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A Day in the Life of First Grade Mrs. Gentile First Grade Woodland Hills.

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Presentation on theme: "A Day in the Life of First Grade Mrs. Gentile First Grade Woodland Hills."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Day in the Life of First Grade Mrs. Gentile First Grade Woodland Hills

2 Teamwork Our classroom will be centered around the idea of teamwork. I work hard to demonstrate to students how much better our classroom runs when we all work together.

3 Reading Students are involved in reading throughout the day. They will have the opportunity to: Meet in small guided reading groups Participate in large group shared reading lessons Practice reading independently and with partners using “just right” books Participate in Daily 5 activities Explore phonemic awareness and phonics through large group and independent practice. Our curriculum is also enhanced with outside resources including Reading Lab, Extended Learning Program (ELP), and English as a Second Language (ESL).

4 Writing We do a variety of forms of writing throughout the year. *Narratives *Informational Writing *Opinion Writing *Poetry We encourage students to sound out words they are unsure of how to spell. This is age appropriate and is not an academic concern.

5 Snack I strongly encourage you to send healthy, nut- free snacks for your child. Reading the label is your best bet in determining whether or not the snack would be safe for our classroom. Good nutrition is a big part of feeling good and being ready to learn! Some examples might be fruit, cheese, crackers, pretzels, etc. Candy and sugary snacks of any kind are not allowed. Water will be the only drink allowed in our classroom. * On your child’s birthday or half birthday, they may bring a pre-packaged, peanut/tree nut free snack for the class. Please be sure the ingredient label is attached. We currently have 25 students in our classroom. Nurse Dena will check all birthday treats brought into the building.

6 Math We use Everyday Math in Woodland Hills as a tool for teaching math. Students are involved in whole group, small group, and independent work. Students have the opportunity to explore math concepts through games. We use a math workbook for independent work. Our math program uses Home Links. This year, we will be using those Home Links during our math rotations, rather than sending them home as homework. Once I have had a chance to view them, I will correct them and send them home for you to discuss with your child. You do not need to send these back to school.

7 Social Studies Topics Leadership Communities long ago and today American symbols Settling in the US Types of communities Consumers and producers

8 Science topics *Scientific process *Sun and Moon *solids and liquids *sound *Animals *Plants

9 Growth Mindset In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It enhances relationships. We will be incorporating several stances regarding growth mindset throughout the school year. Some of the stances include empathy, persistence, resilience, optimism, and flexibility.

10 If you want to give (Wish List) Posted outside our classroom is a wish list. I have posted items we could use in our classroom. It will be updated throughout the year and any contributions are greatly appreciated. Hand sanitizer, Kleenex, and Clorox wipes were not on the school supply list this year. We go through a lot of these two items throughout the year. If you are willing to donate either or both of these items, I would greatly appreciate it!

11 Unified Please remember it takes parents, teachers and students to have a successful year!!! I ask that you read, read, read, with your child and be involved!! Ask questions about your child’s day and follow up with your child with suggested home activities listed in the newsletters. If you ever have a question or concern, PLEASE ask! Your children must always be assured that you and I are on the same team!

12 Toys Please be reminded that toys should not be coming to school unless we have a special occasion. I will email when there is a special occasion.

13 Dressing for the Weather Please be sure you send the appropriate outdoor attire for your child. Please mark your child’s belongings to help with keeping track of each student’s items. Remember to send boots, snow pants and appropriate gloves and hats when the snow begins to fall!

14 Volunteers Without volunteers, our room would not run as efficiently. I appreciate any help you may be able to provide! If you did not get the opportunity to sign up and would like to, please let me know when and what you would like to do! THANK YOU!

15 Conferences Conferences will be held November and March Conference sign up will begin in October and February. There is only one 20 minute slot offered per child. Be sure to watch for when the sign-up window opens online.

16 Thank you so much for being an active participant in your child’s education! It takes parents, teachers and students working together to ensure success. Welcome to our TEAM!!!

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