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RESEARCH & DISCOVERY Pivoting Exercise 10 – 20 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "RESEARCH & DISCOVERY Pivoting Exercise 10 – 20 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESEARCH & DISCOVERY Pivoting Exercise 10 – 20 minutes

2 When we innovate, failure is always an option

3 1959: British industrialist Henry Kremer offers £50,000 to the first person to build a human-powered aircraft What problems need to be solved to accomplish this? The Kremer Challenge

4 How to build an aircraft that can be quickly modified in the field. MacCready won the challenge because he built the capacity to learn from his failures directly into the design of the Gossamer Condor. The Problem Discovered by Paul MacCready

5 Why MacCready’s Competitors Didn’t Succeed Their designs relied on what they already knew about flight – just like these people:

6 Get out into the field and fail more often! The moral of the story is…

7 Further Resources Local Entrepreneurs talk about their pivots: Twenty One Toys Founder Ilana Ben-Ari Revelo Bikes Founder Henry Chong Related Activity in the Entrepreneurial Thinking Toolkit: Customer Discovery

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