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Module 1 B. Major dramatic productions have a wardrobe person who sees that the actors have clothes appropriate to the story and script.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 1 B. Major dramatic productions have a wardrobe person who sees that the actors have clothes appropriate to the story and script."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 1 B

2 Major dramatic productions have a wardrobe person who sees that the actors have clothes appropriate to the story and script.

3 The audio director or audio technician arranges for the audio recording equipment, sets up and checks mics (microphones), monitors audio quality during the production, and then strikes (another production term meaning disassembles and, if necessary, removes) the audio recording equipment and accessories after the production is over. (Mic, strangely enough, is pronounced mike.)

4 The microphone boom/grip operator watches rehearsals and decides on the proper mics and their placement for each scene. During an on-location (out-of-the-studio) shoot, this person may need strong arms to hold the mic boom over the talent for long periods of time.

5 The video recorder operator arranges video recording equipment and accessories, sets up video recordings, performs recording checks, and monitors video quality.

6 In dramatic productions, the continuity secretary (CS) carefully makes notes on scene and continuity details as each scene is shot to ensure that these details remain consistent among takes and scenes.

7 The CG Operator, (electronic character generator operator) programs (designs/types in) opening titles, subtitles, and closing credits into a computer- based device that inserts the text over the video.

8 Camera operators do more than just operate cameras. They typically help set up the cameras and ensure their technical quality, and they work with the director, lighting director, and audio technician in blocking (setting up) and shooting each shot. On a field (out-of-the-studio, or on-location) production, they may also coordinate camera equipment pickup and delivery.

9 Depending on the production, there may be a floor manager or stage manager who's responsible for coordinating activities on the set. One or more floor persons, or stagehands, may assist him or her.

10 After shooting is completed, the editors use the video and audio recordings to blend the segments together. Technicians add music and audio effects to create the final product.


12 “The most important phase of production is preproduction.”

13 Step 1 * Choose the crew * Brainstorm the idea * Decide the type of video Step 2 * Do the research * Use the camera Step 3 * Write the script * Plan the storyboard

14 It is difficult to make a video by yourself. There are too many jobs for one person to do, so gather a crew. Sometimes people can do more than one job. But don’t ask anyone to do too much!!!

15 * Meet your crew to plan the video * Talk about possible topics and gather as many different ideas as you can * Consider the available equipment * Be sure the type of video you make fits your subject. If your topic is humorous, treat it lightly. If the story is serious, present the facts clearly & plainly. FICTION OR NON-FICTION?

16 Start at the library to research the topic of your video. Read books encyclopedias, magazines & newspapers. Examine computer databases, photographs, slides & maps. You can visit the places where events happened & interview people who were on the scene or who have expert fist hand information. Listen to taped interviews, special sound effects, and music.

17 How are videos different from books? BOOKSVIDEO Written & readProduced & viewed Imagination creates picturesPictures are always created Still picturesMoving pictures Created by putting words on paper Created by putting sound and pictures on tape Can be read anywhereMust be viewed on a machine Think in pictures. Each picture is a shot.

18 * Keep your script simple. Imagine that you are going to tell the story without saying a single word. * Plotting – Think of your video as a three-act play. Act 1 (Beginning)- introduce the main character and his/her problem, Act 2 (Middle)- the character tries to solve his/her problem & Act 3 (end) – the audience finds out if the character has been successful or not. * Character – build a character profile * Character movements / gestures * Setting – time and place / when & where * Dialogue -

19 FADE-IN INT. KITCHEN OF EDWARDS HOME-MEDIUM SHOT ALANA EDWARDS - DAY (1) [Note explanation of these numbers below. Also see explanation below about variations in margins and spacing.] ALANA EDWARDS, age 36, quickly moves from the stove to the kitchen table. (2) CLOSE-UP - TOASTER Toast pops up in the toaster. We SEE ALANA'S HAND quickly pull out the toast. WIDE SHOT - KITCHEN We HEAR a KETTLE WHISTLE. She quickly moves to the stove to turn off the burner. ALANA (3) (calling) (4) Bill, you're going to be late! (5) She takes a pan of oatmeal off the stove and pours it in four bowls on the kitchen table. RONNIE, age 8, bursts into the room. ALANA (continuing) And tell Sherry to get a move on! MEDIUM SHOT — RONNIE RONNIE (sitting down) Mom, Sherry's puttin' lipstick on again; I saw her.

20 ALANA (calling) Sherry! INT. HALLWAY - MEDIUM SHOT - SHERRY - DAY SHERRY EDWARDS, age 12, stops to check her appearance in the hallway mirror. She HEARS her father's FOOTSTEPS ON THE STAIRS and quickly turns and walks toward the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN - WIDE SHOT - DAY ALANA (To Sherry as she enters) Where's your father? [optional] (CONTINUED)

21 VIDEOAUDIO ECU) Sprinkler Head #1 Â (ECU) Sprinkler Head #2 Â (ECU) Sprinkler Head #3 (MS) Jeff walking across plaza toward camera and his car with sprinkler #3 in foreground. (MS) Jeff on ground. (2-S) Jeff and sprinkler. Peter Gunn Theme" by Art of Noise. (It smiles.) (As he approaches, we see only his feet.) (Jeff trips on sprinkler. In pain, he grabs his toe.) (Jeff tries to pull sprinkler out of the ground; it doesn't work.)

22 Step 4 * Direct the talent Step 5 * Tape the story

23 Step 6 * Edit the video Step 7 * Present the show

24 As fun as all the razzmatazz effects might be to play with, you should consider all this high-tech stuff merely a tool for a greater purpose: the effective communication of ideas and information.

25 * f you think about it, today's latest high-tech effects will look pretty lame a few years from now. (Think of the visual effects in some early films.) * It's only the ideas and feelings that have a chance of enduring. * How many times have you seen a movie and forgotten about it almost as soon as you left the theater? In contrast, some movies seem to "stick with you," and you may think about them for days or even weeks.

26 The medium you are learning to control can be used either to provide audiences with time- wasting, mindless, drivel......or with ideas that can make a positive difference in the overall scheme of things. (And, as you may have noticed, there is a definite need in the world for people who can make a positive difference.) How would you rather have your work and life remembered?

27 Write a review on a local television program that you think give out a “positive difference.” Post this on your Facebook account and tag it to Ooops!!! Don’t forget to give your work a catchy title.

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