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» You have 5 minutes to complete the tabs for Hobbes and Locke in the Enlightenment Flip Book. » Use your note guide, t chart, and Why Government Handouts.

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Presentation on theme: "» You have 5 minutes to complete the tabs for Hobbes and Locke in the Enlightenment Flip Book. » Use your note guide, t chart, and Why Government Handouts."— Presentation transcript:

1 » You have 5 minutes to complete the tabs for Hobbes and Locke in the Enlightenment Flip Book. » Use your note guide, t chart, and Why Government Handouts.

2 Objective: I can analyze how Enlightenment thinkers applied reason to discover natural laws guiding human nature in social, political, and economic systems and institutions. Re-worded: I can explain how the ideas from the Enlightenment changed government systems- Absolute Monarchy to Democracy

3 » The works of Locke and Hobbes set the stage for later development. » During the 1700s in France, Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Diderot, Beccaria, and Wollstonecraft carried the ideas of new government structures further. » Although these men and woman shared a desire to reform society, they differed in their views of what needed to be done. » In France, Enlightenment thinkers were called philosophes, or philosophers.

4 Part 1

5 » Published essays, plays, and works of fiction that reflected Enlightenment ideals » Believed in religious toleration and deism » Deism is the belief that God made the universe and left it to be ruled by natural law » Seeking social and political reform, Voltaire often used humor to attack the laws and customs of France

6 » His targets were the Roman Catholic Church, the powerful aristocracy, and the monarchy. » Often, Voltaire disguised his criticism in works of fiction. » Not surprisingly, his writings got him in trouble with the government. » During the course of his career, Voltaire was imprisoned in the Bastille and exiled from his native France for many years.

7 » What does Voltaire mean by “toleration?” » Why would Voltaire use a sense of humor when attacking the Roman Catholic Church and the monarchy? » Why would Voltaire attack the Roman Catholic Church and the monarchy? *Count off by 10s per pair

8 » Tolerance » Reason » Freedom of religious belief » Freedom of speech » “I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death your right to say it”

9 Objective: I can analyze how Enlightenment thinkers applied reason to discover natural laws guiding human nature in social, political, and economic systems and institutions.

10 » Which of the four beliefs of Voltaire do you think is the most important? Explain Why. » Explain Voltaire’s quote in your own words.


12 » Studied governments of ancient Rome and closely examined the contemporary governments of France and England » Concluded England had the best government because it balanced the powers of competing groups in society » The English government divided power among three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. » Separation of Powers

13 » What was Montesquieu’s big idea? » Identify the parts of Montesquieu’s big idea.

14 » Each branch had control of the others through a system of checks and balances. » Asserted a government with divided powers was a government of limited powers. » A government of limited powers was less likely to violate the natural rights of its citizens. » Later became basis for United States Constitution.

15 » Describe Montesquieu’s reasoning for using the separation of powers in government. [Be sure to include the following phrases or words: checks and balances, divided power, limited power, and natural rights. » What is the significance of Montesquieu’s idea?


17 Part 2

18 » Individual Freedom » Civilization corrupted peoples’ natural goodness » “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” » Only good government was one freely formed by the people and guided by the ‘general will’ of society—a direct democracy » Under such a government, people agree to give up some of their freedom in favor of the common good


20 » Explain Rousseau’s quote in your own words. » What type of government did Rousseau believe was best? » Describe that type of government.

21 Objective: I can analyze how Enlightenment thinkers applied reason to discover natural laws guiding human nature in social, political, and economic systems and institutions.

22 » Social Contract: it was an agreement among free individuals to create a society and a government » Legitimate government came from the consent of the governed (Like Locke) » Inspired many leaders of the French Revolution


24 » What was the significance (impact, effect) of Rousseau’s ideas?



27 » Helped spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe and the American colonies with his multivolume Encyclopedia » The Encyclopedia included articles written by scholars, philosophers, and scientists. » Hoped this huge work would summarize all theoretical and actual knowledge


29 » Describe the Encyclopedia that Diderot created. » What was the purpose of the Encyclopedia that Diderot created?

