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In your notes... What are the conjugations of the verbs SABER & CONOCER? (Be ready to share 1 minute after the bell rings)

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Presentation on theme: "In your notes... What are the conjugations of the verbs SABER & CONOCER? (Be ready to share 1 minute after the bell rings)"— Presentation transcript:

1 In your notes... What are the conjugations of the verbs SABER & CONOCER? (Be ready to share 1 minute after the bell rings)

2 Saber and Conocer You know the verbs to know and to know are the same, you know? Spanish 2

3 Conjugation of Saber sésabemos sabes sabesaben

4 Conjugation of Conocer conozcoconocemos conoces conoceconocen

5 Saber vs. Conocer Saber = to knowConocer = to know Different reasons to use saber and conocer. Can’t be used randomly. Certain situations dictate which you use.

6 Reason to use Saber Examples the capital of Arizona MLB record for strikeouts the currency used in Mexico (Facts = something that can be looked up, recorded, factual actual) #1. When knowing a fact.

7 Reason to use Saber Examples the name of your teacher the menu for today’s lunch today’s temperature your friend’s birthday (Information = not library stuff) #2. When knowing information

8 Reason to use Saber Examples drive car make quesadillas ski (In Spanish, these actions will NOT be conjugated) Yo sé bailar. = I know how to dance. Yo sé como bailar. #3. Knowing how to do something

9 Reason to use Saber Examples words to a song the 20 Spanish Speaking Countries an episode of “Family Guy” (Something memorized) #4. Knowing something by heart

10 Reason to use Conocer Examples Mrs. Huff the girl playing volleyball Conan O’Brien (Oh yeah, I know him/her) #1. Knowing or being familiar with a person

11 Reason to use Conocer Examples Flavor Stop Virginia Beach, VA Josh’s house (Oh yeah, I know that place.) I’ve heard of it before. #2. Knowing or being familiar with a place

12 Reason to use Conocer Examples the Shamwow Melissa’s dog the book by Mark Twain (Oh yeah, I know what that is.) I’ve heard of it before. #3. Knowing or being familiar with a thing

13 Saber vs. Conocer Knowing facts Knowing information Knowing something by heart Knowing how to do something Being familiar with people Being familiar with places Being familiar with things SaberConocer

14 Debatable? Sometimes it depends on the context, not necessarily how the sentence looks all by itself. I know Shelby’s house.

15 Debatable? Saber I know Shelby’s house. I know where it is located. I know the address. I know how to get there. Conocer I know Shelby’s house. I’m familiar with her house. I know what it looks like. I know it in general. (No specific information).

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