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CLASSICAL CHINA.  Three differing philosophies emerge during Warring States Period: Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism.  Qin Shi Huang di unites China through.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASSICAL CHINA.  Three differing philosophies emerge during Warring States Period: Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism.  Qin Shi Huang di unites China through."— Presentation transcript:


2  Three differing philosophies emerge during Warring States Period: Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism.  Qin Shi Huang di unites China through strong centralized government, harsh rule and standardization of policies  Long-lived Han dynasty conquers neighbors, promotes developments in agricultural, education, trade, technologies (silk/paper)  Ultimately destroyed from within through unequal social stratification

3  The Yangzi valley (south)  The longest river of China  Two crops of rice per year  Dependable and beneficial to farmers  Indigenous peoples of South China  Ancestors of the Malayo-Polynesians  Many assimilated into Chinese society  Some pushed into hills, mountains  Many migrated to Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand

4  Emerged in the central Yangzi region  Challenged the Zhou for supremacy  Adopted Chinese ways

5  Confucius (551-479 B.C.E.)  A strong-willed man, from an aristocratic family  Traveled for ten years searching (unsuccessfully) for an official post  Educator with numerous disciples  Sayings compiled in the Analects by disciples

6  Goal: To create moral rulers to bring order and stability to China  Stress ritual  Restore political and social order through formation of junzi - "superior individuals"  Well-educated and conscientious officials  Acted on behalf of greater good  High ethical standards  Able to deliver wise and fair judgements  Edited Zhou classics for his disciples to study

7 THE KEY CONFUCIAN CONCEPTS  Ren - a sense of humanity  Kind, courteous, respectful, loyal  Li - a sense of propriety  Behavior expectations change with situation  Xiao - filial piety  Preserves family and ancestral integrity  5 Relationships and xiao as basis of society  Confucian ideas adaptable and interpretive due to general ideas – no specific rules!

8 Confucian Scholar Official

9  Mencius (372-289 B.C.E.)  Principal spokesman for the Confucian school  Believed in the goodness of human nature  Rule thru ren - benevolence, peace, gentle  Utopian, but impractical  Xunzi (298-238 B.C.E.)  Served as a governmental administrator  Doubted goodness of human nature: people selfish, resistant to voluntarily supporting government  Rule through li – strict rules of conduct, moral education and harsh social discipline to “straighten warped wood”

10  Confucian focus on social activism impossible to attain  Daoism promotes philosophical reflection and introspection  Understand natural principles, live in harmony with them  Retreat from political world  Live simply as possible.  Laozi (founder) wrote the Daodejing  Zhuangzi, Daoist philosopher, wrote Zhuangzi

11 PHILOSOPHICAL DAOISM  Dao - The way of nature, the way of the cosmos  Opposites in balance, complementary  An eternal principle governing all workings of the world  Passive, yielding, does nothing, accomplishes everything  Tailor behavior to passive, yielding nature of dao  Ambition, activism brought the world to chaos  Return to natural existence to achieve balance

12 POPULAR DAOISM  A folk or religious form of Daoism; not philosophical  Emerged at end of Han Dynasty  Seek to master forces of natural, spiritual world  Many deities including immortals, which people venerated  Gods associated with natural cycles, agriculture  Many saints were patrons of certain occupations  Symbolized prosperity, happiness  Daoist priests were shamans, performed exorcisms

13  Disengagement from worldly affairs  Called for simple, unpretentious life  Live in harmony with nature  Advocated small state, self-sufficient community  Political implications  Served as a counterbalance to Confucian activism  Individuals often both Confucians and Daoists  Flourishes when society at peace, prosperous

14 The practical and ruthless solution to ruling.

15  The doctrine of statecraft (used by Qin)  Promoted a practical and ruthlessly efficient approach  No concern with ethics, morality, or the principles governing nature  Shang Yang (ca. 390-338 B.C.E.)  Chief minister of the Qin state  Ruthless policies summarized in The Book of Lord Shang  Executed by his political enemies after death of patron  Han Feizi (ca. 280-233 B.C.E.)  Student of Xunzi, he synthesized Legalist ideas/practices  Forced to suicide by his political enemies

16  State strength through agriculture and military force  Discouraged commerce, education, and the arts  Sacrificed self-interest of people for needs of state  Called for harsh penalties even for minor infractions  Advocated collective responsibility before law  Called “carrot and stick” approach in west  Not popular with the people, but still doctrine common to China

