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——Period Opposite ( 反义词 ) words + big hard hot these + small soft cold those + 2.Translation ( 翻译 ) + show me around + on the third floor + three.

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Presentation on theme: "——Period Opposite ( 反义词 ) words + big hard hot these + small soft cold those + 2.Translation ( 翻译 ) + show me around + on the third floor + three."— Presentation transcript:

1 ——Period 3

2 + 1.Opposite ( 反义词 ) words + big hard hot these + small soft cold those + 2.Translation ( 翻译 ) + show me around + on the third floor + three computer rooms + 多少张桌子 + how many desks

3 + 我们学校有多少间电脑教室呀? + How many computer rooms are there in our school? + 我们班的教室在三楼。 + Our classroom is on the third floor. + 森林里有个房子吗? + Is there a house in the forest?

4 the UK and the US

5 in the UK, the ground floor the first floor the second floor in the US, the first floor the second floor the third floor Culture time

6 My uncle has a cold, and my cousin too! The doctor comes and says, “Put on your coats, you two!”

7 +C+C + doctor coat cold + juice ice cream cinema dance


9 sing and dance drink some juice go to the cinema have an ice cream Alice and I sing and dance, And drink some nice juice! Then we go to the cinema, And have a nice ice cream!

10 Listen to the Cartoon time Turn to Page 22 and get ready to a question.

11 Put them in the right order 2 4 1 3

12 2 3 4 1

13 + Where are Bobby and Sam? + Is there a swing in the playground? + Who is happy, Bobby or Sam? + Who says “stop”, Sam or Bobby? They are in the playground. Yes, there is. Sam is happy. Bobby says “ stop ”.

14 Bobby and Sam are in the playground. Sam: Look! There’s a swing. Bobby: Let’s go and play.

15 Sam is on the swing. Sam: Push me, Bobby! Bobby: You’re so heavy, Sam!

16 Now, Bobby is on the swing. Sam: Go! Go! Go! Bobby: Stop, Sam! It’s too high!

17 Sam is happy, but Bobby is not. He is afraid. Sam: It’s great fun. Let’s play again. Bobby: Oh, no! It’s time for dinner. Let’s go home now.

18 + Bobby and Sam are ____ the____. There is a____. Sam is ___the swing. “Push ____, Bobby.” Sam is____ heavy. Bobby is on the___. “ ____, Sam! It’s too ____ !” Sam is happy, but Bobby is _____. Sam says “It’s ____ fun! Let’s ___again.” Bobby says “It’s time for ____. Let’s go____ now. ” inplayground swingon meso swing Stop high afraid great play dinner home

19 + 1. How many ____(boy) are there in your class? + 2.There aren’t ____(some/ any) cakes here. + 3.-Are there ____(some/ any) chickens in your home? ---No, there ____. + 4.-How many _____(swing) are there in your school? - There _____(is/ are) one. + 5.-Are there (any/ some) books on the desk? -Yes, there_____. + 6.-____there any water in the glass? + -No, there isn’t. boys any aren ’ t swings is any are Is

20 How many some any + 复数 + are there---? 用于肯定句 用于疑问句或者否定句

21 + Have a good day! + Bye!

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