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Welcome to Curriculum Night! Mrs. Schweinhart’s Class Room 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night! Mrs. Schweinhart’s Class Room 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night! Mrs. Schweinhart’s Class Room 12

2 Communication Email Address Classroom Phone 206 230 6221 Office Phone 206 236 3415 Classroom Website Homework Journal (Please check and sign daily) Student work sent home regularly Monthly Newsletters Conferencing in November and on a need basis.

3 Room 12’s Schedule Daily Schedule 9:10-9:25Morning Routine 9:25-10:55Literacy (Reading & Writers’ Workshop) 10:40-10:55Snack & Read Aloud 10:55-11:10Recess 11:10-12:20Continue Literacy 12:20-1:00Lunch & Recess 1:00-2:00Math 2:00-2:30Flexible Time 2:30-2:45Recess 2:45-3:45Social Studies, Science, Art, Choice Time or Special Event Specialist Schedule Monday 2:45-3:15P.E. 3:15-3:45Music Tuesday 2:00-2:30Library Wednesday 1:30-2:05Spanish Thursday 2:45-3:15 P.E. 3:15-3:45Music Friday 1:30-2:00 Spanish

4 A Successful Student! Research has shown that character traits are equally as important as cognitive abilities for student success. Along with academics we’ll be working on: Having a growth mindset! Stamina and Perseverance Independence Self-control Self-motivation Flexibility Curiosity Social intelligence Gratitude Kindness

5 Homework Math homework each night, due the next day unless otherwise noted. Please check & sign. Challenge math homework Nightly reading minutes, working towards 30 or more minutes each night. Reading logs due each Friday. Other homework occasionally.

6 Reading Mondo Bookshop Common Core RazKids and e-books Read Naturally Nightly Reading Genre Study Fantasy Fiction, Realistic Fiction, Biography, Fables, Poetry, and Nonfiction * Mondo Bookshop Common Core PowerPoint on my website.

7 Literacy Stations Independent Reading Handwriting Buddy Reading RazKids and e-books Phonics Word Study Teacher Time

8 Ways to help your child be successful in Literacy Nightly reading & reading log Reading to self and out-loud Review all returned assessments RAZKids

9 Writers’ Workshop Personal Narratives Opinion Writing (Persuasive) Informational Writing Writing About Science Poetry Focus on Content & Conventions

10 Handwriting Zaner-Bloser * Please see Zaner-Bloser PowerPoint on my website.

11 Math Expressions Common Core Units of Study Understanding Addition & Subtraction Introduction to Measurement & Shapes Solving Story Problems Tables and Graphs Subtracting 2-digit Numbers 3-digit Addition and Subtraction Multiplication & Fractions Metric Measurement & Non-Standard Units of Measurement 3D Shapes, Triangles & Quadrilaterals * Please see Houghton Mifflin Math PowerPoint on my website.

12 Support, monitor and sign nightly homework Review assessments Practice computation Practice money & time Seek real world math experiences Math Differentiation Push in support for struggling students Sunshine Math Challenge sheets Challenge homework Support at Home

13 Science Find the MoonOct.-Nov. –Planetarium Balance & WeighingJan.-Feb. OrganismsMay-June –Mercer Slough Field Trip

14 Social Studies Units of Study –Civics “Governing the People” –Geography “The World Around Us” –History “People Long Ago” –Economics “People in the Marketplace” –Civics “Using Our Resources” Giraffe Club –Introduction to a service club

15 Art The Elements of Art Line Shape Color Pattern Space Twice a month art lessons with art teacher, Kelly Tran Artist in Residence Project

16 Behavior Management Class Rules 2 nd Step Kelso’s Choice School Wide Expectations Solution Table Reflection & Uh Oh Sheets Behavior Plans Conferences Incentives -traffic light -acorn jar -table points -desk fairy -School Pride Certificates & Lion’s Den

17 Assessments Reading –AIMSweb –Mondo Assessments –Anecdotal Records Math -Quizzes -End of Unit Assessment -Anecdotal Records Report Cards- November (with conference), March, and June

18 Grading What do the marks on papers mean? Check mark- paper was checked for completion Smile- paper was checked for correct responses Numbers- paper was graded Please keep in mind that while a student leaving first grade may have a third trimester report card full of C’s, 3.5’s and 4’s, it does not mean they will have the same grades on their first trimester 2 nd grade report card. It also does not mean they aren’t doing well… they are working on different skills with different expectations.

19 Volunteers Room Coordinator(s) Read Naturally Field Trip -Mercer Slough Education Center May Parties (Halloween, Valentine’s, End of the Year) Scholastic Book Orders Library Volunteers

20 Miscellaneous Brain Gym Birthdays Absentees -Writing Journal -Nightly Reading Thank you to the Mercer Island Schools Foundation & The Lakeridge PTA! That’s all! Thank you for coming!

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