30 » Goal in editing the Encyclopedia was to change the way people thought » Many articles criticized the Roman Catholic Church and supported religious toleration (freedom) » Other articles advanced the Enlightenment idea of social reform


32 » What was the goal of Diderot with regards to the Encyclopedia? » What types of ideas were contained within the Encyclopedia?

33 » The Roman Catholic Church and the French government condemned the Encyclopedia and tried to censor it » The church did not like challenges to its authority » The monarchy did not like radical new ideas about government and the rights of the governed (people or citizens) » Even so, approximately 20,000 copies of the Encyclopedia (a very large number for that time) were printed and distributed


35 » What was the response of the Roman Catholic Church and French monarchy to Diderot’s Encyclopedia? » Why did the Roman Catholic Church and French monarchy have this response towards Diderot’s Encyclopedia?

36 Objective: I can analyze how Enlightenment thinkers applied reason to discover natural laws guiding human nature in social, political, and economic systems and institutions.

37 Part 3

38 » Italian » Promotes criminal justice » Believed laws existed to preserve social order, not to avenge crimes » Regularly criticized common abuses of justice » Including: torturing witnesses and suspects, irregular proceedings in trials, and punishments that were arbitrary or cruel


40 » What type of ideas did Beccaria promote? » What did Beccaria believe the purpose of laws were? » What were the common abuses of law Beccaria criticized?

41 » Argued that a person accused of a crime should receive a speedy trial, and that torture should never be used » The degree of punishment should be based on the seriousness of the crime » Believed capital punishment should be abolished


43 Objective: I can analyze how Enlightenment thinkers applied reason to discover natural laws guiding human nature in social, political, and economic systems and institutions.

44 » Rights of the accused included these two ideas by Beccaria—What were those two ideas? » How did Beccaria suggest society comes up with the right punishment for a crime? » What did Beccaria believe should be abolished?

45 » Beccaria based his ideas about justice on the principle that governments should seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people » His ideas influenced criminal law reformers in Europe and North America » 8 th Amendment-outlaws cruel and unusual punishment


47 » What was Beccaria’s main principle about justice? » Beccaria’s ideas influenced which group of people? » What amendment in the U.S. Constitution was influenced by Beccaria’s ideas? » Bonus Question—What other amendment in the U.S. Constitution was influenced by Beccaria’s ideas? [Hint: Idea in the notes, but amendment not in notes, but located in the Bill of Rights]

48 » 10/6/15 » Explain Beccaria’s ideas using your note guide and partner questions. Why did Beccaria have these ideas?


50 » Philosophes or philosophers (Enlightenment thinkers) often took traditional view of women » Rousseau, for example, developed many progressive ideas about education » However, he believed that a girl’s education should mainly teach her how to be a helpful wife and mother » Other male social critics scolded women for reading novels because they thought it encourage idleness and wickedness » Still, some male writers argued for more education for women and for women’s equality in marriage

51 » Disagreed with Rousseau that women’s education should be secondary to men’s » Need education to become virtuous (moral) and useful » Urged women to enter the male- dominated fields of medicine and politics


53 » Which thinker advocated women’s rights? » What were her suggestions to further women’s rights?

54 » Other women made important contributions to the Enlightenment in other ways— » In Paris and other European cities, wealthy women helped spread Enlightenment ideas through social gatherings called salons


56 » Describe the salons during the Enlightenment.


58 » 1) Belief in Progress-new discoveries in science, human reason could solve social problems, reformers urged an end to slavery and argued for greater social equality, as well as a more democratic style of government

59 » 2) A more secular outlook-non- religious » People began to question openly their religious beliefs and the teachings of the church

60 » 3) Importance of the Individual-the rise of individualism » Looked to themselves for guidance » Use your own ability to reason in order to judge what was right or wrong » Emphasized the importance of the individual in society » Government, they argued, was formed by individuals to promote their welfare


62 » What were three legacies of the Enlightenment? » Which of the three legacies is the most important and explain why?

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