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Introduction to Study Practices Session 1: Learning Strategies and Learning Support Student Learning Support & International English Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Study Practices Session 1: Learning Strategies and Learning Support Student Learning Support & International English Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Study Practices Session 1: Learning Strategies and Learning Support Student Learning Support & International English Centre

2 Why am I here?  Degree  Critical thinking  Learning  Professional skills and employability  Making friends

3 Who are we and what do we offer?  Help with study skills, including academic writing, presentation skills, referencing, etc.  Free weekly seminars  UG modules  One to one sessions with a professional writer (RLF)  One to one sessions for language support (IEC)  Online study skills materials and advice though AberSkills  Provided by Student Learning Support / International English Centre  

4 Pwy ydyn ni a beth ydyn ni’n ei gynnig yn Gymraeg?  Cynnorthwyo gyda sgiliau iaith Gymraeg gan gynnwys ysgrifennu academaidd, sgiliau cyflwyno ac ati  Seminarau am ddim  Bob wythnos neu sesiynau dwys brynhawn Mercher (2 sesiwn)  Cofrestrwch am y Dystysgrif Sgiliau Iaith ac chael cymhwyster ychwanegol  Cewch dynnu yn ôl cyn gwneud yr asesiadau  Sesiynau un-wrth-un gyda’r Tiwtor Sgiliau Iaith Gymraeg  Deunyddiau sgiliau astudio a chyngor ar-lein ar safle SgiliauAber ac ar safle’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol  Cyflwyno aseiniadau i gael adborth iaith  Cofrestrwch cyn 1 Tachwedd 2016:  Canolfan Gwasanaethau’r Gymraeg sy’n darparu

5 Planning your studies

6 Short term planning  Have a routine  Fill gaps constructively  Break up study into tasks  Balance work with your social life

7 Manage your workload  Know your deadlines well in advance  Familiarise yourself with module information and assessments  Break up tasks into long, medium and short term  Allow for unexpected events and conflicting schedules (illness, social events, etc.)  Check departmental extensions policy

8 Know your degree  Study schemes   Modules information   Past exam papers 

9 Study schemes and modules  Identify your study scheme  Title  Code  Module identifiers: all modules have a unique code, which is known as the module identifier, e.g.  MM10210: Marketing Principles  First two letters = degree scheme or department.  First number = year of study  Final two numbers = number of credits (mostly 20, but could also be 10, 30 or 40)

10 Identify the following for each of your modules (inc. examples) Module Identifier Type of delivery Lectures, seminars, etc. Type of assessment Essays, reports, presentations, exams, dissertations, etc. Words/length Deadline (need to refer to module handbooks for dates) Supplementary assessment (what happens if you need to resit) IP12420 Lectures/ seminars Critical review Essay Article review 1,500 2,000 1,000 ? Repeat failed assessment MM10120 Lectures/ seminars Coursework/ seminar participation 2 hr unseen exam ? ?? ? ? Repeat failed assessment FM10620 10 x lecture/seminar Assignment 1 Assignment 2 1,000 3,000 ?Repeat failed assessment

11 Create a summary for each semester Semester 1: Number of Word count/length Essays Reports Exams Presentations Other Total number of assignments Total word count (essays, reports) Total time (exams, presentations)

12 Full document for “Know your degree”  Blackboard:  AberSkills Tab on top line OR  AberSkills:  Learning Strategies:

13 Wednesdays 19 th Oct – 7 th Dec 14:00 – 15:00: Writing and Study Skills  Free Undergraduate course in Academic Writing and Information Skills Free Undergraduate course in Academic Writing and Information Skills  Penglais: Edward Llwyd 0.01  Llanbadarn: Rheidol 2.20  Interpreting essay questions  Clarity and focus  Planning and writing introductions  Paraphrasing and citation  Quotation and citation  Essay structures: the nature of argument  Drawing conclusions and writing conclusions  Revision and exam skills These topics may not necessarily appear in this order

14 Courses and services for Learning Support  Student Learning Support / International English Centre  Free Undergraduate course in Academic Writing and Information Skills Free Undergraduate course in Academic Writing and Information Skills  Undergraduate modules Undergraduate modules  One to one writing support (RLF) or request appointment via One to one writing support (RLF)  One to one language support or request appointment via One to one language support  AberSkills: online study resources (Blackboard or web)Blackboardweb

15 Inclusive learning and productivity  For students with specific learning differences, such as dyslexia, or for students with long standing health conditions, contact Student Support:  Student Support Student Support   Tel: 01970 621761

16 Questions  Thank you for attending  Any questions?  The next session will be on Good Academic Practice  This afternoon: 13:00 - 14:00 and 14:00 – 15:00  Wednesday 12 th October 14:00 – 15:00 and 15:00 – 16:00

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