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Presentation Summer School Kuopio, Finland June 2015.

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1 Presentation Summer School Kuopio, Finland June 2015

2 Research Project on Sustainable Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education 5 schools in Eastern Uganda 5 schools in Western Kenya What are the right levers to make the implementation sustainable and successful? Do we have enough knowledge to know? When many levers need to be pushed (Whole School Approach), how can that work? Is success already visible?

3 Improve quality and fidelity of implementation in order to Improve impact at student level Increase the number of students reached per school Reach students at the right age To increase sustainability of CSE at school To develop a sustainable, replicable and scalable model to reach new schools

4 Comprehensive Sexuality Education criteria Whole School Approach Operational ResearchScaling Up Framework Sustainable, replicable and scalable implementation model for CSE The four pillars of the research project

5 Whole School Approach Ownership Participation Not only classroom interventions All stakeholders Longer term commitment

6 Learners Mana- gement Peer educators Ministry officials Teachers (trained/ non trained) Support staff PTA/ parents Management support (policies, budget, moral support) Safe and healthy school environment Parent and community support Access to evidence based ASRHR information and youth friendly services Adequate teaching capacity (quantity and quality)

7 Phases in implementation and corresponding role of the Implementing Agency -Awareness, commitment to WSA -Implementation: self assessment workhop, workplan development, -Trainings -Workshops -Full implementation -Data collection -Review workshops -Adjustments in workplans - Consolidation - Community of practice. -Schools as advocates -Endterm data collection Year 1: Preparing the ground and start implementation Year 2: Full Implementation Year 3: Consolidation and Sustainability Capacity building, coaching, monitoring, advice -Selection of schools -Sensitization, design and planning the project with each school -Monitoring visits -Training Coaching, Monitoring, Advice -Monitoring visits -Data collection, reviews and adjustments Linking and learning; -Community of practice -Advise on demand -Endterm data collection CSE for All Young adolescents Ownership Quality implementation Sustainable implementation Youth making informed and healthy decisions concerning their sexual and reproductive health and rights Final impact Schools Implementing agency (IA)+ Technical Assistence

8 Self assessment Workshop

9 Visualization of the progress in one of the schools

10 Example of an Action Research question Outcome area 2: Access to youth friendly health services and evidence based, comprehensive and rights based ASRHR information. If we involve other professionals (health staff, school nurse, matron) in providing information and condom demonstration for students, does this lend to : Enhanced access to condom information and demonstration? A solution that all parties feel comfortable with (Ministry of Education, teachers, management, students, board, parents and religious leaders? Change in knowledge and intentional behaviour with regards to condom use?

11 Results so far Schools actively engage and find (creative) solutions: time tabling, parents sessions, install a restroom, etc Increased # students/school (30 to 150/200) All schools show a modest, though steady progress Fastest results on physical environment (toilets, etc) Most significant effect on social environment through participatory development of new Code of Conduct in school Most challenging: Condom information and demonstration At least two to three years needed for a school to live through the oprocess and sustainably implement

12 Thilly de Boer Technical Advisor on Scaling Up and project leader for the Sustainable Implementation Research project in Kenya and Uganda

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