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Brexit The consequences for DWT and its mission.

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Presentation on theme: "Brexit The consequences for DWT and its mission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brexit The consequences for DWT and its mission

2 What has happened? On 23 rd June 2016 the UK voted to leave the European Union 51.9% leave 48.1% remain

3 There is more than one scenario! Much legislation would still apply No Habitats Directive, Birds Directive or Bathing Waters Directive CAP and CFP would no longer apply UK leaves EU but stays within the European Economic Area or the European Free Trade Association EU environmental legislation would no longer apply in the UK UK leaves EU and sits as a completely separate economic state

4 Impacted Habitats Directive Birds Directive Bathing Waters Directive CAP Common Fisheries Policy

5 European wildlife in numbers 66 species protected 652 Special Areas of Conservation Covering 8,013,467 ha 264 Special protection Areas 319 birds covered (500 in EU)

6 And in Devon… 18 terrestrial SACs and SPAs, covering 45,667 ha Four marine SACs and SPAs, covering 74,091 ha



9 May be impacted WFD Landfill directive Ground water directive Marine Frame- work directive 12 other directives

10 Timeline and legal process 2017 Article 50 is triggered 2019 Two year process of separation 2024 Longer period during which EU laws transposed into national law are “unpicked”.

11 Some environmental risk areas Site protection 18 SACs3 SPAs Species protection 25 terrestrial species 20 marine species Marine Fishing quotas Marine protected sites Farming 3.1 million ha in HLS 7.2 million ha in ELS

12 Immediate concerns Agri-environment applications are the bedrock of landscape scale work All EU grants on hold How seriously will the courts take EU based laws? Legal uncertainty We don’t know the future for local government or agencies Government priorities

13 On the upside…. An opportunity to write our own fisheries policy It could lead to a system of more environmentally sustainable farming subsidies, especially in the uplands NE are pushing hard for water resources to be a big part of any new environmental stewardship scheme

14 The political landscape George Eustice Sajid Javid Andrea Leadsom Theresa Coffey David Davies

15 25 year plan for the environment Refocusing as the environmental strategy post-Brexit Focus on natural capital Light on targets! Four pioneers: two in Devon

16 25 year plan for the environment: themes valuing nature data & monitoring enthusing and inspiring better use of government resources markets, incentives and funding

17 Emerging campaigns Led by climate change coalition Climate change Wildlife protection and key sites YouGov poll by Zach Haynes As strong as A new system of farming support based on public goods Future of Farming

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