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10 October 2016 Imperial College Wellcome Funding Opportunities Clare McVicker Research Careers

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Presentation on theme: "10 October 2016 Imperial College Wellcome Funding Opportunities Clare McVicker Research Careers"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 October 2016 Imperial College Wellcome Funding Opportunities Clare McVicker Research Careers

2 Advancing ideas We support great ideas and inspired thinking Seizing opportunities We bring ideas together to make a difference Driving reform We change ways of working so more ideas can flourish Wellcome exists to improve health for everyone by helping great ideas to thrive. We’re a global charitable foundation, both politically and financially independent. We support scientists and researchers, take on big problems, fuel imaginations and spark debate.

3 A Revised Framework

4 Research Careers Framework Independent Research Training: Specialist Masters programmes PhD fellowships & programmes Consolidation & exploration Supervised Guided Independent Research Skills Training, Leadership Development and Mentoring Education Taught

5 4 yr PhD Programme Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships Sir Henry Dale Fellowships Research Career Re-entry Fellowships Clinical Research Career Development Fellowships Senior Research Fellowships Principal Research Fellowships Basic Clinical Public Health Tropical Medicine PhD Clinical PhD Programme Senior Research Fellowships Principal Research Fellowships Investigator Awards Masters Fellowships Training Fellowships Intermediate Fellowships Senior Research Fellowships SUPERVISEDGUIDEDINDEPENDENT

6 A New Clinical Pathway

7 New Clinical Pathway Clinical Training Clinical Research Career Development Fellowship Stage 1 – Consolidation Stage 2 – Early independence Up to 8 years support in total.

8 Clinical PhD Programmes

9 Focus on programmes Research training within a structured and mentored training environment. Cohort. Additional skills and development opportunities. Greater partnership with the host institution. Opportunities for integration with clinical training. Still recognise the importance of a mixed economy in funding for clinical research training Partnership with MRC to increase the funding available via their Clinical Research Training Fellowship scheme. Established scheme which partners with multiple charities. Additional standalone fellowships. Excellent individuals, wherever they are based in UK. Clinical PhD Programmes

10 5 current programmes (UCL, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Oxford) 7 new programmes 4ward North Clinical PhD Academy - Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield GW4 Clinical Academic Training Programme - Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter Imperial Immunity, Inflammation, Infection and Informatics (4i) Clinician Scientist Programme - Imperial College London Global Health Research – LSHTM, UCL, KCL, QMU, St Georges', Brighton and Sussex Medical School Primary Care Clinicians – Keele, Cambridge, Oxford, Southampton Cancer Research - The Institute of Cancer Research Irish Clinical Academic Training Programme - Trinity College Dublin; University College Dublin; National University of Ireland, Galway; University College Cork; Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland; Queens University Belfast Where are the programmes?

11 Clinical Research Career Development Fellowships

12 Medical, dental, veterinary and clinical psychology graduates. Continue research at postdoctoral level and develop scientific independence Clinically active Clear plan for completing clinical training Replacing previous schemes Postdoctoral Training Fellowship for MB/PhD Graduates. Early Postdoctoral Training Fellowship. Postdoctoral Research Training Fellowships for Clinicians. Intermediate Clinical Fellowships.

13 Duration of funding Up to 8 years, split over two stages. Up to 5 years in any one stage. What we offer Salary (can be consultant level). Research expenses. Equipment and maintenance. Staff (only for Stage 2). Applications considered twice a year Next prelim deadline is 14 November 2016

14 Different Stages - CRCDFs Stage 2 Independent Research Stage 1 Consolidation of research skills Exploration of new research areas Finishing clinical training GuidedEarly independence Demonstrate skills to drive independent research programme and potential to be a leader in chosen field ‘Gate’ SCF or Senior Clinical Lectureship Achieved international standing in field and leading own programme

15 Stage 1 versus Stage 2 Stage 1 - To consolidate their research skills and explore new research areas. To be competitive for a Stage 1 award, applicants must demonstrate: A commitment to a clinical academic career. A clear plan for integrating their research and clinical training (if appropriate). A good track record for their stage in their research career. The potential to be a future international research leader. At the end of Stage 1, fellows will be expected to demonstrate: The research maturity, skills and vision to lead an independent research programme.

16 Stage 1 versus Stage 2 Stage 2 - To support fellows to establish themselves as independent investigators. To be competitive for a Stage 2 award, applicants must demonstrate that they have: The research maturity, skills and vision to lead an independent research programme. A plan to lead an innovative and creative research programme. The potential to be a future international leader in their area of research. At the end of Stage 2, fellows will be expected to demonstrate: An international standing, in their field and the potential to be a world leader in their area of research. The ability to apply competitively for either Senior Clinical Fellowships or Senior Clinical Lecturer positions.

17 Current award holders Postdoctoral schemes Equivalent to Stage 1. Apply directly to Stage 2. Exceptional cases can request some further Stage 1 funding (5 years total for Stage 1 and Stage 2) ICFs Equivalent to Stage 2. Apply for SCF or IA (if secure Senior Clinical Lectureship). Case by case basis-consider a further year’s funding for those who only received 4 years. Terminated or NCE-no option of additional year.

18 Seed Awards

19 Who are they for? Established post or receive personal salary support but no research expenses Must not have held similar level of funding within 12 months Only one Seed Award What are they for? Help researchers develop new ideas to make them competitive for larger awards (pilot studies/ preliminary data/proof-of-principle) Ideal at the start of your independent career Develop ideas in a new discipline/outside their area of expertise What we offer 2 years funding, up to £100,000

20 Advice and information ………. Clare McVicker Research Careers (Clinical)

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