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Worknet/Community Employment Transition

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1 Worknet/Community Employment Transition
Why are we transitioning and what does it mean to you?

2 Why are we transitioning?
January 2014—Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS and otherwise known as Federal Medicaid) released new requirements for waiver funding with a focus on: Community integration and outcomes from people Natural and unpaid supports Conflict free case management

3 Why are we transitioning?
2015—Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) submitted a plan to make changes by 2024 CMS denied plan and DoDD submitted a plan to transition by 2019 Expectation if Ohio shows progress by 2019 an extension MAY be available to 2024

4 Why are we transitioning now?
October 2015—DoDD wanted counties to “shut the front door” to their services October 2015—UCBDD required to send a transition plan to DoDD Begin developing supported employment providers by May (August 2016 WorkNet held meeting for providers) UCBDD/Worknet to stop providing services by December 31,

5 Why are we transitioning now?
Transition time is important No new referrals to WorkNet after December 31, 2016(“Shutting the front door”) Up to one year to choose a new provider About 9 providers to choose from today

6 What does this mean to you?
You can keep your current job Amount and kind of employment services are not changing By December 31, 2017 you need to choose a new provider for job development and/or job coaching UCBDD working with providers to absorb current job coaches

7 What does this mean to you?
Current members of WorkNet team will continue to attend meetings and offer support as they always have They will NOT provide job development and job coaching They WILL continue to be employed by UCBDD

8 What does this mean to you?
New providers are unique and you can choose the one that meets your needs the best Expanded opportunities for job and career placement Providers collaborating to match you with an employer

9 What does the future look like?
More community employment opportunities More transition opportunities for students graduating More community integration and involvement

10 Questions?

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