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Herbs and Spices Chapter 16. Salt Which salt is very pure?

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Presentation on theme: "Herbs and Spices Chapter 16. Salt Which salt is very pure?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Herbs and Spices Chapter 16

2 Salt Which salt is very pure?

3 Salt Kosher Salt

4 Salt Why is iodized salt more aggressive on your palate? (To your taste)

5 Salt It is ground finer.

6 Pepper Green pepper tastes????????

7 Pepper Vegetal

8 Pepper Black pepper tastes???????

9 Pepper Full and rich.

10 Pepper Red pepper is derived from ???????

11 Pepper The capsicum plant

12 Hot Peppers Commonly called???????

13 Hot Peppers Chiles

14 Hot Pepper Hot Peppers vary in their degree of

15 Hot Pepper Hotness, color, and flavor

16 Hot Peppers Three safety precautions you should take when working with hot peppers are……..

17 Hot Peppers Wear gloves to prevent burning your hands with the juice of the pepper. Always wash your hands after touching hot peppers. Never rub your eyes without washing your hands first.

18 Hot Peppers The hottest part of the pepper is…….

19 Hot Peppers The seeds and ribs.

20 Herbs An herb from the mint family with tender, leafy stems. Mild licorice-like flavor. Used on pizza, vegetables, chicken and pesto

21 Herbs Basil

22 Herbs Long, toothpick-like leaves of a perennial in the onion family. Delicate, onion flavor. Can be used in place of onions.

23 Herbs Chives

24 Herbs From the coriander plant Bright green leaves Distinct odor and unique flavor Used in salsa, sauces, and to add flavor to different dishes.

25 Herbs Cilantro

26 Herbs Referred to as wild marjoram. Slightly bitter flavor Used in soups, sauces, tomato dishes, pizza, and meat and egg dishes.

27 Herbs Oregano

28 Herbs Fresh herbs should be minced or crushed as close to the cooking or serving time as possible.

29 Herbs Dried herbs should be added at the beginning of the cooking process. You only need 1/3 as much dried as you do fresh. Use a little and taste the food before adding more.

30 Spices Thin, dried inner bark of two related evergreen trees. Is used in baking more than any other spice. Used in cakes, cookies, pies, curries, sweet potatoes, preserves

31 Spices Cinnamon (Yeah snickerdoodles!)

32 Spices Yellow spices from the crocus plant Most expensive spice in the world

33 Spices Saffron

34 Spices The kernel of the fruit or seed of the evergreen tree. Sweet, warm, spicy flavor. Used in many baked items and bechamel sauce.

35 Spices Nutmeg

36 Spices Regardless of form, spices should be added to cold food several hours before serving. This will allow the flavor of the spices to be released into the food.

37 Spices Ground spices release their flavor immediately so it is best to add ground spices near the end of the cooking process.

38 Herbs and Spices Questions??????????

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