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Building on Canada’s Strong Retirement Readiness.

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Presentation on theme: "Building on Canada’s Strong Retirement Readiness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building on Canada’s Strong Retirement Readiness

2 Introduction Key Findings  Canada ranks sixth in 2015 Aegon Retirement Readiness Index With a score of 6.0 out of 10, Canada is assessed as having a medium level of retirement readiness. Globally, Canada ties with UK for 6thplace 6th out of the 15 countries included in our 2015 survey  Canadians are positive about retirement Canadians feel that their personal finances are stable and look forward to an active retirement.  While most in Canada understand the need to save for retirement, many are failing to put this into action  Producing a savings landscape that encourages habitual saving is the responsibility of individuals, employers and government

3  A defined contribution pension plan (DCPP or DC plan ) is one type of a Registered Pension Plan.  In a DCPP, the sponsor employer contracts with a plan administrator to provide the investment options; normally a limited menu negotiated at low cost; as well as the record-keeping for individual plan members.

4  (RRSPs) Registered Retirement Savings Plan

5 Toward a Balanced Solution  The ORPP - Details To Sort Out Issue 1 Definition of Comparable Workplace Pension Arrangement

6  Issue 2 (The ORPP) The Right Minimum Earnings Threshold

7 The ORPP - Coverage DC plans should be considered comparable GRRSPs,TFSAs and PRPPs likely not comparable if you have a GRRSP,TFSA or PRPP what to do ? Switch to a DC Plan ? Reduce contributions ? Get rid if your plan ?

8 Setting a Course For Full Retirement Readiness

9 Auto-enrollment could be used to increase overall plan participation rates, and regular financial education could help employees properly plan for their retirement.

10  The structure of the Canadian retirement system



13 Definition of Longevity Risk Individual risk Systemic risk Demographic shift: Demographic shift:


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