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Course Work 2: Critical Reflection GERALDINE DORAN B

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1 Course Work 2: Critical Reflection GERALDINE DORAN B00700402

2 Details on the context of your design  Higher Level Apprenticeship in Computing: need to make the modules delivered in current computing foundation degrees more suitable for blended delivery.  My main specialism is Programming and I already deliver several programming modules on existing Foundation Degrees in Computing and Interactive Multimedia.  I would be interested in taking the Introduction to Programming module and examining ways of making it more accessible to students who may only be present in College for a few hours per week.  I am focussing on a part of the content, the use and application of Selection Statements in programming.

3 Brief overview of your completed design  Pre-class activity : on-line introduction to concept of selection (in non-programming terms); a short on-line quiz  In-class activities : group task to recap pre-class material.  Investigation of Selection in the Java Programming language. Students access sample code on Moodle to download and run. Short coding exercises.  Pair Programming Exercise to design and implement simple programs involving selection.  Final review activity using a digital questionnaire to gather student views on lesson effectiveness, delivery, use of resources and future improvements.  Post class activities : an on-line quiz, focusing on the Java syntax. Students download and complete some partially written programs.  On-line discussion forum for the students.  Additional resources made available include a Podcast summarising theory notes on selection, a short screen capture video showing coding of 2 simple selection structures and links to external video resources.

4 Effectiveness of the curriculum design workshop  This gave time to focus on an area of the curriculum where teaching could be enhanced by use of digital technologies  Working with another lecturer was a good way to develop ideas  Inviting students to join the workshop was positive  I gained a good insight into the digital resources that students have access to outside of class  The students were enthusiastic about the use of digital tools to generate pre and post class activities and to provide additional resources to enhance learning  Use of Viewpoints cards was effective  Use of Viewpoint’s Flipped Learning Planner enabled all elements of lesson to be easily planned

5 Feedback from stakeholders on the curriculum design workshop  Lecturers found it very helpful to have time to focus on Curriculum Design  The students were very positive about the idea of flipped classroom and the use of digital tools to provide additional learning experiences.  The feedback from the students during the workshop was very informative and gave me ideas to use when producing my suggested lesson plan  resources could provide “bite-sized” information  Short 5 minute podcasts giving an outline of content of the next lesson could be of use  The use of games/quizzes/apps for various programming topics was seen as potentially beneficial  Some element of competition introduced to activities could help encourage student participation in pre-class activities and promote interest and enthusiasm  Digital tools that could produce activities to help with revision topics would be welcomed  Using a Timer Countdown to ensure that activities are completed within a set time period could focus minds when completing activities

6 Self review and peer feedback on the completed design  Topic introduced using flipped classroom  Range of digital resources used to facilitate learning  Activities and resources used develop digital skills described by Beetham:  Digital learning and self development  Communication, collaboration and participation  Digital creation, innovation and scholarship  Information, data and media interfaces  ICT proficiency

7 Evaluation of the curriculum design process success or otherwise  Benefits  Understanding of Pedagogical Theories as applied to Learning Outcomes  Student input and their reflective observation  Peer contribution by lecturing colleague  Use of Viewpoints cards and Viewpoint’s Flipped Learning Planner  Understanding of range of digital skills development as described by Beetham  Appreciation of use of digital tools used to facilitate learning

8 Reflection on your own continuing professional development and opportunities for future development?  Made me reflect more on writing of Learning Outcomes  Increased my awareness of range of Pedagogical Theories surrounding the use of Digital Technologies to facilitate Learning  Used Viewpoints cards to generate ideas  Increased my confidence in providing a flipped classroom  Used Viewpoint’s Flipped Learning Planner to plan all aspects of lesson  Keen to develop my knowledge of available digital tools in next module

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