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Test is Tomorrow!!!. The growth of big business Gospel of Wealth.

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Presentation on theme: "Test is Tomorrow!!!. The growth of big business Gospel of Wealth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test is Tomorrow!!!

2 The growth of big business

3 Gospel of Wealth

4  Gulf between employed & employer  Uneven distribution of wealth

5 Settlement houses that provided assistance to the poor

6 Performance on examinations not appointment

7 Stop patronage & corruption in government jobs

8  Growth of trusts and monopolies  Ruthless tactics of robber barons  Railroads’ unfair practices

9 Interstate Commerce Commission

10 Passed the Interstate Commerce Act in 1887

11  To protect American industry  Big business owners

12  Regulation of railroad rates (lower them)  Government to print more Greenbacks  Form Cooperatives to raise prices & reduce competition

13  Farmers & workers  To change economic policies

14 Overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875

15 Separate but equal facilities are acceptable

16 African American grocers lynched bc they competed against white grocers

17 Education to achieve economic goals

18 Militancy – demanding civil rights - voting

19 Industry owners needed cheap labor

20 Available jobs in expanding industries

21 Factory or sweatshop workers

22  Optimistic  Dream of a better life  Opportunities - jobs & land

23  Hostility/prejudice toward immigrants by native-born people  irony – sometimes they were 1st generation)

24  Fear of giving Catholic Church too much power  Immigrants work for low wages

25  Crowded terrible conditions & despair in the tenements

26  Learn to speak English  Accept American culture

27  Chinese Exclusion Act  To satisfy nativist prejudices

28 Urbanization increased the population in cities

29  Pollution of land and water by humans and factories

30  Henry Bessemer’s steel process

31 Better communications unite the country

32 Improvements in technology which lead to more productivity

33  Big business  Inventions & innovations  Entrepreneurs

34 Laissez-faire capitalism

35  Unions  Better pay & working conditions

36 Local governments were unable to provide basic services for the rapid growth of cities

37 Negative – corruption in elections bribes for favors Positive - made improvements in urban infrastructure

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