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Accelerated Reader at West Wycombe Combined School Parent Workshop Thursday 17 th March 2016 Mrs Forrest.

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Presentation on theme: "Accelerated Reader at West Wycombe Combined School Parent Workshop Thursday 17 th March 2016 Mrs Forrest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accelerated Reader at West Wycombe Combined School Parent Workshop Thursday 17 th March 2016 Mrs Forrest

2 Workshop Aims: To understand what Accelerated Reader (AR) is. To understand how Accelerated Reader works. To understand how you can support your child with reading at home.

3 What is Accelerated Reader? Computer based programme Used to enable children to select own books Monitoring tool

4 How does Accelerated Reader work? Children take a STAR Reading Test - Reading comprehension and skills

5 How does Accelerated Reader work? STAR test provides children with a reading level and a range of book levels called the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

6 How does Accelerated Reader work?

7 What next? Children visit library Choose a book in their range Fiction and non- fiction books

8 What happens when your child has finished a book? Log on to AR to take a quiz Quiz within 2 days of reading the book Tests reading comprehension skills Other tests are available

9 Accelerated Reader in Action! Video

10 How is progress tracked? Reading records Tops report Quiz reports Growth reports

11 What are Accelerated Reader targets? Aim to score an average of 85%+ correct on quizzes -Maximise progress Three consecutive 100% scores - Moved up within reading level Discussions between teacher and child

12 How can I help my child? Encouragement Read regularly Book talk Discuss quiz scores

13 Access Home Connect Home – School Links

14 Access My Bookshelf How can I keep track of what my child is reading?

15 Access AR Book Finder How can I help my child choose books?


17 Termly reading assemblies Rewards and incentives Fund raising to update book stock Revamping the library Reading Champions and Mentors What are we doing to make Accelerated Reader even better?

18 Thank you for your continued support

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