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The Sins That Crucified The Savior. Introduction ● Are the same sins we are guilty of all the time. ● There are many forms of sins, and they are all just.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sins That Crucified The Savior. Introduction ● Are the same sins we are guilty of all the time. ● There are many forms of sins, and they are all just."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sins That Crucified The Savior

2 Introduction ● Are the same sins we are guilty of all the time. ● There are many forms of sins, and they are all just as wrong now as back then. ● This lesson will concentrate on the most obvious sins of the crucifixion. ● It is hypocritical to condemn those who crucified Jesus when we have the same sins today. ● Let us review these

3 Ignorance ●L●Luke 23:34 “They know not what they do” ●A●Acts 3:17 “you acted in ignorance” ●1●1 Corinthians 2:8 “none of the rulers of this age has understood;”

4 ● The truth is rejected in ignorance today. ● The truth is important. ● We need to instill in people the importance of the truth of God's word. ● Ephesians 5:17 “understand the will of the Lord” ● Hebrews 5:14 “trained to discern between good and evil.

5 Ignorance ● Persecution is a result of ignorance. ● Always has been animosity for what is unknown. ● People who are different are suspect of evil. ● Just remember, the wrath of God will be upon those who persecute God's people. ● These same persecutors would have no problem in killing Jesus today.

6 Hatred Of Good ● Acts 10:38 “Jesus went about doing good” ● John 10:32 “I showed many good works from the Father”. ● John 15:25 “hated without a cause”

7 Hatred Of Good ● John 3:19-21 some loved the darkness because their deeds are evil. ● Evil opposes good, those who love evil hate the good. ● Gal 4:16 “become your enemy by telling the truth?

8 Hatred Of Good ●P●Proverbs 9:8 “Rebuke a wise man and he will appreciate it. ●W●We should appreciate anyone who would try to straighten us out to do the things that are right. ●W●When Jesus pointed out the faults of the Jewish leaders, did they appreciate it?

9 Prejudice ● Preconceived judgment or opinion, ● Unreasonable objection not based on fact. ● An opinion reached without knowledge of facts. ● It is especially bad if the prejudice is of a religious nature. ● Because souls are at stake.

10 Prejudice ● Religious prejudice is raging today. ● We must examine every issue and doctrine and teaching with an open mind, ● And compare with the word of Truth, the Bible. ● Each generation must do this.

11 Envy ● Discontent at the excellence or good fortune of another. ● Resentful begrudging, or coveting. ● Pilate knew that the Jews wanted Jesus destroyed because of envy Matthew 27:18. ● The people were listening to Jesus and not them.

12 Envy ● If we are not careful, we can be guilty of this sin as well. ● Proverbs 3:31 “Do not envy the oppressor” ● “Grass is greener” syndrome ● Song: “how others prosper living in sin” ● The envious only do harm to themselves and their loved ones.

13 Love Of Money ● Judas betrayed Jesus for money Matthew 26:14-16 ● The love of money is the root of all sorts of evil. ● The Lord is being betrayed today by those who have a love of money.

14 Love Of Money ● Many are too busy making money to work for the Master. ● The gospel is perverted for the love of money. ● Preachers know what the people want and give it to them, all the while their souls are lost. ● Preach the truth, tell it like it is, and let the chips fall where they may.

15 Lying ● Matthew 26:59-62 false witnesses spoke against Jesus. ● Matthew 28:11-1 the soldiers were paid to lie about the body of Jesus. ● To hire someone to do your dirty work makes you just as guilty.

16 Lying ● The sin of lying is still prevalent today. ● Ephesians 4:25 Christians are to put it away. ● Proverbs 6:16-19 God hates the lying tongue and the false witness ● Probably the most prolific sin of all Christians. ● All liars will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone Revelation 21:8

17 Shirking Responsibility ● Matthew 27:20-24 Pilate knew Jesus was innocent. ● His job as governor was to protect the innocent and punish evil-doers Romans 13:3-4 ● Because he feared the people and their threats, he allowed the crucifixion to take place.

18 Shirking Responsibility ● Passing the buck is very prevalent today. ● Parents shirk responsibility of parenting ● Spouses shirk their responsibility of being faithful and supportive of their spouse. ● Members shirk their local church duties. ● The result of this is lost souls.

19 Mob Violence ● The mob threatened Pilate and he gave in Luke 23:21-24 ● Several cases where mobs were used against God's people. ● We should never follow a multitude to do evil. Exodus 23:2 ● Watch the news where a mob has gathered, and see if anything good comes from it.

20 Conclusion ● We need to work to avoid the same sins that crucified our Savior. ● All of these sins contributed to His death. ● However what these people did not realize is that it was part of God's plan for the Savior to die this way. ● It is not God's plan for us to behave this way.

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