17  The Qin State and Dynasty  Located in west China and adopted Legalist policies  Encouraged agriculture, resulted in strong economy  Organized a powerful army equipped with iron weapons  Conquered other states and unified China in 221 B.C.E.  Qin Shi Huang di  King of Qin proclaimed himself First Emperor, 221 B.C.E.  Established centralized imperial rule  Held sons of nobles as hostages  Demolished nobles’ castles / forts  Connecting and extending barriers to create Great Wall  700,000 people worked on project; 100,000 killed

18  Policies of centralization  Standardization of laws, currencies, weights, measures  Standardized scripts: creates a uniform writing system that supports various dialects  Roads and bridges connect states  Resistance to rule handled with brutality  Bitterly opposed, especially by Confucian scholars  Buried 460 scholars alive because of their criticism against the Qin  Burned all books except few with utilitarian value  Tomb of the First Emperor  The tomb was an underground palace  Excavation of the tomb since 1974  Terracotta soldiers and army to protect tomb  The collapse of the Qin dynasty  Massive public works generated ill will among people  Waves of rebels overwhelmed the Qin court in 207 B.C.E.  A short-lived (14-year) dynasty, left deep marks in Chinese history

19 On a sheet of paper, please list the following: 1. The singular purpose of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. 2. How Confucianism affected the development of Legalism. 3. The fundamental differences between Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.

20  Liu Bang establishes Han dynasty 206BCE  A general, persistent man, a methodical planner  Han was long-lived dynasty  Early Han policies:  Sought middle way between Zhou and Qin  Royal relatives proved unreliable  Returned to centralized rule  Martial Emperor (141-87 B.C.E.)  Han Wudi ruled for 54 years  Pursued centralization and expansion – control of Xiongnu and trade routes

21  Centralized gv’t adopted Legalist policies  Built enormous bureaucracy to rule the empire  Continued to build roads and canals  Levied taxes on agriculture, trade, and craft industries (inc. liquor)  Imperial monopolies on production of iron and salt  Established Confucian educational system for training bureaucrats  Confucianism as the basis of the curriculum in imperial university  Thirty thousand students enrolled in the university in Later Han

22  Invaded and colonized northern Vietnam and Korea  Extended China into central Asia  Han organized vast armies to invade Xiongnu territory  Han enjoyed uncontested hegemony in east and central Asia


24  Scholar bureaucrats: Confucian trained bureaucrats  Officials selected through competitive testing  Used to run the government in Early Han  Scholar Gentry  Confucian bureaucrats intermarried with landed elite  New class comes to dominate local, national offices  Strongest in late Han  Cultivators were the majority of the population  Merchants held in low social esteem  Women subordinated - Ban Zhao, Lessons for Women  Promoted women’s education, but supported obedience and subservience  Continued into 20 th century to mold role of Chinese women

25  Iron metallurgy  Farming tools, utensils  Weapons  Silk textiles  Making of silk spread all over China during the Han  High quality Chinese silk became a prized commodity  Traded as far as India, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Rome  State monopolies on liquor, salt and iron  Paper production  Likely invented before 100 C.E.  Began to replace silk and bamboo as writing materials  Population growth  Increased from 20 to 60 million (220 BCE to 9 CE)  Despite light taxation, state revenue was large  Silk Road established: horses for silk

26  Social tensions, stratification between the poor and rich  Problems of land distribution  Early Han supported land redistribution  Economic difficulties forced some small landowners to sell property or themselves/family into slavery  Lands accumulated in the hands of a few  No land reform, because Han needed cooperation of large landowners  Expeditions consumed the empire's surplus  Raised taxes and confiscated land of wealthy individuals  Taxes, land confiscations discouraged investment  Much of defense consumed on defending against nomads  Wang Mang usurps power from Han  A powerful Han minister dethroned the baby emperor  9 C.E. Land reforms = the "socialist emperor“ (flawed execution)  Overthrown by revolts 23 C.E

27  The Later Han Dynasty (25-220 C.E.)  Overthrow of Wang Mang restores Han  New Han much weakened – chaos after land redistribution  Rule often through large families, gentry  Rise of eunuchs in government as new source of power  The Yellow Turban Uprising (Daoist Revolt)  Rulers restored order but did not address problem of landholding  Yellow Turban uprising inflicted serious damage on the Han

28 COLLAPSE OF THE HAN  Court factions paralyzed central government  Han empire dissolved  China was divided into regional kingdoms  Period of 3 Kingdoms  Local aristocrats divided empire  Later fragmented further  During period nomads invaded, Buddhism entered

29  Three differing philosophies emerge during Warring States Period: Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism.  Qin Shi Huang di unites China through strong centralized government, harsh rule and standardization of policies  Long-lived Han dynasty conquers neighbors, promotes developments in agricultural, education, trade, technologies (silk/paper)  Ultimately destroyed from within through unequal social stratification

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