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Presentation on theme: "EXTREMITY TRAUMA 1 Trg03~Mod7 EFFECTS OF HEAT AND COLD."— Presentation transcript:


2 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 2 Trg03~Mod7 Learning Outcomes Describe how to recognise the effects of: extreme cold extreme heat. Explain how to manage the effects of: extreme cold extreme heat.

3 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 3 Trg03~Mod7 Heat and Cold The body’s thermostat is located in the brain and enables the body temperature to be monitored and to some extent, controlled at a level approximately 36.9 degrees Celsius. The temperature control can be affected by extremes of external heat or cold, dehydration of the body’s fluid content by injury to the head or spine that in turn affects the central nervous system.

4 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 4 Trg03~Mod7 How does the body maintain its normal temperature ? n Conversion of food into energy (metabolism), from external heat sources and by muscle activity n In hot conditions blood vessels dilate allowing excess heat to be lost through the skin (sweating) and by increasing our breathing rate. n In cold conditions the blood vessels contract which reduces sweating.

5 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 5 Trg03~Mod7 The effects of cold n Shuts down the blood vessels in the skin – this stops the internal or core heat from escaping n During prolonged exposure to cold, wet and windy conditions the core body temperature may fall below 35 degrees Celsius causing normal bodily function to slow down and eventually stop. This is known as hypothermia. n Apart from the environmental conditions the casualty’s age and general condition play a large part in the development of hypothermia

6 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 6 Trg03~Mod7 The effects of cold n Re-warming a casualty too quickly can be fatal especially if they are in poor health, have been injured or have suffered prolonged exposure. This will result in cold blood being circulated through cold body tissue and will cause the blood to become even colder and lower blood pressure. Shock will occur and possible cardiac arrest. n Conscious cold casualty’s can – change wet clothing for dry, give warm drinks, extra blankets n Do not let them move around as this will circualte cold blood.

7 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 7 Trg03~Mod7 Hypothermia Recognition n Shivering (this will stop as the condition progresses) n Cold, pale and dry skin n Slow shallow breathing n Slow weak pulse n Strange irrational behaviour n Lethargy (very tired) n Unconsciousness leading to coma and cardiac arrest

8 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 8 Trg03~Mod7 Hypothermia Treatment n Find out how they have been exposed to the cold for the length of exposure and the lower the body temperature determines the rate at which you should re-warm the casualty n If a young person fall into cold water but is recovered quickly they will be a cold casualty but not hypothermic. These casualties can be warmed rapidly. n Remember a drop in the body temperature causes hypothermia

9 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 9 Trg03~Mod7 Hypothermia Treatment n Move the casualty to a sheltered and warm place n Keep the casualty in a horizontal position n Insulate them from the ground and surroundings n Treat for shock n Cover with blankets but do not overheat n Prevent heat escaping from the extremities n Call 999 or 112 and monitor their airway and breathing….

10 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 10 Trg03~Mod7 Hypothermia Treatment.. n Do not give any food or drink n Do not rub the skin or put the casualty next to a heat source n Do not stand them up or walk them around to get warm n Do not overheat them warm them slowly

11 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 11 Trg03~Mod7 The effects of Heat Heat Exhaustion n When the body temperature exceed the atmospheric temperature particularly in humid conditions heat will not evaporate from the body. This often takes place with strenuous exercise causing a loss of salt and water from the body (dehydration). This is known as heat exhaustion and because the fluid component of the blood is reduced and the casualty will suffer from shock.

12 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 12 Trg03~Mod7 HEAT EXHAUSTION Recognition n Headache n Confusion n Sweating with pale, clammy skin n Muscle cramps in the abdomen and limbs n Rapid weakening pulse and breathing n Temperatures around 39 degrees Celcius

13 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 13 Trg03~Mod7 The effect of Heat Heatstroke n When there is a failure of the thermostat in the brain the body’s temperature will rise above 40 degrees Celsius. This may have been brought on by uncontrollable heat exhaustion, prolonged exposure to high temperatures or as a result of an illness or fever. If this is not treated immediately brain damage can occur.

14 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 14 Trg03~Mod7 Heatstroke Recognition n Headache n Confusion and general discomfort n Hot, flushed and dry skin n Body temperature above 40 degrees celcius n Rapid deterioration n Full bounding pulse n Slow and noisy breathing n Levels of response deteriorate rapidly

15 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 15 Trg03~Mod7 Heatstroke Treatment n Place in a cool or shaded environment n Remove outer clothing and cool down (a cold wet flannel or sheet) be careful not to overcool n Dial 999 or 112 if not already done so n Ensure a good source of fresh air n Be prepared to carry out CPR as required.

16 EXTREMITY TRAUMA 16 Trg03~Mod7 TASK To make an information leaflet to give to parents to inform them extreme cold extreme heat. 5.1 Explain how to manage the effects of: extreme cold extreme heat. 5.2



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