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July 28 th, 1914-November 11 th, ZQ0LAlR4 World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "July 28 th, 1914-November 11 th, ZQ0LAlR4 World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 28 th, 1914-November 11 th, 1918 ZQ0LAlR4 World War I

2 Causes: Mutual Defense Alliances in Europe: – Russia and Serbia – Germany and Austria-Hungary – France and Russia – Britain, France, and Belgium –

3 Causes: Nationalism: – Slavic peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina no longer wanted to be part of Austria-Hungary but instead be part of Serbia.

4 Immediate Cause: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie – June 1914 – Serbian nationalist and member of the Black Hand

5 Austria-Hungary with the backing of Germany declares war on Serbia Russia comes to the aid of Serbia Germany then declares war on Russia’s ally France Germany invades Belgium to get to France thus beginning British involvement – Schlieffen Plan- Stop France from getting involved, so Germany wouldn’t have a two front war Alliances come into Play

6 Central vs. Allied Powers Central Powers: – Germany – Austria-Hungary Allied Powers: – France – Britain – Russia

7 New Innovations Trench Warfare – With the invention of the machine gun a “no mans land” was created between enemy trench lines






13 New Innovations Chemical Weapons: – First introduced by the Germans – Chlorine Gas, Phosgene Gas, and Mustard Gas

14 Scale of Carnage outbreak-of--world-war-i/videos#1916-battle-of-the-somme outbreak-of--world-war-i/videos#1916-battle-of-the-somme Battle of the Somme (July-Nov. 1916) – First day British had 60,000 casualties – 60% of all officers were dead – By the end: British: 420,000 casualties French: 195,000 casualties Germans: 650,000 casualties

15 U.S. Entry (April 1917) -world-war-i/videos#u-boats-sink-the-lusitania-in-1915 -world-war-i/videos#u-boats-sink-the-lusitania-in-1915 Sinking of the Lusitania by German U-Boats (May 1915) Zimmerman Telegram – Germany asked Mexico to join the Central Powers if America joined WWI

16 Propaganda


18 The End Results Death Toll: – Allies: 6 million dead, 12.8 million wounded, 4.1 million POWs and MIA – Central: 3.3 million dead, 8.3 million wounded, 3.6 million POWs or MIA – Peace – Treaty of Versailles 1919 – Blame is placed on Germany Changes in territory http://www.the-map-as-

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