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October 16, 2014 EDTC 6433 WEEK 3: COMMUNICATION.

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Presentation on theme: "October 16, 2014 EDTC 6433 WEEK 3: COMMUNICATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 16, 2014 EDTC 6433 WEEK 3: COMMUNICATION

2  You are part of an advertising firm  You and your partner need to create a radio ad for a specific product  The client wants to use “smart words” in their advertising campaigns  You need to submit your recording electronically SAT PEOPLE: VOCABULARY SAT PEOPLE

3 STEP 1:  Get your word  Define the word and understand how it is used (verb, adjective, adverb, etc.)  Think how you could use your word in everyday use STEP 2:  Get your type of product (feel free to think of an actual one that you already know)  Think of how your product is used by people every day  Use your word to describe your product or how it is used or how it affects people SAT PEOPLE: PROCEDURE

4 STEP 3:  Write a 30-60 second advertisement for your product  You must use your SAT word at least twice  The definition of the word should be clear based on how the word is used STEP 4:  Use Vocaroo to record your radio ad  Get a microphone from the instructor  Post your link to Haiku SAT PEOPLE: CONTINUED

5 1.Copy your Vocaroo URL 2.In Haiku, go to the Vocaroo discussion 3.Click “New Post” 4.Put your word(s) AND group members’ names as the subject 5.Click “Link” and paste your URL into the link 6.Click “OK” and then “Post” POSTING TO HAIKU

6 SAT PEOPLE: SHOWCASE SAT PEOPLE Listen to the groups present their ads. Write down the definition for the word that is used. After each ad, share what you think the definition was. The group that wrote the ad may then clarify if needed.


8  What was the learning goal?  What were the learning outcomes?  Did technology improve student learning? How?  How else could this technology be used? SAT PEOPLE: DEBRIEF

9  ISTE Standards – T  1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity  3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning  4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility  ISET Standards – S  2. Communication and Collaboration ISTE AND COMMUNICATION

10  What types of communication happen in your classroom each day?  What types of communication happen between home and the classroom?  Is there information that you find yourself repeating? COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY

11  Alone:  Who are your audience members that would benefit from communication with technology?  What types of things would you communicate to this audience?  What types of things might this audience communicate to you?  Pair and Share:  What are others thinking about their audience members and items that need to be communicated?  Group:  What communication needs could be met with technology?  What are some tools you already know of that could meet these needs? REFLECTION

12  Technology can be used to handle your communication needs  Webpage: posts calendar items, handouts, class information  Blog: Posts homework assignments or reflections on a class project  Podcast: Weekly newsletter in audio format  Twitter: Daily homework activities posted to parents and students  QR Codes: gives homework assignments so that students don’t have to write things down  ActivBoard: every lesson taught here and posted for absent students  Flipped Classroom: students review lessons at home and spend classt ime using that information TECHNOLOGY: WHAT CAN IT IMPROVE? The key is consistency and frequency.

13 GROUP OPTION  Create a podcast to use with students or parents  We will create a sound file with Audacity and attach it to a blog post  We will do this with your Wordpress blog  We will also look at how to do this with Podomatic  Also easy to embed on a Haiku page INDIVIDUAL OPTION  Look at different tools for communication  Explore how one of these might work in your own classroom  Links to examples and “getting started” information on Haiku TONIGHT’S CHALLENGE

14  We will be looking at how we present information and how we ask students to demonstrate learning  You will need to write a Haiku  Choose a theme or topic related to light  Instructions and resources for writing a haiku on Haiku  Blog post by Tuesday  2 parts: review a technology/concept discussed tonight, and discuss how it does or doesn’t relate to your classroom  Post by end of day on Tuesday  Twitter updates due by end of week  Include #spuedtech for your post  Look for an email by Monday with any announcements and information  Questions or comments? REMINDERS FOR NEXT CLASS MEETING (10/23)

15 HAVE A GOOD WEEK can-phone.jpg

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