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LCME: Self-Study Overview All Chairs Meeting: September 15, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "LCME: Self-Study Overview All Chairs Meeting: September 15, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCME: Self-Study Overview All Chairs Meeting: September 15, 2006

2 Self Study Committees Appointed and Committees Began Meeting Report to USF from LCME LCME Site Team Visit September 2005 Summer 2006 September 2006 November 2006 January16-18 2007 February 25-28, 2007 April 2007 LCME Timeline Complete Database and Committee Reports Create Executive Self Study Summary Mail Databases and Executive Self Study Summary to LCME Mock Site Visit

3 Self-Study Committees Institutional Settings/Government : 1.Administration: Michael Barber 2.Research, Grad. Program, Basic Sciences: Bruce Lindsey 3.Clinical Settings: Frank Fernandez Educational Program for the MD Degree: 4.Marion Ridley and Greg Nicolosi Medical Students/Admissions: 5. Deanna Wathington Medical Students/Student Services: 6. Jose Lezama Faculty: 7. Santo Nicosia Finances: 8. Chuck Paidas Educational Resources: 9. Facilities: Tom Klein 10. IT & Library: Karl Muffly

4 Database Development 1.Institutional Setting: Governance and Administration and Academic Environment (15 standards) 2.Medical Students: Admissions, Student Services, The Learning Environment (37 standards) 3.Faculty: Number, Qualifications, and Functions, Personnel Policies (14 standards) 4.Educational Resources: Finances: General Facilities, Clinical Teaching Facilities, Information Resources and Library Services (12 standards) 5.The Educational Program for the MD: Educational Objectives, Structure of the Educational Program, Teaching and Evaluation, Curriculum Management, Evaluation of Program Effectiveness. (48 standards)

5 Committee # 1: Institutional Setting: Governance and Administration and Academic Environment  Governance structure  Role of BOT  Administrative and policy units  Prior institutional planning and development activities  Available academic programs and their development  Role of information technology  Summary of clinical institutions and affiliates  New physical facilities Topics:

6  The College of Medicine at the University of South Florida has developed an appropriate model of shared governance between the Administration and the Faculty that facilitates extensive communication and discussion of institutional priorities.  The Vice President and Dean, the Vice Deans and the Clinical and Basic Science Chairs together with the Faculty Council and representative of the student body comprise an effective governance structure that contribute to effective institutional planning with respect to the education, research and service missions of the College.  The various Administrative and Policy Committees described in the Faculty Bylaws provide an efficient advisory function to the Dean of the College of Medicine.  Previous extensive planning and development activities have resulted in the College’s commitment to provide an outstanding educational environment and an innovative curriculum to encourage lifelong learning by medical and graduate students.  The implementation of modern information technology has contributed to the success of the College’s educational endeavors. Committee # 1: Institutional Setting: Governance and Administration and Academic Environment Summary:

7  Significant resources have been committed to encourage students to engage in the completion of a number of dual degree programs.  While the College of Medicine does not own a “teaching” hospital, cordial relationships have been developed with a number of local clinical institutions that provide appropriate training environments for clinical care delivery. These include Tampa General hospital, the H. Lee Moffitt Comprehensive Cancer Center and Research institute and the James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital.  The Board of Trustees and the President of the University of South Florida have adopted an appropriate governance strategy and provide efficient oversight of the operations of the College of Medicine.  A number of new facilities, such as the Center for Advanced Healthcare, have or are under construction that will greatly improve and expand the education, research and service missions of the College of Medicine. Committee # 1: Institutional Setting: Governance and Administration and Academic Environment Summary:

8 Committee # 2: Research/Graduate Programs/Basic Science Overall Strengths:  Research: Strategic plan for core facilities, faculty recruitment, and "Signature" programs.  New interdisciplinary basic science departments & Ph.D. program  AIMS: Asset Investment Management System  Medical Education: Student participation in research, increased integration of the basic and clinical sciences, Scholarly Concentrations, and M.D.-Ph.D. program

9 Overall Challenges:  Research: need for junior faculty, space & cores; increased “indirect” cost returns; more conference rooms; improved recruitment of patients in clinical studies.  Graduate students: recruitment; uniform qualifying examinations; increased and stable funds for stipends & wavers; health insurance; lack of training grants.  Pharmaceutical reps on campus  Geography: distributed faculty  Medical students: more involvement in research; outcomes assessment Committee # 2: Research/Graduate Programs/Basic Science

10 Committee # 4: Educational Program For The MD Overall Strengths:  Strong student performance while in medical school  Strong performance of graduates as assessed by residency program directors  Well defined objectives for the educational program  Curricular planning, monitoring and revision  Excellent collegial approach in working together to affect curricular change  The performance- based assessments of clinical skills (OSCE and CPX)  Responsiveness of course directors and academic administration to student input

11 Overall Challenges:  Reinforce awareness of USFCARES  Reduction of contact hours and increase in self directed learning particularly in Year 1  Direct more curricular attention to medical socio-economic issues and nutrition  Optimize the availability of small group conference rooms  Stimulate the availability of faculty to participate in small group sessions Committee # 4: Educational Program For The MD

12 Committee # 5: Medical Students: Admissions “Issues” relevant to this committee:  Admissions:  Process of recruitment  Initial and secondary selection of medical students  Assessment of the validity of selection criteria  The number and types of students in relation to the constellation of resources available.  Goals for gender, racial, cultural, and economic diversity of students. How well meeting goals?  Impact of transfer students or visiting students on the educational program of regular students

