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I/M Testing and Vehicle Communications. Drew Tech Background Products used for OEM Engineering, Diagnostics, End of Line testing, recall programs, and.

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Presentation on theme: "I/M Testing and Vehicle Communications. Drew Tech Background Products used for OEM Engineering, Diagnostics, End of Line testing, recall programs, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 I/M Testing and Vehicle Communications

2 Drew Tech Background Products used for OEM Engineering, Diagnostics, End of Line testing, recall programs, and OBD testing Commercial relationship with every global automaker (37 different countries last year) Key supplier for essential tools and factory diagnostics programs in USA, Europe, and Japan Co-wrote several SAE standards including SAE J2534 and J1699 Support validation and testing of SAE and EPA standards for several OEMs

3 I/M Test Components Customer Vehicle Vehicle Communications Adapter Windows-Based PC Supporting PC accessories license reader barcode scanner digital camera etc PC application Remote server

4 Vehicle Communications Adapter Cars cannot connect directly to test computers In 1996 OBD2 defined a standard set of vehicle protocols In 2008 CAN became the required protocol on all new production cars There is talk of “automotive Ethernet” for MY15-17 vehicles being developed Some day maybe we will be able to talk to cars via wireless or direct connect with no VCI – but not today. Need to convert from one language (Car) to the other (PC)

5 Vehicle Adapter Challenges Dozens of different companies make vehicle adapters, but few work in the same way As new companies enter the market and begin offering emissions testing systems, they will go thru the same learning experiences that we all have with OBD2 communications When a problem occurs in the real world, it is difficult to determine who’s fault it is (vehicle OEM, vehicle adapter manufacturer, or software developer) Every time you switch solution providers, your test stations may have to purchase new vehicle adapters

6 Factors driving standardization Cost savings in development, which has been recognized by most carmakers More transparency in bids/competition among hardware devices Easier to diagnose issues in the field if hardware is built to a standardized spec Vehicle adapters are becoming a commodity Most carmakers use a standards-based interface at their dealerships for diagnostics Nearly ALL heavy truck manufacturers use a standards-based interface at their dealerships for diagnostics Aftermarket repair ships are using standard interfaces for reprogramming and diagnostics

7 Right to Repair Several states have Right to Repair (R2R) legislation in draft Oregon and Massachusetts may be the closest to passage In Massachusetts, Senate Bill 2265 passed last week Requires every car maker to support all diagnostics over a standardized interface Will put standardized interfaces in practically every repair shop in Massachusetts and throughout the country Use of J2534 for all-makes in-depth diagnostics will further allow it to be leveraged (hijacked) into other uses

8 SAE J2534 Standard SAE J2534 was created for emissions reprogramming First version published in 2002, latest version will publish this year Initially intended for emissions programming, but was quickly adapted into other uses There are over 50 different software applications for diagnostics and reprogramming available today that can be supported from a J2534 interface. There are three versions: J2534-1, J2534-2, and J2534-3. The base specification is J2534-1 and it contains everything needed for emissions testing

9 OBD2 Example J1699-3 is the OBD2 Compliance Test for all vehicles manufactured The J1699 test is “open source” It uses any SAE J2534 interface Allows assembly plants to test cars for compliance using any J2534 device Same test can also be run by regulators to verify compliance Reliance on standardized interface helps minimize compatibility issues between the application, interface device, and vehicle

10 Benefits from standardization The service/repair industry have been moving to a standardized interface for nearly a decade. Same hardware can be used for IM testing as technician diagnostics IM programs can easily reference the SAE spec as a requirement for the program Issues in the field can be more easily identified as software or hardware Some hardware in the field today could even be updated to support J2534 Having a standardized interface leaves the door open to support for heavy duty truck testing at some point in the future

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