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1 Career Services for GW Exchange Students

2 Tell me about yourself What would you like to learn today? Are you interested in an internship? Do you expect a wage? Academic credit? When you return to your home, what would you have liked to have accomplished in the U.S., related to your career?

3 Welcome, Welcome !! How the Center Serves You And, how you help yourself US Culture/Job Market Review Career Services at GW What would be helpful to you? Introduce GWork Online job and intern listings for GW students Questions Today

4 Center for Career Services CCS Assists You Share resources Enhance resume/cover letter/search materials Refine your career goals Facilitate networking Produce career workshops’ 1:1 Drop in Coaching But, CCS Does Not.... Provide an internship/job Re-write resumes/letters’ English language/grammar Direct you to a career Make personal referrals Customize individual events Meet weekly

5 US Culture/Job Market US Culture – Shoot for the stars!, Anything is possible!, Go for your dreams!, You can do anything!, Work hard to achieve goals!, You’ll be fine – just make contacts!! Job Market (Network) – Unpaid internships (Network) – Employers slow for offers (Continue to network) – Explain how your visa status impacts your hiring (Keep networking)

6 Focus on or eliminate certain career paths Enhance resume, learn and develop new skills Meet new career contacts Learn how to work in an office/professional environment Benefits of Internships

7 Drop-In Career Coaching: Discuss resumes, cover letters, interviewing, job/internship search, career options, resources* Career Workshops: Skill-building programs, industry panels, employer Information sessions* Self-Assessment: Workshops Career Fairs: Site Visits, Employer-in-Residence Special Programming: International students Center Services

8 Expectations CCS Serves You Share resources Enhance resume/cover letter/search materials Refine your career goals Facilitate networking Produce career workshops Offers 1:1 career coaching CCS Does Not.... Provide an internship/job Re-write resumes/letters’ English language/grammar Direct you to a career Make personal referrals Customize individual events Meet weekly

9 Top 10 Skills Sought by U.S. Employers* Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside/outside organization Ability to work in a team structure Ability to make decisions and solve problems Ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work Ability to obtain and process information Ability to analyze quantitative data Technical knowledge related to the job Proficiency with computer software programs Ability to create and/or edit written reports Ability to sell or influence others * National Association of College and Employers, Annual Survey of Employers, December 2013

10 Resume (not CVs) in the U.S.* No personal information (age, marital status, weight, heights), no photos, no SS# Tailor your resume to each employer/position Research and target employers and analyze position description for skills, education, and experience ONE PAGE and write your own/no templates Objective facts only in resume: – Identification, Education, Experience, Skills Subjectivity, with examples, in cover letters – “I believe I am an excellent candidate for the position...

11 Cover Letter* Written communication: highlights accomplishments and experiences that demonstrates match of your abilities to employers’ needs Business letter with no errors, typos, poor grammar; well written, 3 to 4 paragraphs; may be subjective Four paragraphs, one page at most – 1st paragraph: Why are you writing? – 2nd (and 3rd paragraph): Why should they hire you? – 4th paragraph: Action to take/how to contact you?

12 Network, Network, Network, Network, Network -Alumni Dinners, International Student Alumni Networking Night, LinkedIn, GW CCS Blog, Events on Campus Employers Employer Information Sessions (Employers visit campus) -Employers-in-Residence -Employer Site Visits (Students Career Fairs and Industry Expos and Weeks -Panel presentations from industry pros -Industry connections via alumni employers -Connect with employers by field Learn and Network: Target Employers

13 GWork All students GWorkSB for GWSB Students Intl Exchange – unique exception Online intern and job listing service for GW students Make Career Coach Appointments RSVP for Events and Workshops Online Resources GoinGlobal USA Career Guides InterviewStream Brad Traverse Book of Lists Optimal Resume Online


15 Colonial Crossroads, Marvin Center 505 202.994.6495 Questions? Connect & engage with the GW Center for Career Services

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