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GREENON LSD MASTER PLAN FORUM #2. Presenting Today Dennis Henry, Greenon BOE President Charlie Jahnigen, SHP Leading Design Brad Silvus, Greenon Superintendent.

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Presentation on theme: "GREENON LSD MASTER PLAN FORUM #2. Presenting Today Dennis Henry, Greenon BOE President Charlie Jahnigen, SHP Leading Design Brad Silvus, Greenon Superintendent."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presenting Today Dennis Henry, Greenon BOE President Charlie Jahnigen, SHP Leading Design Brad Silvus, Greenon Superintendent

3 Agenda Review Forum #1 Outcomes Review Survey #1 Outcomes Financial Information Pk-12 Information Survey #2 Round Table Discussion

4 Forum #1

5 Summary: September 21, 2016; 7PM-8:30PM Moderated by Charlie Jahnigen, SHP Leading Design About 60-65 people in attendance Steps: 1. Engage with OSFC 2. Listen to Community 3. Research Options 4. Develop a plan 5. Recommend to BOE Audience was informed and knowledgeable and asked great questions. Overall, very positive evening

6 Plan #DescriptionEnrollmentCostStateLocalLFIMillage FULL STUDENT BODY 1 Reno & Add Enon Pk-2 Reno IV 3-6 Reno & Add to Jr/Sr High 7-12 1537 $ 47,617,424 $ 15,713,750 $ 31,903,674 TBD 2 New Pk-6 New Jr/Sr High 7-12 1537 $ 49,038,226 $ 16,182,614 $ 32,855,611 TBD 3 New Pk-5 New Jr/Sr High 6-12 1537 $ 48,367,474 $ 15,961,266 $ 32,406,208 TBD 4 New Pk-121537 $ 44,178,553 $ 14,578,923 $ 29,599,631 TBD 5 Reno IV Pk-5 New 6-12 1537 $ 45,473,786 $ 15,006,349 $ 30,467,437 TBD 6 Reno IV Pk-6 New 7-12 1537 $ 46,859,905 $ 15,463,769 $ 31,396,136 TBD SEGMENTED 7 New 6-121537 $ 27,937,160 $ 9,219,263 $ 18,717,897 TBD 8 New 7-121537 $ 25,719,820 $ 8,487,541 $ 17,232,279 TBD 9 Reno IV Pk-51537 $ 17,843,905 $ 5,888,489 $ 11,955,416 TBD Masterplan Options

7 Round Table Report Out - notes 1) 2 and 3 2) Gym Space / Auxiliary Gym / Classrooms 1) 4 and 2 2) Sports facility located on current site / Geothermal 1) 4 and 2 2) Additional Technology / Transportation Facility 1) 2 and 3 2) Keep grades separate, one big building / More gym spaces 1) 4 2) Gym / Sports stay on site / Technology and Geothermal 1) 4 - One big building – cheaper maintenance & 3 (p-5 and 6 -12) 2) Auditorium / Gym / Technology / Makerspace 1) 4 2) Geothermal / Technology / Sports complex stays at current site 1) 4 or 3 p-5 / 6-12 2) Geothermal / Technology 1) 2, 6 (7 is realistic with cost) 2) Stage and gym space

8 Question 1 – word cloud

9 Question 2 – word cloud

10 Survey #1 Results Summary: 130 respondents 3/4 female & 1/4 male w/ children in district Communication Preference – email, social media, website Majority feel that current facilitates do not effectively serve students needs Majority feel that school education technology could be improved Majority feel the district has effective administrators and teachers. Majority feel that district is responsible with taxpayer dollars. Overwhelming majority feel that new facilities are needed.

11 Financial Information Plan #DescriptionEnrollmentCostStateLocalLFIMillage Yearly Amount for Home value of $100,000 Yearly Amount for Home value of $150,000 Yearly Amount for Home value of $200,000 Option 1 New Pk-6 New Jr/Sr High 7-12 1537 $ 49,038,226 $ 16,182,614 $ 32,855,611 $ 4,000,0006.86 to 7.36 $240 to 258 $360 to 386 $480 to 515 Option 2 New Pk-121537 $ 44,178,553 $ 14,578,923 $ 29,599,631 $ 4,000,0006.26 to 6.76 $219 to 237 $329 to 355 $438 to 473 Segmented Option New 6-121537 $ 27,937,160 $ 9,219,263 $ 18,717,897 $ 4,000,0004.23 to 4.73 $148 to 166 $222 to 248 $ 296 to 332 Notes: All plans are presented with coresponding abatement and demolition cost of work. Millage is calculated with 4% interest at 37 years. Yearly amounts are approximate and are subject to final selection.

