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The three types of Greek columns. Mayan Empire in the Rainforest.

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Presentation on theme: "The three types of Greek columns. Mayan Empire in the Rainforest."— Presentation transcript:

1 The three types of Greek columns

2 Mayan Empire in the Rainforest

3 Empire of Alexander the Great

4 Location of Egypt and Nubia

5 Location of the ancient Hebrews

6 Location of the Aztecs

7 Location of the Mayan empire

8 Location of the Incas

9 Location of Ghana, Mali, Songhai

10 Location of Axum (x-Christian Kingdom)

11 Location of Zambezi River and Zimbabwe

12 Location of Japan

13 Location of Constantinople & Black Sea

14 agricultural revolution (Neolithic era) led to permanent settlements

15 Ka’aba (image) (Islam)

16 Shinto temple (image) (Japan)

17 Location of Spain

18 The first European universities were based on the scholarly contributions of monasteries

19 Map that shows the spread of the Black Death

20 Location of Mongol Empire

21 Movable-Type Printing Press

22 Map that shows the spread of Islam

23 Survival needs had the greatest effect on the movements of early nomadic societies

24 The Ten Commandments (Hebrews)

25 Torah (Hebrews)

26 City of Rome

27 Map of the Roman Empire

28 Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope

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