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Presentation on theme: "MY CAREER COMPASS TO BECOMING A…. Mental Health Nurse."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mental health nurse is provide support and care to people with emotional and mental disorders. Together with doctors, psychiatrists, and social workers, mental health nurses assess patients’ conditions. Some mental health nurses specialize in working with children and adolescents or with the elderly JOB DESCRIPTION The Reason I worked a lot in volunteer organization and I saw many people who had mental ills. When I was working for patients, I realized cure patients‘ mental can make my life more valuable.

3 SKILLS, ATTRIBUTES AND CHARACTERISTICS  Patient personality  Conversation skills  Psychology expertise

4 SALARY  Generally, full-time mental health nurses can expect to make anywhere from about $45,000 to $90,000 a year, although some senior nurses earn more than this. Nurses can increase their earnings by doing overtime work. They also receive pay for being on-call, which means they are ready to go to work on a moment’s notice if needed.

5 SHORT TERM GOALS  Study speaking English  For University get 70% in English 11 and English 12 *Science Biology 11, Physics 11 and Biology 12 Mathematics 11,12  Graduate high school

6 LONG TERM GOALS  Find a practical program and participate in a practical  Build up careers ㄴ study for PHD / volunteer in the hospital  Get high score in the university and become a bachelor  Speak second language perfectly

7 UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Program : Psychology UBC Time: Length of program : 4 years At least,I need 5 years for becoming a mental health nurse. Psychology Requirements PHD : Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology

8 POTENTIAL OBSTACLES  Obstacles Money problem Second language problem Parents against. Solution Parents help, get part time job Study really hard and meet people who speak English well Show some result about psychology

9 TIMELINE 1 st / Graduate High school and start go to university / 2019 2 / Start get a PHD about nurse / 2020 3 / Take a career programs and start build up my careers / 2021 4 / Graduate university / 2024 5 / Get a job as soon as possible / 2025

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