12 Financial Information Plan #DescriptionMillage Yearly Amount for Home value of $100,000 Yearly Amount for Home value of $150,000 Yearly Amount for Home value of $200,000 Option 1 New Pk-6 New Jr/Sr High 7-12 6.86 to 7.36 $240 to 258$360 to 386$480 to 515 Option 2New Pk-12 6.26 to 6.76 $219 to 237$329 to 355$438 to 473 Segmented Option New 6-12 4.23 to 4.73 $148 to 166$222 to 248$296 to 332 Notes: All plans are presented with coresponding abatement and demolition cost of work. Millage is calculated with 4% interest at 37 years. Yearly amounts are approximate and are subject to final selection.

13 Financial Information Plan #DescriptionMillage Monthly Amount for Home value of $100,000 Monthly Amount for Home value of $150,000 Monthly Amount for Home value of $200,000 Option 1 New Pk-6 New Jr/Sr High 7-12 6.86 to 7.36 $20 to 22$30 to 32$40 to 43 Option 2New Pk-12 6.26 to 6.76 $18 to 20$27 to 30$37 to 40 Segmented Option New 6-12 4.23 to 4.73 $12 to 14$18 to 19$25 to 28 Notes: All plans are presented with coresponding abatement and demolition cost of work. Millage is calculated with 4% interest at 37 years. Yearly amounts are approximate and are subject to final selection.

14 Pk-12 Building Study


16 40 Acres + 1537/100 = 15.37 = 55.37 Acres

17 Pk-12 Study 200,000 SQFT BUILDING STADIUM BASEBALL SOFTBALL SOCCER PARKING (360) BUS-DROP OFF (20) / HARD SURFACE PLAY PLAYGROUND IVS (DURING CONSTRUCTION) * * * * S. XENIA DRIVE ROBERT PIKE NOTES -Existing 34 Acre Campus -New work would be built while operating IVS - Sports fields are shown for scale if decision is made to incorporate into campus

18 Survey #2


20 Round Table Discussion 1. Do you prefer one (1) PK through 12 facility or two (2) separate facilities (PK-5/6 and 6/7-12)? 2.Would you prefer to use current district properties or add the cost of purchasing properties as a LFI to the bond issue? 3.Do you prefer a district-wide solution (addressing all facilities now) or a segmented option (addressing the high school facilities now and keeping IV and Enon as is) at this time? 4. Rate the top (3) LFI Priorities the BOE should consider: 1. Land Acquisition 2. Energy Efficiency Building Features 3. Additional Gym Space 4. Additional Classroom Space 5. Additional Instructional Technology 6. Higher Quality Interior Finishes 7. Steeply-pitched roofs 8. Brick building envelope 9. Additional Science Classroom Space 10. Additional Band, Choir, Perf. Arts Space 11. Auditorium 12. Other (please list)

21 Thank You!

22 Reference Slides

23 FACTS: Enon Primary Serves (294) Pk-1 students Original Constructed in 1949 Additions in 1980 and 1997 Total Area = 35,737 sqft 7.16 Acres Classrooms are undersized The following systems were recommended to repair or replace: HVAC Windows RoofFinishes Electric / LightingADA SecurityDoor Plumbing Life Safety Technology Furniture

24 FACTS: Indian Valley Intermediate Serves (619) 2-6 students Original Constructed in 1964 Additions in 1965 / 1967 Reno / Addition in 1999 Total Area = 35,737 sqft 34 Acres Classrooms are undersized The following systems were recommended to repair or replace: HVAC Windows RoofFinishes Electric / LightingADA SecurityDoor Plumbing Life Safety Technology Furniture

25 FACTS: Greenon Jr./Sr. High Serves (751) 7-12 students Original Constructed in 1954 Additions in ‘55,’59,’64,’66,’69,’80 Total Area = 104,924 sqft 42.5 Acres Classrooms are undersized The following systems were recommended to repair or replace: HVAC Windows RoofFinishes Electric / LightingADA SecurityDoor Plumbing Life Safety Technology Furniture

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