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Trade Union Training on Research Methodology on Employment and Social Issues in Myanmar 16 – 19 April 2016 Yangoon, Myanmar CGIL, trade union and political.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Union Training on Research Methodology on Employment and Social Issues in Myanmar 16 – 19 April 2016 Yangoon, Myanmar CGIL, trade union and political."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Union Training on Research Methodology on Employment and Social Issues in Myanmar 16 – 19 April 2016 Yangoon, Myanmar CGIL, trade union and political priorities in time of crisis

2 Total population: 60.656.000 General employment rate: 56,7% General unemployment rate: 10,6% Youth unemployment rate (15-29): 26.5% Trade union density: 35% Collective bargaining coverage: 80% CGIL total membership: 5.686.210 (of which 2.698.012 pensioners) Inflation: + 0.1% GDP 2015: + 0,7% GDP/debt ratio: - 2.6% (*) as of 31/12/2015 An overview of Italy (*)

3 The EU Level: priorities identified at the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) ETUC Congress in Paris (October 2015) set the political priorities of the European trade union organisations:  the ETUC Manifesto  The ETUC Work Programme 2015-2018  The ETUC of the Future ETUC Executive Committee to adopt an ETUC Action Plan with 12 Top Priorities until the end of the present mandate

4 ETUC 12 Top Priorities 1. An alternative and democratic governance for Europe 2. Investments for sustainable development and quality jobs 3. A new economy for Europe 4. A pay rise for European workers 5. Social dialogue and workers participation 6. Trade Union Rights and increasing membership

5 ETUC 12 Top Priorities 7. A social pillar for Europe 8. An inclusive and fair labour market 9. Investing in the human factor 10. The work of the future 11. Better protection, integration and inclusion of refugees and migrants 12. International role of the ETUC

6 CGIL Priorities in times of Crisis  The Charter of Universal Workers Rights  Reform of the Collective Bargaining System  A fairer pension system  Renew collective agreements and increase salaries

7 A CGIL PROPOSAL FOR A NEW WORKERS' STATUTE  Recently, a number of laws has seriously affected the relation between law and bargaining, increased precarious working patterns, polarized labour markets, blocked collective bargaining in the public sector and undermined provisions on health and safety and against undeclared labour  The division between insiders and outsiders has been exacerbated: some individual rights must be universal; no derogation should be allowed  This is why we need a new Charter and a New Workers' Statute in order to make the Constitution principles on labour be part and parcel of workplaces  Rights should be extended to workers who do not enjoy them in order to guarantee their respect in a rapidly changing world  Active participation in bargaining and the social function of labour should be promoted at all levels

8 8 Actions Timeline 14/12/2015: Final draft of the Charter adopted by CGIL National Executive Committee 18/01/2016: Press conference by Secretary General Susanna Camusso in Rome January - March 2016: Workers extraordinary consultation for endorsement of the proposal and nation-wide assemblies campaign April 9th, 2016 onwards: collection of signatures for a citizens' initiative

9 REFORM OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Context:  Joint proposal by CGIL-CISL-UIL  Consultation with employers organisations ongoing  Pressure by the European Commission for decentralisation of collective bargaining  A Government Decree (no consultation with social partners) in the pipeline Principles:  new collective bargaining system needed to foster economy during recovery  strengthen the role of work and companies and of social partners  an inclusive system to fight against the exclusion of precarious workers  System is also applicable to PA

10 A fairer pension system Joint trade union actions, rallies and national demonstration on 4 April 2016 Demands:  flexible age thresholds to access pension schemes according to the job performed  stop cutting and downgrading actual pension schemes and benefits  a fairer pension system that allows youngsters to enter the labour market and elderly to enjoy from a dignified pension with a decent income  improve and reinvigorate second pillar pensions (compulsory and voluntary private pension schemes)  improve the pensions prospects of precarious and short- term workers in order to prevent poverty

11 Facebook: CGIL Nazionale Twitter: @cgilnazionale

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