13 Overall Strengths:  Dedicated faculty committee on admissions  Support provided by the existing student ambassadors in recruitment process  Allegiance of the administrators leading the admissions efforts  Dedication to recruit qualified under-represented minorities by the dean and other senior administrators  Development of the series of 7-8 years honors program with various institutions in state, bringing high quality students to USF  Innovative curricular program is recruitment tool Committee # 5: Medical Students: Admissions

14 Overall Challenges:  Plans for two new medical schools in the state of Florida: how to maintain adequate applicant pool for the USF.  Need to continue to increase diversity of student body. Committee # 5: Medical Students: Admissions

15 Committee # 6: Medical Students: Student Services/Learning Environment Overall Strengths:  Outstanding Office of Financial Aid  The office makes itself available for student questions prior to the students arrival for orientation and at all times thereafter  Open door policy of Student Affairs to address both academic and personal issues  Student Affairs - key role in counseling for career choices and advisor selection  Students transitioned into medical school through careful process -- Orientation and the Professions of Medicine course. Independent counseling services are available at all times for students  Adequate study space, lounge areas, and locked areas to put away valuables at all clinical sites

16 Overall Challenges:  Increasing scholarship funding  Need to develop faculty-learner compact Committee # 6: Medical Students: Student Services/Learning Environment

17 Committee 7: Faculty Overall Strengths:  Location – Florida  Large University campus, health campus with three colleges  State supported institution  New energetic administration  Public awareness and relations improving  Good and getting better Information Technology Division  New curriculum for basic sciences and anticipated for clinical sciences  New Division of Educational Affairs  Stable faculty  Sound clinical practice  Carnegie research institution  Affiliations with Tampa General Hospital, Moffitt Cancer Center, All Children’s Hospital, Shriner’s Hospital, Johnny Byrd Alzheimers Research Institute and 2 V A hospitals

18 Overall Challenges:  No university hospital  North and South Campus separation  Busy clinical faculty  Limited and aging research space  Dearth of common research core facilities and equipment  Insufficient critical mass of federally funded research investigators  Inadequate support staff for educational, administrative and research activities  Few endowed chairs and other forms of donated funding  Limited health alumni support probably secondary to short lifespan of university and college of medicine  Strong possibility of 2 new medical colleges vying for state support  Restrictions, financial and otherwise limiting pay scales and other markers making competition with outside industry, hospitals, clinics, difficult  Status of post doctoral support and funding needs attention and improvement  Lack of significant support for graduate students  Lack of significant Library funding to improve facilities  Minority under representation Committee 7: Faculty

19 Committee # 9: Educational Resources: General Facilities/Clinical Teaching Facilities Overall Strengths:  Student class rooms and labs remodeled and fitted with new electronic and internet capability  New, state-of-the-art clinical skills center is available  New patient care and research facilities have either recently opened or will be opened in the next 3 years  Significant upgrades have been made to the security of the main COM complex on the North campus  At the clinical teaching sites, the number of patients and supervisors is more than adequate  The patient mix is more than adequate at the teaching sites  New affiliation agreements signed with clinical sites and the interaction between administrations at the clinical sites and the COM is excellent

20 Overall Challenges:  Educating students as to security procedures and features in the learning environment is a constant challenge. Signage and education programs must be continually evaluated for effectiveness.  Existing teaching and research facilities do not allow for expansion of programs; however, a number of building projects are planned to address this deficiency.  Many research offices and labs on the North campus are in need of renovation; however, funding for renovation projects is being sought.  Research equipment core facilities on the North campus need to be developed to complement the core facility at the Moffitt. Committee # 9: Educational Resources: General Facilities/Clinical Teaching Facilities

21 Committee # 10: Educational Resources: Information Resources/Library Overall Strengths:  The library staff are responsive to the needs of the students and faculty when possible within the budget  The quality and quantity of library material is adequate  The IT department is responsive and resources have improved greatly since the last visit

22 Overall Challenges:  Increasing the library budget to at least the peer group average  Improving access to journals at affiliate sites and increasing seat licenses for some software to be used by large groups simultaneously  Lack of study space in the library and throughout the institution  Limited number of rooms for small group presentations that have suitable have equipment and data jacks also lack of data base and reservation system that indicates equipment available for various rooms  Lack of training of faculty on new teaching methodologies, particularly at affiliate institutions Committee # 10: Educational Resources: Information Resources/Library

23 Independent Student Self Study OUTSTANDING JOB! Represents tremendous effort and accomplishment Posted to website:

24 Communications Strategy Committee presentations at faculty council: –June 20, 2006: Committees Two and Nine –July 18, 2006: Committees One, Six, and Ten –August 15, 2006: Committees Four, Five, and Seven –September 18, 2006: Committee Eight –November 21, 2006: Committees Three Dissemination of Strategic Plan Last Year Posting of Individual Committee Reports and Highlights Distribution of USFCARES Bookmarks and Cards Frequent Meetings with Y1-Y4 Course/Clerkship Directors and Medical Students Distribution of Executive Summary in Fall 2006 Postings of reports and highlights, other information: COM Educational Affairs LCME


26 Grammatical Editing of Committee Reports and Databases External Consultant Review of Databases and Executive Summary Update (2006) Database Materials Mock Site Visit: January 16-18, 2007 Site Visit: February 25 -28, 2007 Between Now and Then

27 Our Process at USF Faculty Co-Chairs named to ensure faculty owned process; Over 100 faculty members participating in ten self study committees; Each committee has basic scientists, clinicians and many have students; Engaging conversations and critical analyses of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; Development of a written document that can be used for strategic and tactical purposes. Many thanks to all who have participated: Faculty, Faculty Chairs, Administrative Liaisons, Students, Faculty Co-Chairs: Susan Pross and Debby Roth and Gretchen Koehler. “By improving the learning journey of our students... we will improve the medical journey for our patients.”

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