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R EGISTERED N URSE By: Jordan Mitchell. W HY I C HOSE T HIS J OB Pays well Interact with new people Lots of jobs for RN Help people Care for people.

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Presentation on theme: "R EGISTERED N URSE By: Jordan Mitchell. W HY I C HOSE T HIS J OB Pays well Interact with new people Lots of jobs for RN Help people Care for people."— Presentation transcript:

1 R EGISTERED N URSE By: Jordan Mitchell

2 W HY I C HOSE T HIS J OB Pays well Interact with new people Lots of jobs for RN Help people Care for people

3 W HAT A RN D OES Assist Ill Elderly Disabled Prevent illness & relapse of illness Promote health in the community

4 P OST -S ECONDARY E DUCATION College 2-4 years Technical or UW College Associates Bachelors

5 H IGH S CHOOL C LASSES Core Science Math Biology Chemistry Physics

6 S ALARY /S CHEDULE $43,000-$63,000 per year Higher Educational Rank Night Shift Day Shift Walk in appointments ER

7 P ROMOTIONS /R ELATED J OBS Dietitians Nutritionists Pharmacists Paramedics Physical Therapists Head Nurse Director Vice President

8 P OSITIVE Q UALITIES Help people Physically Emotionally Interact with different people Learn different skills Communication Cooperation

9 N EGATIVE Q UALITIES Dealing with really sick people Death Not being able to help someone Catching a sickness

10 T OOLS U SED Arm traction supplies Blood collection needles Pace maker Neck brace Personal computers Eye charts Walkers

11 W HAT I LEARNED RN work long hours Good under pressure Think fast Good problem solver Can work well with people Make smart decision

12 W ORK C ITED Cohen,Mickey, Preparing for a career in Nursing. Illinois: Ferguson Publishing Company, 1998.Print. “Registered Nurse.” I seek Careers. I seek Solutions, 2012. Web. 14 May 2012.

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