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Hosted by Type your name here BacteriaViruses Genetic disorder Treatments and Prevention

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2 Hosted by Type your name here

3 100 200 400 300 400 BacteriaViruses Genetic disorder Treatments and Prevention 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Name given to rod shaped bacteria. Bacillus

5 1,2 One of the following diseases is caused by a virus. Syphilis, strepthroat, Lyme, Disease, Rabies Rabies

6 1,3 Term given to genes located on the X chromosome. Sex-linked or X-linked genes

7 1,4 The childhood inoculation MMR is used to prevent which diseases? Measles, mumps, rubella

8 2,1 Method of reproduction used by bacteria to split one cell into 2 Binary Fission

9 2,2 The viral enzyme used by HIV to change its RNA to DNA. Reverse transcriptase

10 2,3 Process when chromosomes don’t separate properly during meiosis. Nondisjunction

11 2,4 Biological particle used by gene therapy to transfer a gene. Virus

12 3,1 Method of bacterial genetic recombination that uses a sex pilus Conjugation

13 3,2 The reproductive cycle used by temperate viruses. Lysogenic cycle

14 3,3 The genetic disorder of a person with a trisomy of chromosome #21 Down Syndrome

15 3,4 Genetic test used where chromosomes are organized by numbered pairs to look for abnormalities Karyotype

16 4,1 Major biochemical compound in the cell wall of bacteria. Peptidoglycan

17 4,2 Term for viral DNA inserted into the host’s DNA. Prophage

18 4,3 Genetic disorder where a piece of one chromosome detaches and connects to a nonhomologous chromosome. Translocation

19 4,4 Disease prevented by the oral Sabin vaccine Polio

20 5,1 The nursery rhyme, “Ring Around the Rosie” refers to which disease? The Bubonic Plague

21 5,2 Term used for the protein coat on viruses. Capsid

22 5,3 The scientist to win a Nobel Prize for the discovery of transposons, or “jumping genes” Barbara McClintock

23 5,4 Test given to the fetus of a pregnant woman to look for genetic disorders Amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling

24 5,4 Test given to the fetus of a pregnant woman to look for genetic disorders Amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling

25 5,4 Test given to the fetus of a pregnant woman to look for genetic disorders Amniocentesis or chorionic villi sampling

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