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CSC 172 DATA STRUCTURES. MIDTERM REVIEW MIDTERM EXAM 75 min 6 – 10 questions a lot like the quiz questions.

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3 MIDTERM EXAM 75 min 6 – 10 questions a lot like the quiz questions

4 MATHEMATICS Proof by Induction Big-Oh Recurrence Relations

5 ALGORITHM ANALYSIS Given code, analyze the runtime (words help, here)

6 LISTS Write a method based on public class Node { Object element; Node next; // Node prev; }

7 C pointers Most likely, a “what is the output of this code” type question pointers pointers to pointers lists address arithmetic

8 Stacks & Queues  Given an interface spec write a standard method.  Assuming an implemented structure, use it to do X.  Infix to Postfix  Postfix evaluation

9 TREES  Given an interface spec write a standard method.  Assuming an implemented structure, use it to do X.  Standard Tree Traversals

10 TREES  Standard operations on BST & AVL trees.  Standard techniques of implementing trees.  Prove something about a tree

11 Sets & Maps (Java Collections)  These topics are best covered in labs & projects

12 Hashing  Insert items into a hash table using one of the strategies we discussed  “What is the output of this code?”

13 Priority Queues  Insert, deleteNext on a Heap  “What is the output of this code?”  Implementation is in this week's lab

14 Combinatorics  This was the subject of a workshop quiz.

15 Suggestions?  If you had to write one question that would demonstrate what you learned, what would it be?  I will seriously consider email submissions (look at old exams for format).

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