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SEPTEMBER YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT For the month of September, we will focus on the importance of good nutrition. The following pages contain verbiage, tips,

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Presentation on theme: "SEPTEMBER YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT For the month of September, we will focus on the importance of good nutrition. The following pages contain verbiage, tips,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPTEMBER YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT For the month of September, we will focus on the importance of good nutrition. The following pages contain verbiage, tips, a printable poster and other articles and resources that you can reference and share with your co-workers and employees.

2 WHAT AND WHY: Most people know good nutrition and physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight, but the benefits of good nutrition go beyond weight. Good nutrition can help reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers and osteoporosis. It can also reduce high blood pressure, lower high cholesterol, give you more energy and more. Good nutrition simply means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to work at its best.

3 IDEAS FOR ACTIVITIES: Distribute copies of the MyPlate poster to all team members. This visual reminder about portions can help raise awareness of what, and how much, we are eating. Don’t forget to hang one in the breakroom as well!MyPlate poster Take turns bringing in a lesser known fruit or vegetable for team members to sample. Grocery stores carry many varieties that some of us have never taken the time to try. Host a healthy recipes potluck. If you have a larger staff, break it into smaller groups so that there isn’t too much food.

4 ARTICLES: 6 Reasons for Eating Healthy 13 Nifty Nutrition Infographics How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label VIDEO: Teach Every Child About Food TED Talk by Jamie OliverTeach Every Child About Food

5 THE MORE YOU KNOW! 25 TIPS, TIDBITS OF TRIVIA AND TWEETS ABOUT HEALTH WITHIN THE OFFICE. SHARE ONE VIA EMAIL EACH DAY OR POST THEM NEXT TO THE WATER COOLER. 1.A healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating small, healthy meals throughout the day keeps your energy up and your metabolism going. 2.Chewing sugar free gum gives you fresh breath and can also help manage hunger, control snack cravings and aid in weight loss. 3. A new study suggests that people who cook at home most of the time consume generally healthier meals with fewer calories. 4.Avocados are a great source of healthy fats that help athletes recover and meet their higher caloric needs during intense training periods. 5.Salmon, tuna and sardines are all loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, an anti-flammatory nutrient that aids in recovery, as well as blood flow, memory, hair and skin health. 6.Reducing the sodium Americans eat by 1,200mg per day could save up to $20 billion a year in medical costs. 7.Limit your consumption of red meat and incorporate a variety of other proteins such as beans, eggs, legumes, nuts, fish, low-fat dairy and poultry into your diet.

6 MORE TIPS: 8.The best healthy cuisines are Indian, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican and Greek. 9.Drinking a glass of ice water can burn 25 calories. 10.Most restaurant entrees are two servings. 11.Eat breakfast. Start your morning with a healthy breakfast that includes lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. 12.Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies add color, flavor and texture plus vitamins, minerals and fiber to your plate. Make 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables your daily goal. 13.Healthy snacks can sustain your energy levels between meals, especially when they include a combination of foods. Try raw veggies with low-fat cottage cheese or a tablespoon of peanut butter with an apple or banana. 14.Americans get most of their sodium — 77 percent — from processed foods. If you choose these foods, compare the labels and look for lower-sodium versions. 15.Cook at home. Cooking at home is not only a great way to make sure the ingredients are healthy, but portions are correct. Try using a smaller salad-size plate instead of a big dinner plate, as well.

7 MORE TIPS: 16.Learn how to substitute good fats (mono and polyunsaturated fats) for bad fats (saturated and trans fats). For example, try canola oil or olive oil instead of butter. Choose lean meats, poultry without skin and fish instead of fattier cuts of meats. 17.By switching those chips, cookies, etc. for a snack option that requires a bit more work on your end — like an orange you have to peel or nuts that require individual shells to be cracked open (think pistachios) — you'll ultimately consume less. 18.Keep a toothbrush and toothpaste at your desk, and brush after lunch. The clean, minty-fresh feeling and taste in your mouth deter you from wanting to consume sweet or savory foods. 19.If you struggle with mindless snacking at work, try to stay off social media throughout the day— especially if you are hungry to begin with. 20.Rather than frying meat, bake, grill or broil it. Take the skin off before eating chicken or turkey. Eat fish at least once a week. 21.Cut calories by drinking water or unsweetened beverages. 22.A glass of red wine a day is good for you. A number of studies have found this, but a recent one found that the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea, red wine and olives may also help protect you against breast cancer.

8 MORE TIPS: 23.Typical American diets exceed the recommended intake levels or limits in four categories: calories from solid fats and added sugars, refined grains, sodium and saturated fat. 24.Low-fat popcorn will satisfy your craving for something salty and crunchy, and it's also a good source of fiber. 25.Frozen bananas are a great substitute to ice cream, which is rich in sugar and fat. A medium- size banana contains the needed amount of glucose by the brain to perform at its best.

9 APPENDIX: We can’t take all of the credit. In compiling this information, we referenced the following organizations and websites:

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