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3 WAYS TO TRANSFER ENERGY 1) Conduction 2) Convection 3) Radiation.

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Presentation on theme: "3 WAYS TO TRANSFER ENERGY 1) Conduction 2) Convection 3) Radiation."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 WAYS TO TRANSFER ENERGY 1) Conduction 2) Convection 3) Radiation

2 DO NOW How are the granules of the photosphere created? What is a solar flare? True or False? Sun spots are areas of intense solar activity which are 1500k hotter than the surrounding areas

3 OBJECTIVE SWBAT: Describe the 3 ways to transfer energy Describe how solar energy is the source of energy on the surface of our planet Define Nutation, Barycenter and Precession

4 ENERGY Energy is released as 1) heat 2) light 3) invisible rays

5 CONDUCTION Heat is transferred between substances that are In direct contact with each other.

6 CONVECTION Transfer of heat by actual movement of the heated material

7 RADIATION When electromagnetic waves travel through space


9 SUN’S ENERGY TRANSFER Uses Radiation There is conduction happening with in the sun (remember the granules of the photosphere)

10 SOLAR RADIATION When the sun’s radiation reaches earth it can be 1) Absorbed 2) Bounced back (Greenhouse effect) 3) Go through the atm.

11 WHEN THE RADIATION REACHES EARTH… That solar radiation needs to be converted to chemical energy. This happens through photosynthesis Photosynthesis – plants convert solar radiation into chemical energy in the form of glucose/sugar We eat plants = energy

12 CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING What is the difference between conduction and convection? How then energy we consume (ultimately)come from the sun? What happens to the sun’s radiation when it reaches earth?

13 EARTH’S MOTIONS Tilt- What degree? What does it cause? Rotation- What does it cause? How long does it take? Revolution- How long does it take? Barycenter, Precession, Nutation

14 BARYCENTER Point between two objects where they balance each other For example, it is the center of mass where two or more celestial bodies orbit each other.orbit The moon does not orbit the exact center of the earth

15 PRECESSION Axial precession is the movement of the rotational axis of an astronomical body, whereby the axis slowly traces out a cone. It takes earth 26,000 years to complete this cycle 1 degree every 72 years


17 NUTATION is a rocking, swaying, or nodding motion in the axis of rotation

18 FOLDABLE Rotation Revolution Tilt Nutation Barycenter Precession ** Define the term and draw an image** Insert into astronomy book

19 TIDES Tides are the rhythmic rising and falling of the ocean. The gravitational pull of the sun and the moon affects the tidal bulge. The pull will be greatest when the sun and the moon are in a straight line The pull will be the weakest when the sun and the moon are at 90 degree angles

20 SPRING TIDES AND NEAP TIDES Spring tides are when the tidal range is the greatest Neap tides are when the tidal range is the weakest


22 EXIT TICKET Describe precession How long does precession take? Describe what Barycenter is?

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