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WELCOME to the 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation Brought to you by… Mrs. Broz Mr. Hall Mrs. Ladd Mrs. Zuhl.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to the 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation Brought to you by… Mrs. Broz Mr. Hall Mrs. Ladd Mrs. Zuhl."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to the 4 th Grade Curriculum Night Presentation Brought to you by… Mrs. Broz Mr. Hall Mrs. Ladd Mrs. Zuhl

2 4 th Grade Is About … Building and Fostering Independence, Responsibility, and Organizational Skills

3 Math Includes “Math Talks” and math journaling Continued emphasis on Basic Facts Focus on 8 Mathematical Practices

4 Mathematical Concepts/Domains Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Number and Operations-Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry

5 Mathematical Practices

6 Reading Workshop – Whole Group Focus Lessons – Small Group Lessons Strategy Guided Reading Book Clubs – 1 to 1 Teacher/Student Conferences – Sample areas of Study Character Study (focus on depth/detail) Themes/Author’s Message Traditional Literature Informational text (focus on depth/detail/text structure/domain- specific vocabulary) Research Home Reading-BPS requirement is 100 minutes+/week

7 Writing Workshop – Whole Group Focus Lessons – Small Group Lessons – 1 to 1 Teacher/Student Conferences – Free Writing – On Demand Writing – Units of Study Narrative (real/imagined) Opinion/Persuasive Informational/Expository Research Writing/Project

8 Language Arts Word Study – Student Centered – Data Driven – Examining, manipulating, comparing, and categorizing words Grammar, Usage, Mechanics (G.U.M.) – Sentence structure – Parts of speech – Word usage (their, they’re, there, your, you’re) – Mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, etc.) – Grammar (subject/verb agreement, verb tenses, etc.)

9 Science Units of Study: – Environments – Earth Materials – Sun, Moon, Earth – Variables *Nature Center Field Trip

10 Social Studies Units of Study: Geography – Map Skills – Regions of the United States Civics – Rights/Responsibilities of Citizens and Structure of Federal Government – Public Discourse Economics – Understanding a market economy

11 Michigan Model for Health Social Emotional – Using self-control to manage strong feelings – Feeling better through positive self-talk – Practicing ways to protect self and others from bullying – Ways to resolve conflicts Safety – Preventing fires and burns – Escaping fires at home – Staying safe when alone – Internet Safety

12 Michigan Model for Health Alcohol and Tobacco Use – Dangers of second-hand smoke – Positive consequences for not drinking alcohol – Positive and negative influences Hygiene/Reproductive Health Nutrition and physical activity – addressed in Physical Education classrooms

13 Classroom Safety and Wellness HEALTH ALERT: Several students in 4 th grade have food allergies. Please refrain from sending in a snack that ANY KIND OF NUT. SNACKS: Students are encouraged to bring in a HEALTHY snack each day. Our snack is in the morning and we need the energy to make it all day. Ideas include yogurt, cheese sticks, fruit, veggies and dip, granola bars, and bagels. Please refer to the sheet that came home with your child at the beginning of the school year. BIRTHDAY TREATS: Students may bring in a non-edible treat for the whole class on his/her birthday. This is due to the high volume and severity of food allergies in school, and in keeping with our district’s wellness plan. Students can bring in a little item for each classmate (pencil, eraser, sticker, etc.), or a game or book to donate to the class. We’ll still sing to him/her to make his/her day as special as possible.

14 Responsibility Assignment Notebooks/Planners- – Signed nightly Homework Policy – Must be turned in on due date – Missing work must be completed and turned in the next day Absences Due to Illness – District Policy is one make up day per day of absence for illness Absences Due to Vacation – Work that can be made up, will be made up upon return. – Work will not be given out prior to vacation. “Paws and Think” – Sent home when a student has difficulty following classroom and building expectations regarding honesty, truth, responsibility, and kindness – If three or more are sent home within a month, your child’s teacher will contact you to meet regarding the best ways to help your child build behaviors to increase success at school.

15 Special Activities SPECIAL EVENTS Nature Center Disability Awareness Battle of the Books Classroom celebrations (Halloween, Winter Party, Valentine’s Day, End of Year Party) * You will be notified about the dates/times of these special events in our classroom newsletters as the dates approach.

16 Thanks for Coming to the Fourth Grade Curriculum Night

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