrier #3: Lack of Self-Worth Your focus is on yourself. You worry about your looks, what others think of you and whether or not you are liked. BARRIERS TO EMPOWERMENT

50 The Law of Empowerment only secure leaders give power to others  Find strong leaders to empower  The main ingredient for empowering is belief  Belief will allow you to lift up, give freely, and support Living the Law of Empowerment


52 The Law of the Picture people do what people see Great leaders always seem to embody two seemingly disparate qualities: They are highly visionary (envision what's coming) They are highly practical (know what must be done) MAKING THE PICTURE COME ALIVE "You cannot ask those who work for you to do something you're unwilling to do yourself. It is up to you to set a standard of behavior.“ – Mayor Rudy Giuliani

53 The Law of the Picture people do what people see Leaders possess an understanding of how: Mission provides purpose—answering the question, Why? Vision provides a picture—answering the question, What? Strategy provides a plan—answering the question, How? MAKING THE PICTURE COME ALIVE Good leaders must communicate the vision clearly creatively continually

54 The Law of the Picture people do what people see The living picture followers see in their leader produces energy passion motivation MAKING THE PICTURE COME ALIVE Keep Going

55 The Law of the Picture people do what people see The primary example you set for your followers comes in the area of character. Followers are always watching. Work on changing not only your actions but also your attitude – start with you! The greatest gift a leader can give is being a good example. Leaders who send mixed signals have confused followers. Living the Law of the Picture


57 The Law of Legacy a leader’s lasting value is measured by succession What do you want people to say at your funeral?

58 The Law of Legacy a leader’s lasting value is measured by succession Know the legacy you want to leave most people simply accept their lives—they don't lead them "Someday people will summarize your life in a single sentence. My advice: pick it now!" DEVELOPING YOUR LEADERSHIP LEGACY Live the legacy you want to leave To have credibility as a leader, you must live what you say you believe You must become what you desire to see in others.

59 The Law of Legacy a leader’s lasting value is measured by succession Choose who will carry on your legacy Achievement comes when leaders do big things by themselves Success comes when leaders empower followers to do big things for them Significance comes when leaders develop leaders to do great things with them Legacy comes when leaders put leaders in position to do great things without them DEVELOPING YOUR LEADERSHIP LEGACY

60 The Law of Legacy a leader’s lasting value is measured by succession Make sure you pass the baton The best leaders lead today with tomorrow in mind by making sure they invest in leaders who will carry their legacy forward. DEVELOPING YOUR LEADERSHIP LEGACY

61 717.309.8454 Thank You! Troy Knott Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker with the John Maxwell Team

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